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Releases: geopaparazzi/smash

Official SMASH Version 1.9.3 for F-Droid

26 Jun 14:51
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  • bugfix release for log crashes on certain devices
  • cleanup of soem google service leftovers
  • translations update
  • bug fix for logs not loading when to few points
  • fix log info view on map responsiveness

Official SMASH Version 1.9.2 for F-Droid

21 Jun 15:17
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This is mainly a bugfix release for log crashes on certain devices.

Official SMASH Version 1.9.1 for F-Droid

27 May 12:05
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Release notes:

This is mainly a bugfix release, also made to enhance two way synch with the server.

Apart of that there are some minor changes:

  • possibility to select a theme for mapsforge offline maps
  • better UI
  • layers visibility has now a proper icon
  • the gps info box is not a bottom sheet

A big thanks for this release goes to @sanak , that helped to fix the dependencies and upgrade madness that came with the new flutter upgrade.

Official SMASH Version 1.9.0 for F-Droid

29 Feb 08:36
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Release notes:

  • new integrated Formbuilder
  • added where filter option for geopackage dbs
  • added setting configuration to remove some tools from the toolbar
  • revisited editing menu
  • many many fixes

Official SMASH Version 1.8.1 for F-Droid

11 Dec 06:56
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Release notes:

  • new geometries inside forms (polygon, line, point)
  • zoom tile maps beyond max zoomlevel through scaling
  • geojson layer support
  • new 'current log' panel size
  • box selection on info tool
  • more efficient and clean toolbar
  • better online sources handling and recover
  • length and area in feature info
  • url based combo boxes in forms
  • many many fixes

Official SMASH Version 1.8.0 for F-Droid

08 Dec 06:58
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Official SMASH Version 1.7.6 for F-Droid

21 Apr 10:20
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This release is built to comply with F-Droid.

Official SMASH Version 1.7.5

31 Mar 12:54
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Release notes:

  • Support for the new Django based centralized Geopaparazzi Survey Server.

  • Support for the Remine GeoTaskTracker server Plugin.

  • fixes for geopackage and postgis layers

  • WMS modify option

  • new KMZ export option

  • support for geocaching layers

  • new go to coordinate option

  • log panel can now be hidden

  • GPS map center snap less aggressive

  • many many fixes

To help with the translations:

Note about the attached apk: this version differs from the one in the play store in just one thing. It allows to have complete access to the device storage. The official play store version is now forced by Android/Google to only work inside the SDCARD/Android/data/com.hydrologis.smash/ folder. This non-store apk instead keeps the old way of doing things using by default SDCARD/smash/.

Official SMASH Version 1.7.3

18 Mar 09:36
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Release notes:

  • new enhanced editing workflow: tap to add geometries, long tap to edit
  • area and length (polygons and lines) added to attributes table
  • images of forms now have their own position, not the note's
  • single tap now centers on map position
  • language updates for Italian, French, Japanese, Norwegian, Russian
  • fix for empty exported image folder
  • fix for misbehaving measure tool
  • fix for geopackage export (was connecting logs)

To help with the translations:

Note about the attached apk: this version differs from the one in the play store in just one thing. It allows to have complete access to the device storage. The official play store version is now forced by Android/Google to only work inside the SDCARD/Android/data/com.hydrologis.smash/ folder. This non-store apk instead keeps the old way of doing things using by default SDCARD/smash/.

Official SMASH Version 1.7.0

24 Aug 07:33
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  • export images to folder
  • visualization of contour lines for openandro maps
  • new autocomplete combos in forms
  • new sketches in forms
  • possibility to add points by GPS and map center when editing geopackage/postgis layers
  • geopackage/postgis can now be edited via forms
  • string combos in forms can now be encoded
  • improved geopackage layer selection


  • better handling of zoom when notes are very near
  • close popup when selecting new note
  • tile based layer images don't update when switching layers
  • camera setting isn't applied (resolution)
  • form notes don't always show the label (in gpx/kml exports and the notes list)
  • log merging uses the wrong master log (last instead of first)