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Mark Johnson edited this page Mar 22, 2014 · 6 revisions

This is a sample .mapurl that will download the main city center of Berlin for the zoom-levels 18 and 19

center=13.37771496361961 52.51628011262304
bounds=13.0512 52.3246 13.7785 52.6935
name=Berliner Postleitzahlen ; 1:5000 ;1:10000
description=Darstellung der Postleitzahlengebiete und deren Postleitzahlen.
# wget '' -O GetCapabilities/Berliner_Postleitzahlen.txt
# 'request_type' commands:
# - 'replace': fill 'request_url' with the 'requests' of tiles of given request_zoom_levels  and request_bounds, replacing existing tiles
# - 'fill': fill 'request_url' with the 'requests' of tiles of given request_zoom_levels and request_bounds, ignoring existing tiles
# - 'drop': drop the  'request_url' table, created with 'fill' or 'replace' [no more requests will be made]
# -- once the table has been filled, 'fill' or 'replace' can be removed
# -- 'drop' will be called automaticly when 'request_url' is empty
# - 'load': download tiles requested in 'request_url'
# -- this can be added to the 'fill' or 'request' - but can also run alone assuming the 'request_url' table has been filled
# - 'update_bounds': set the bounds min/max/default zoom-levels based on the tiles found in the database
# -- 'load' will call 'update_bounds' when starting and at every new zoom-level
# - 'reset_metadata': will manually reset the mbtiles-metadata entries:
# -- 'name','description','bounds','center','minzoom','maxzoom' ; NOT: 'format','tile_row_type'
# 'no 'run' no fun - without 'run' or a 'runx': all request commands will be ignored
# use ',' with mutiple commands - order is not important (drop will be done before fill; load as last)
# the bounds to use when creating 'request_url'
# if 'request_bounds' is not set: 'bounds' will be used [care should be taken with this]
request_bounds=13.2605 52.4634 13.4544 52.5519
# the zoom levels to use when creating 'request_url'
# if 'request_zoom_levels' are not set: minzoom/maxzoom will be used

*View [[.mapurl questions|.mapurl--questions]] a list of .mapurl questions *

*View [[.mapurl parameters|.mapurl-parameters]] a list of .mapurl parameters *

*View [[.mapurl Convert Tile-Set to a .mbtiles file|.mapurl-Converting-Tile-Set-to-.mbtiles]] using .mapurl parameters *