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Setup Notes

The Flow App has the following commandControllers:

forgeimport:test            Test command - imports Forge Issue #63618
forgeimport:delta           Imports the last 50 issues from Redmine
forgeimport:gerritdelta     Imports the last 35 reviews from Gerrit
forgeimport:full            Runs a full import of all issues, both open and closed
forgeimport:fullgerrit      Runs a full import of all reviews

setup:elasticmapping        Sets up the mapping for Elasticsearch

gerrit:abandoned            Generates a list of abandoned reviews with open issues in Redmine Wiki Syntax

Application startup:

  • Create an index in Elasticsearch called „forger“. This has to be done manually.
  • Call setup:elasticmapping to create a approriate mapping and document types in Elasticsearch
  • Call forgeimport:fullgerrit to import all reviews from gerrit (start with this, because it’s faster ;-))
  • Call forgeimport:full to import all issues from forge (takes about 1.5 hrs)
  • Add forgeimport:delta to CRON every 5 minutes
  • Add forgeimport:gerritdelta to CRON every minute