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Merge pull request #5176 from gassmoeller/update_release-tasklist
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bangerth committed Jun 29, 2023
2 parents 2a8631c + 9cd84a8 commit b1fdd05
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Showing 3 changed files with 196 additions and 131 deletions.
324 changes: 193 additions & 131 deletions contrib/release/release-tasklist → contrib/release/
@@ -1,134 +1,196 @@
- Tasklist:
. leading up to a release:
. send out an email about problems or outstanding patches
. go through the list of TODOs in the source code and see what can be done
. make sure the description of the interfaces that need to be updated
are up to date in the manual
. update the used deal.II version for the Docker container in contrib/docker/docker/Dockerfile
and in the manual
. check that and are okay
and the links to the mailinglists are working (also in manual.pdf)
. run (and be patient):
cd benchmarks && make -f BUILD=$BUILDDIR -j4
cd cookbooks && make -f BUILD=$BUILDDIR -j4
. determine new version roughly following semantic versioning:
- format is X.Y.Z for a release, X.Y.Z-pre for the dev version or X.Y.Z-rcW for release candidates
- backwards incompatible changes require incrementing X, adding features incrementing Y
. setup:
export OLDVER=2.0.0;export VER=2.1.0;export VERSHORT=2.1;export NEXTVER=2.2.0-pre
export DEALSRCDIR=/ssd/deal-git/
. fix doxygen errors:
find include -name "*h" -print | xargs -n 1 $DEALSRCDIR/contrib/utilities/
and commit.
. manual, check for missing labels:
. cd doc
. make manual.pdf
. grep undefined manual/manual.log # try to remove some
. make aspect.tag
. and check for warnings
. fix formatting, copyright years:
find . -name "*.h" -print | while read file;do $DEALSRCDIR/contrib/utilities/ $file >temp;mv temp $file;done
. note: we started ignoring the rewrapping of comments, but we should still fix wrong indentation or other problems
git commit -a -m "doxygen formatting, comment wrapping"
# create a pull-request
. create branch for main PR to update changes.h in doc/modules:
git checkout -b post-release-$VER
cd doc/modules; rm -f changes/*~; ./ $OLDVER $VER;cd ../..
cd contrib/release;./ $NEXTVER; cd ..
git commit -m "release task: update version and changes.h"
# create a PR
. create a branch, bump version (note, make sure the PR above is included)
git checkout post-release-$VER && \
git checkout -b aspect-$VERSHORT && \
cd contrib/release && ./ $VER && cd ../.. && \
git commit -m "release task: update version info"
. compile aspect, make sure you have a symlink in the main directory for the next step
- make sure the WorldBuilder is found! (git submodule init)
. update doc/manual/parameters.tex and documentation:
cd doc && ./ && make manual.pdf && cp manual.pdf manual-$VER.pdf && cd .. && \
git add doc/manual/parameters.tex && \
git commit -m "release task: update manual"
. Tag an RC:
export TAG=$VER-rc1
cd contrib/release && ./ $TAG && cd ../.. && \
git commit -m "version $TAG" && \
git tag -s v$TAG -m "version $TAG"
. Tag the release:
export TAG=$VER
cd contrib/release && ./ $TAG && cd ../.. && \
git commit -m "version $TAG" && \
git tag -s v$TAG -m "version $TAG"
. create a tar file:
cd doc && make manual.pdf && cp manual.pdf ../aspect-manual-$TAG.pdf && cd ..
export PREFIX=aspect-$TAG && rm -rf $PREFIX.tar.gz && \
git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=$PREFIX/ HEAD >temp.tar.gz && \
rm -fr $PREFIX/ && \
tar xf temp.tar.gz && \
cd contrib/WorldBuilder/ && \
git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=$PREFIX/contrib/WorldBuilder/ HEAD >temp.tar.gz && \
cd ../.. && \
tar xf contrib/WorldBuilder/temp.tar.gz && \
tar czf $PREFIX.tar.gz $PREFIX/ && \
rm -rf contrib/WorldBuilder/temp.tar.gz

