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GeoTools 27.4 Release

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@jodygarnett jodygarnett released this 16 Feb 07:15
· 609 commits to main since this release

Release notes


GEOT-7077 ClientProperty of a top element not showing

GEOT-7148 Bug in JoiningJDBCFeatureSource / FilterToSQL creates invalid SQL

GEOT-7284 Incompatible with Saxon transformer

GEOT-7285 JDBCDataStore.getConnection(Transaction t) throws NullPointerException

GEOT-7302 Escape user inputs in SQL queries


GEOT-7303 JNDI version of Oracle Datastore should include Column Remarks option

GEOT-7305 Improve ShapefileDumper to handle multiple geometry columns

New Feature

GEOT-7281 Add TransformFeatureLocking wrapper