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GeoTools 30-RC

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@jodygarnett jodygarnett released this 22 Sep 07:30
· 148 commits to main since this release

Release notes


GEOT-6266 Generating GeoPackage fails when layer name has spaces or dashes

GEOT-7224 Error in pom lines.

GEOT-7266 WMTSCapabilities throws NPE for missing title

GEOT-7267 GML encoding forces URL SRS syntax on one-dimensional CRS

GEOT-7313 gt-geobuf: Failed to decode a SimpleFeature with a property name of "geom"

GEOT-7318 Unit of measure not escaped in DWithin filter

GEOT-7324 NPE on WMTS single tile request on missing GetTile operation in capabilities

GEOT-7325 WMTS multi tile request is not compatible with RESTful servers

GEOT-7338 Child feature ClientProperties are duplicated on Complex features parent container elements from the child feature

GEOT-7344 Child feature ClientProperties are duplicated on no-GML XML element parent container from the child elements

GEOT-7347 Update PMD to version 6.55

GEOT-7357 Rendering problem with polygon marker fills

GEOT-7359 GeoTiffMetadata2CRSAdapter improperly parses custom CRS definitions

GEOT-7366 Document FilterToSQL is not thrad safe

GEOT-7383 Distance element of DWithin filter should have an attribute "uom"

GEOT-7386 Shape://dot is too small to see on screen

GEOT-7389 GeoTIFF writer does not dump custom CRSs correctly

GEOT-7390 Extend GML CRS encoding to support multiple authorities

GEOT-7392 ReprojectFeatureResult.getBounds() does not report target CRS

GEOT-7393 WFS multi-Feature collection encoding fails when collections don't share the same CRS

GEOT-7397 PostGIS online tests fail on recent postgresql due to double comparison issue

GEOT-7404 Add SQLite Connection Timeout in case of hung GeoPackage connections

GEOT-7442 Make ErrorProne run on Windows

GEOT-7444 HanaGeographyOnlineTest.testBounds is failing in CI


GEOT-7352 Add false easting and northing support in Robinson projection

GEOT-7354 Add support for standard parallel in equirectangular projection

GEOT-7360 DWITHIN support for mongo DB

GEOT-7361 Support non EPSG authorities in DataUtilities type spec, and property data store

GEOT-7368 Expose IAU authority in both axis orders

GEOT-7387 Improve URL checking

GEOT-7398 Support other CRS authorities in PostGIS

GEOT-7413 Avoid needless type conversions in InterpolateFunction

GEOT-7414 Speed up style evaluation during rendering, by simplifying its expressions before execution

GEOT-7416 org.geotools.feature.NameImpl.compareTo creates garbage objects

GEOT-7418 Add a configuration parameter to the ElasticSearch plugin to support response greater than 100mb

GEOT-7421 Caching WKT parsing results

GEOT-7425 Add support for extended colorMap in CSS

GEOT-7431 Support custom HTTP headers for WFS-Client (and underlying HTTP-Client)

GEOT-7435 ESRI Shapefile read gzipped input files

New Feature

GEOT-6512 Control remote HTTP requests sent by GeoTools

GEOT-7287 Refactor to remove org.opengis interfaces


GEOT-7317 Upgrade snakeyaml from 1.32 to to 2.0

GEOT-7336 Update to ErrorProne 2.18

GEOT-7341 Update Spotbugs to 4.7.3

GEOT-7349 Further support for Saxon

GEOT-7355 New CRS plugin providing IAU CRSs for planetary mapping

GEOT-7364 Bump sqlite-jdbc from 3.34.0 to

GEOT-7373 Bump hsqldb from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2

GEOT-7374 Upgrade Jackson to 2.15.2

GEOT-7375 Upgrade guava from 30.1.1 to 32.0.0

GEOT-7376 Upgrade postgresql from 42.4.3 to 42.6.0

GEOT-7378 Upgrade commons-lang3 from 3.8.1 to 3.12.0

GEOT-7379 Upgrade commons-io from 2.10.0 to 2.12.0

GEOT-7394 Upgrade httpclient from 4.5.13 to 4.5.14

GEOT-7396 Upgrade wiremock to 2.35.0

GEOT-7437 Avoid use of yield keyword for JDK 17 compatibility

GEOT-7440 Update maven plugin versions

GEOT-7443 Remove JDK 11 profile and rename associated JDK 11 Test

GEOT-7445 Revert maven javadoc plugin upgrade