. final testing by extracting tarball, compiling, and running:
tar xf $PREFIX.tar.gz
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/home/dealii/aspect \
tjhei/dealii:v9.2.0-full-v9.2.0-r2-gcc5 /bin/bash

mkdir build; cd build
cmake -G "Ninja" -D ASPECT_RUN_ALL_TESTS=ON -D \
ninja; ctest -j 8 -V

. make public (branch and tag):
git push cig aspect-$VERSHORT
git push cig v$TAG
. sign:
gpg --detach-sign --armor aspect-$TAG.tar.gz
gpg --detach-sign --armor aspect-manual-$TAG.pdf
sha1sum aspect-$TAG.tar.gz aspect-manual-$TAG.pdf >sha1sum-$TAG.txt
. create a release on github, upload .tar.gz and manual-$VER.pdf
. update website (www repo):
- header.include: add link to changes
- index.html: add news entry
- cite.html: change to current version (2x)
. create zenodo release for source code:
- title: ASPECT v2.0.0
- license: GPL 2
- check CIG comments:
- cig community!
- update zenodo badge in to newest version (see badge button on the right of zenodo page)
- add zenodo badge also to the release on github (on top, see 2.0.1 for an example)
- readme / release notes: add zenodo DOI button
- manual/manual.bib: add new zenodo entry
. create figshare DOI for manual (just upload a new version as the same entry)
- update manual/manual.bib entry
. update doc/manual/manual.bib with src and manual doi
. update and citing.html in www repo:
- add new version in citing.html, search for "<option"
- doc/
- add new version, update doc/zenodo dois
- run aspect/doc/ python3 add to www
. update
update current release number
create entry for the new release
update the list of contributors
. update docker image geodynamics/aspect:
- modify contrib/docker/docker/Dockerfile and contrib/docker/docker/ to checkout the release
cd contrib/docker/docker && ./
docker push geodynamics/aspect:v$TAG
. update the spack installation package with the latest tarball,
see for an example
. announce on
# Release Tasklist

## Leading up to a release
- send out an email about problems or outstanding patches
- go through the list of TODOs in the source code and see what can be done
- make sure the description of the interfaces that need to be updated
are up to date in the manual
- update the used deal.II version for the Docker container in `contrib/docker/docker/Dockerfile`
and in the manual
- check that `` and is up-to-date
and the links are working
- run (and be patient):

cd benchmarks && make -f BUILD=$BUILDDIR -j4
cd cookbooks && make -f BUILD=$BUILDDIR -j4

- determine new version roughly following semantic versioning:
- format is X.Y.Z for a release, X.Y.Z-pre for the dev version or X.Y.Z-rcW for release candidates
- backwards incompatible changes require incrementing X, adding features incrementing Y

- setup:

export OLDVER=2.0.0
export VER=2.1.0
export VERSHORT=2.1
export NEXTVER=2.2.0-pre
# Make sure DEALSRCDIR is set to correct path

- fix doxygen errors:

find include -name "*h" -print | xargs -n 1 $DEALSRCDIR/contrib/utilities/

and commit.
- manual, check for missing labels:

cd doc
make manual.pdf
grep undefined manual/manual.log # try to fix some
make aspect.tag

and check for warnings
- fix formatting, copyright years:

find . -name "*.h" -print | while read file;do $DEALSRCDIR/contrib/utilities/ $file >temp;mv temp $file;done
- note: we started ignoring the rewrapping of comments, but we should still fix wrong indentation or other problems

git commit -a -m "doxygen formatting, comment wrapping"

## Create a pull-request
- create branch for main PR to update changes.h in doc/modules:

git checkout -b post-release-$VER
cd doc/modules; rm -f changes/*~; ./ $OLDVER $VER;cd ../..
cd contrib/release;./ $NEXTVER; cd ..
git commit -m "release task: update version and changes.h"

