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MVP List

saphknight edited this page Mar 20, 2019 · 2 revisions

MVP List

"SlackClone Name Pending" is a Slack clone. Slack is typically used as a messaging app that streamlines communication in professional workspaces due to ease of use and a list of helpful features. Slack allows for live chatting across different channels both as a direct message or to a group. Other features I would like to implement are being able to comment and react on chat messages, being able to search messages, and possibly adding notifications.

1. Hosting on Heroku (Mar 26, 2019 - 1 Day)

2. Auth Pattern (Sign Up, Log In, Log Out) (Mar 27, 2019 - 1 Day)

  • Users will be able to sign up, log in, and log out.
  • Users will be able to use a demo login to try out the app.
  • Users who aren't logged in will only be able to sign up or log in.

3. Live Chat (Mar 29, 2019 - 2 Days)

  • Messages will be posted and persist, even upon a new session or refresh.
  • Users, chat messages, channels, (and comments/reacts, time allowing), will be database level models.
  • After being sent, they should be viewable from any user in the same channel.

4. Channels (Mar 31, 2019 - 2 Days)

  • Messages will belong to a specific channel and users will have access to multiple channels.
  • Only users that belong to that channel will be able to view/edit/react to those messages.
  • Members in the channel will be able to see the other members in the channel, channel details, highlights, and pinned items.

5. Direct Messages (Apr 02, 2019 - 2 Days)

  • Can message one user directly.
  • Clicking on an user in the member list of a channel will bring up a popup that allows DM's.
  • Can close out direct messages and take them off of the tracked list on the sidebar.

6. Teams or multi-person DM (Apr 04, 2019 - 2 Days)

  • Essentially the same as a single person Direct Message.
  • Messages persist to multiple people instead of just one person.
  • Can refer to multiple people within the chat.

7. Production README (Apr 05, 2019 - 0.5 Days)