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Using the CppCoro library on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

I wanted to try out the C++20 coroutines feature. While they added co_yield etc. in C++20, they didn't standardize the Coroutines library in time for C++20 and this has been left as a task for C++23. In the meantime, you can use the CppCoro library.

Coroutine support is not yet available in the 9.x version of gcc that's available on the current Ubuntu LTS version, i.e. 20.04. So I decided to create the Docker setup, described below, to create an environment where CppCoro and the latest version of gcc are available such that I can use them almost as conveniently as if they were installed locally.

Note: I use Andreas Buhr's fork of CppCoro (for reasons that are covered below).


Install Docker and Docker Compose:

$ sudo apt install docker-compose

Add yourself to the docker group so that you can use Docker:

$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Technically you don't have to log out and back in to pick up this group membership - you can do:

$ newgrp docker

However, this creates a subshell and you're only a member of the docker group in this subshell. In the end, it's simpler to just logout and log back in.

The docker-compose.yml expects your UID and GID to be available as environment variables:

$ export GID=$(id --group)

Your UID is already available as a variable, you just have to export it to make it an environment variable:

$ export UID

You can build the necessary image up-front:

$ docker-compose build

However, this isn't strictly necessary - if you don't explicitly build the image like this then it will be automatically built the first time it is needed.

Note: during build, you'll see warnings from debconf that it's delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed. This is just a warning and getting things to a state where debconf doesn't complain involves more complexity than it's worth.

Using CppCoro

Now, you can compile and run code that uses CppCoro:

$ docker-compose run hirsute-cppcoro g++-11 -fcoroutines example.cpp
$ docker-compose run hirsute-cppcoro ./a.out

Take a look at example.cpp, it's very simple and generates the first 30 elements in the Fibonacci sequence (though it doesn't include zero as the first element - for more on whether it should, see the Wikipedia page).

Note: the code is cut from CppCoro test generator_tests.cpp.

There's only so far you can go with passing command lines to run, if you need shell expansions, you have to fall back to:

$ docker-compose run hirsute-cppcoro /bin/bash -c 'fgrep include /usr/lib/cmake/cppcoro/*'

After googling, there seems to be no other way to expand $, * etc.

Cleaning up

If you want to remove the image:

$ docker image rmi -f docker-cplusplus-coroutines_hirsute-cppcoro

Note that image names are of the form <project>_<service>, where the project name defaults to the containing directory name, i.e. docker-cplusplus-coroutines in this case. See the description of the project name in the Docker Compose overview. You can control this with container_name in the .yml file but it's not recommended (see the Compose file reference).

It you want to clean up stopped containers and dangling images:

$ docker system prune


Take a look at Dockerfile, build-cppcoro and docker-compose.yml to see how everything works.

I wanted files, e.g. a.out, that were created via Docker to have the same UID and GID as the current user (rather than belonging to root). This is achieved by making sure UID and GID are available as environment variables (as shown above), picking these up as user in docker-compose.yml and passing UID onto the Dockerfile as a build-arg. In the Dockerfile, you'll see that I explicitly create and chown the WORKDIR directory. I tried various other approaches (including setting USER) but this turned out to be the easiest and most flexible. It's actually valid to use a numeric UID with chown even if there's no corresponding user - the only reason I add a corresponding user (called worker) is because git fails if it can't map the UID to a user.

The Dockerfile uses the script build-cppcoro to clone, build and install the CppCoro library. Usually, I use git: URLs when cloning from GitHub. However, this is complicated when using Docker as it involves setting up fingerprint validation (as ssh is involved). So, instead I use a https: URL. I didn't find the instructions for building CppCoro with cmake entirely clear and only worked things out by seeing how the workflow for the relevant GitHub Action was doing things (after that the instructions became clearer and I could use them to modify things to get the setup I wanted).

Normally, I'd try to use an Alpine docker image but currently even the edge Alpine images are pulling in g++ version 10.3.1 (see here for latest status) rather than 11.1. Hence the use of ubuntu:hirsute, i.e. Ubuntu 21.04.

CppCoro fork

All the initial development of CppCoro happened in the lewissbaker/cppcoro repo. However, development there stopped in October 2020 as noted in issue #170.

Andreas Buhr forked CppCoro and merged various PRs that had been filed against the original repo but had been ignored.

The first main difference is all CppCoro headers pull in a header that essentially includes:

#include <coroutine>

namespace cppcoro {
  using std::coroutine_handle;
  using std::suspend_always;
  using std::noop_coroutine;
  using std::suspend_never;

So e.g. if you were pulling in the generator header, the first of the two includes here is no longer need:

#include <coroutine>
#include <cppcoro/generator.hpp>

And you can use cppcoro::coroutine_handle instead of having to determine whether to use std::experimental::coroutine_handle or std::coroutine_handle depending on the compiler environment.

The second main difference is that Andreas Buhr's fork uses cmake rather than cake to build everything.

Installed files

Running make install for CppCoro results in:

1. Various files ending up under /usr/include/cppcoro. You can see them all with:

$ docker-compose run hirsute-cppcoro ls -R /usr/include/cppcoro

2. The following files ending up under /usr/lib/cmake/cppcoro:

  • FindCoroutines.cmake
  • cppcoroTargets.cmake
  • cppcoroTargets-release.cmake
  • cppcoroConfig.cmake

For more on how to consume CppCoro using cmake, search for find_package in the CppCoro README.

3. The static library libcppcoro.a ending up under /usr/lib.


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