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GeoServer 2.24.1

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@jodygarnett jodygarnett released this 14 Dec 15:18
· 298 commits to main since this release

Release notes


GEOS-11074 GeoFence may not load property file at boot

GEOS-11166 OGC API Maps HTML representation fail without datetime parameter

GEOS-11184 ncwms module has a compile dependency on gs-web-core test jar

GEOS-11190 GeoFence: align log4j2 deps

GEOS-11196 NPE in VectorDownload if ROI not defined

GEOS-11200 GetFeatureInfo can fail on rendering transformations that generate a different raster

GEOS-11203 WMS GetFeatureInfo bad WKT exception for label-geometry

GEOS-11206 Throw nearest match mismatch exceptions only for WMS


GEOS-11152 Improve handling special characters in the Simple SVG Renderer

GEOS-11153 Improve handling special characters in the WMS OpenLayers Format

GEOS-11154 Improve handling special characters in the MapML HTML Page

GEOS-11155 Add the X-Content-Type-Options header

GEOS-11173 Default to using HttpOnly session cookies

GEOS-11176 Add validation to file wrapper resource paths

GEOS-11188 Let DownloadProcess handle download requests whose pixel size is larger than integer limits

GEOS-11189 Add an option to throw a service exception when nearest match "allowed interval" is exceeded

GEOS-11193 Add an option to throw an exception when the time nearest match does not fall within search limits

GEOS-11212 ODIC accessToken verification using only JWKs URI

New Feature

GEOS-11209 Open ID Connect Proof Key of Code Exchange (PKCE)