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CATs Tests for the CMS T3_US_TAMU at the Brazos Cluster

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Brazos CATS

CATs Tests for the CMS T3_US_TAMU at the Brazos Cluster

These tests will check on the clusters capability of submit jobs locally, through condor via the CE, and through glideIns with the CMS VO.

You must have a CMS account, be registered in the CMS VO, and have your certificate/DN mapped so that you are able to initialize your proxy. For instructions about that [see here].(

Clone the repository

Assuming you will be working in /fdata/hepx/store/user/<username>, clone the repo, and go to the parent directory:

git clone
$ cd Brazos_CATS

The guide contains: CRAB3 test instructions, automation instructions, and CRAB2 test instructions (deprecated).

For CRAB2 Tests

1. Make sure your .barsh_profile has the follwoing:
umask 0022
export VO_CMS_SW_DIR=/cvmfs/
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc472   #choose the desired scram_arch
source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/
source /home/hepxadmin/CRAB_2_11_1_patch1/

If it didn't have it already, make sure to source it, or export those variables manually before continuing.

2. Setup your environment for the CRAB2 CMSSW version. It's good practice to know how to source CMSSW versions, so we'll add a couple unnecessary, but instructive steps (the first two). (Asuming you are already in Brazos_CATS/)
$ cmsrel CMSSW_5_3_22_patch1
$ cp -r CRAB2tests/CMSSW_5_3_22_patch1/* CMSSW_5_3_22_patch1/.
$ cd CMSSW_5_3_22_patch1/src
$ cmsenv
3. Initialize your proxy.
$ voms-proxy-init -voms cms -out ${HOME}/.x509up_u${UID} 
$ export X509_USER_PROXY=${HOME}/.x509up_u${UID} 
4. Submit the CATs tests. Just go to the location and crab-submit them. There are 8 of them, 4 to submit via condor, 4 directly to slurm. Each set of 4 contains two small and two large output tests, witing to Brazos or FNAL.
$ cd JetMETAnalysis/JetAnalyzers/test 
$ crab -create -cfg crabSB.cfg -submit 1-10  # create the jobs and submit them (this could be split into 2 commands but its faster to -create and -submit at the same time) 
$ crab -status -c CondorG_Small_Output_Brazos # ask CMS about the status of your jobs
$ crab -getoutput -c CondorG_Small_Output_Brazos # retrieve the output-status of your jobs (usually not needed)

The 8 tests are:

  • Condor:

      - Small and Large output to Brazos: `crabSB.cfg crabLB.cfg`
      - Small and Large output to FNAL: `crabSF.cfg crabLF.cfg`
  • SLURM:

      - Small and Large output to Brazos: `crabslurmSB.cfg crabslurmLB.cfg`
      - Small and Large output to FNAL: `crabslurmSF.cfg crabslurmLF.cfg`
5. Watchout, you need to be able to log into FNAL machines to write output there. Which means you need to have kerberos credentials. See here

For CRAB3 Tests

These test is extracted from the CMSSW Tutorial for CRAB3.

1. First make sure that your CERN username is in the GlideIn local authorized list. If it isn't contact us.
2. Export and source the relevant libraries (note that they change from the CRAB2 ones, so make sure to not mix them)
$ export VO_CMS_SW_DIR=/cvmfs/
$ export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc491
$ source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/
$ source /cvmfs/
3. Source the CMSSW version in use
$ cd Brazos_CATS/CRAB3tests
$ cmsrel CMSSW_7_3_5_patch2   
$ cd CMSSW_7_3_5_patch2/src
$ cmsenv  
$ cd ..
$ cp -r src/* CMSSW_7_3_5_patch2/src/.
4. Initialize your proxy.
$ voms-proxy-init -voms cms -out ${HOME}/.x509up_u${UID} 
$ export X509_USER_PROXY=${HOME}/.x509up_u${UID}
5. Go to the submission area and submit your jobs
$ cd CMSSW_7_3_5_patch2/src/submission
$ crab submit -c

If things worked, the output on your screen should look like this:

Will use CRAB configuration file
Importing CMSSW configuration ../analysiscode/
Finished importing CMSSW configuration ../analysiscode/
Sending the request to the server
Success: Your task has been delivered to the CRAB3 server.
Task name: 170208_153029:moralesm_crab_CRAB3_Small_Output_Brazos_170208093011
Please use 'crab status' to check how the submission process proceeds.
Log file is /home/georgemm01/CRAB3-tutorial/CMSSW_7_3_5_patch2/src/crab_jobs/crab_CRAB3_Small_Output_Brazos_170208093011/crab.log

Automating CATs Tests

For automation you'll need two things: scripts that set up the environment and submit the jobs, and crontab enabled for yourself under Brazos (contact Brazos Help to get it enabled, mention you'll be perfomring admin tasks and need it for running test jobs).

Take the scripts from this resposorty automation directory. Modify paths in case your paths are different, or modify for CMSSW version numbers if the tests have changed.

To set up the automation you'll need to have a weekly renovated proxy. Due to security reasons that part is not described here, contact the current site admin for that.

Finally, to define the automated tasks, you just need to edit the crontab script, do the following for a CRAB3 test:

30 09 * * * <path-to>Brazos_CATS/automation/

The latter is an example set up to run daily at 9:30am.


CATs Tests for the CMS T3_US_TAMU at the Brazos Cluster






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