- create a branch, bump version (note, make sure the PR above is included):

git checkout post-release-$VER && \
git checkout -b aspect-$VERSHORT && \
cd contrib/release && ./ $VER && cd ../.. && \
git commit -m "release task: update version info"

- compile aspect, make sure you have a symlink in the main directory for the next step
- make sure the WorldBuilder is using the included version

- update doc/manual/parameters.tex and documentation:

cd doc && ./ && make manual.pdf && cp manual.pdf manual-$VER.pdf && cd .. && \
git add doc/manual/parameters.tex && \
git commit -m "release task: update manual"

- Tag a release candidate (RC):

export TAG=$VER-rc1
cd contrib/release && ./ $TAG && cd ../.. && \
git commit -m "version $TAG" && \
git tag -s v$TAG -m "version $TAG"

- Tag the release:

export TAG=$VER
cd contrib/release && ./ $TAG && cd ../.. && \
git commit -m "version $TAG" && \
git tag -s v$TAG -m "version $TAG"

- create a tar file:
cd doc && make manual.pdf && cp manual.pdf ../aspect-manual-$TAG.pdf && cd ..
export PREFIX=aspect-$TAG && rm -rf $PREFIX.tar.gz && \
git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=$PREFIX/ HEAD >temp.tar.gz && \
rm -fr $PREFIX/ && \
tar xf temp.tar.gz && \
cd contrib/WorldBuilder/ && \
git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=$PREFIX/contrib/WorldBuilder/ HEAD >temp.tar.gz && \
cd ../.. && \
tar xf contrib/WorldBuilder/temp.tar.gz && \
tar czf $PREFIX.tar.gz $PREFIX/ && \
rm -rf contrib/WorldBuilder/temp.tar.gz

- final testing by extracting tarball, compiling, and running:

tar xf $PREFIX.tar.gz
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/home/dealii/aspect \
tjhei/dealii:v9.2.0-full-v9.2.0-r2-gcc5 /bin/bash
mkdir build; cd build
cmake -G "Ninja" -D ASPECT_RUN_ALL_TESTS=ON ~/aspect
ctest -j 8 -V

- make public (branch and tag):

git push upstream aspect-$VERSHORT
git push upstream v$TAG

- sign:

gpg --detach-sign --armor aspect-$TAG.tar.gz
gpg --detach-sign --armor aspect-manual-$TAG.pdf
sha1sum aspect-$TAG.tar.gz aspect-manual-$TAG.pdf >sha1sum-$TAG.txt

- create a release on github, upload .tar.gz and manual-$VER.pdf
- update website (www branch):
- header.include: add link to changes
- index.html: add news entry
- cite.html: change to current version (2x)
- create zenodo release for source code:
- title: ASPECT v2.0.0
- license: GPL 2
- check CIG comments:
- cig community!
- update zenodo badge in to newest version (see badge button on the right of zenodo page)
- add zenodo badge also to the release on github (on top, see 2.0.1 for an example)
- readme / release notes: add zenodo DOI button
- manual/manual.bib: add new zenodo entry
. create figshare DOI for manual (just upload a new version as the same entry)
- update manual/manual.bib entry
. update doc/manual/manual.bib with src and manual doi
. update and citing.html in www repo:
- add new version in citing.html, search for "<option"
- doc/
- add new version, update doc/zenodo dois
- run aspect/doc/ python3 add to www
. update
update current release number
create entry for the new release
update the list of contributors
. update docker image geodynamics/aspect:
- modify contrib/docker/docker/Dockerfile and contrib/docker/docker/ to checkout the release
cd contrib/docker/docker && ./
docker push geodynamics/aspect:v$TAG
. update the spack installation package with the latest tarball,
see for an example
. announce on

Announcement for 2.4.0 (July 25, 2022)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/sphinx/user/extending/
Expand Up @@ -165,4 +165,5 @@
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions doc/sphinx/user/extending/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
```{include} /../../contrib/release/

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