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(cake-buildGH-2696) Add Unit Tests for new commands
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gep13 authored and devlead committed Jan 22, 2020
1 parent f7b42c8 commit ac34832
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

using Cake.Common.Tools.GitReleaseManager.Discard;

namespace Cake.Common.Tests.Fixtures.Tools.GitReleaseManager
internal sealed class GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture : GitReleaseManagerFixture<GitReleaseManagerDiscardSettings>
public string Token { get; set; }
public string Owner { get; set; }
public string Repository { get; set; }

public string Milestone { get; set; }

public GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture()
Token = "token";
Owner = "repoOwner";
Repository = "repo";
Milestone = "0.1.0";

protected override void RunTool()
var tool = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarder(FileSystem, Environment, ProcessRunner, Tools);

tool.Discard(Token, Owner, Repository, Milestone, Settings);
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

using Cake.Common.Tools.GitReleaseManager.Open;

namespace Cake.Common.Tests.Fixtures.Tools.GitReleaseManager
internal sealed class GitReleaseManagerMilestoneOpenerFixture : GitReleaseManagerFixture<GitReleaseManagerOpenMilestoneSettings>
public string Token { get; set; }
public string Owner { get; set; }
public string Repository { get; set; }
public string Milestone { get; set; }

public GitReleaseManagerMilestoneOpenerFixture()
Token = "token";
Owner = "repoOwner";
Repository = "repo";
Milestone = "0.1.0";

protected override void RunTool()
var tool = new GitReleaseManagerMilestoneOpener(FileSystem, Environment, ProcessRunner, Tools);

tool.Open(Token, Owner, Repository, Milestone, Settings);
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

using Cake.Common.Tests.Fixtures.Tools.GitReleaseManager;
using Cake.Testing;
using Cake.Testing.Xunit;
using Xunit;

namespace Cake.Common.Tests.Unit.Tools.GitReleaseManager.Discard
public sealed class GitReleaseManagerDiscarderTests
public sealed class TheDiscardMethod
public void Should_Throw_If_Token_Is_Null()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();
fixture.Token = string.Empty;

// When
var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

// Then
AssertEx.IsArgumentNullException(result, "token");

public void Should_Throw_If_Owner_Is_Null()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();
fixture.Owner = string.Empty;

// When
var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

// Then
AssertEx.IsArgumentNullException(result, "owner");

public void Should_Throw_If_Repository_Is_Null()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();
fixture.Repository = string.Empty;

// When
var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

// Then
AssertEx.IsArgumentNullException(result, "repository");

public void Should_Throw_If_Settings_Are_Null()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();
fixture.Settings = null;

// When
var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

// Then
AssertEx.IsArgumentNullException(result, "settings");

public void Should_Throw_If_GitReleaseManager_Executable_Was_Not_Found()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();

// When
var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

// Then
AssertEx.IsCakeException(result, "GitReleaseManager: Could not locate executable.");

[InlineData("/bin/tools/GitReleaseManager/GitReleaseManager.exe", "/bin/tools/GitReleaseManager/GitReleaseManager.exe")]
[InlineData("./tools/GitReleaseManager/GitReleaseManager.exe", "/Working/tools/GitReleaseManager/GitReleaseManager.exe")]
public void Should_Use_GitReleaseManager_Executable_From_Tool_Path_If_Provided(string toolPath, string expected)
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();
fixture.Settings.ToolPath = toolPath;

// When
var result = fixture.Run();

// Then
Assert.Equal(expected, result.Path.FullPath);

[InlineData("C:/GitReleaseManager/GitReleaseManager.exe", "C:/GitReleaseManager/GitReleaseManager.exe")]
public void Should_Use_GitReleaseManager_Executable_From_Tool_Path_If_Provided_On_Windows(string toolPath, string expected)
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();
fixture.Settings.ToolPath = toolPath;

// When
var result = fixture.Run();

// Then
Assert.Equal(expected, result.Path.FullPath);

public void Should_Throw_If_Process_Was_Not_Started()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();

// When
var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

// Then
AssertEx.IsCakeException(result, "GitReleaseManager: Process was not started.");

public void Should_Throw_If_Process_Has_A_Non_Zero_Exit_Code()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();

// When
var result = Record.Exception(() => fixture.Run());

// Then
AssertEx.IsCakeException(result, "GitReleaseManager: Process returned an error (exit code 1).");

public void Should_Find_GitReleaseManager_Executable_If_Tool_Path_Not_Provided()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();

// When
var result = fixture.Run();

// Then
Assert.Equal("/Working/tools/GitReleaseManager.exe", result.Path.FullPath);

public void Should_Add_Mandatory_Arguments()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();

// When
var result = fixture.Run();

// Then
Assert.Equal("discard --token \"token\" " +
"-o \"repoOwner\" -r \"repo\" -m \"0.1.0\"", result.Args);

public void Should_Add_Milestone_To_Arguments_If_True()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();
fixture.Milestone = "1.0.0";

// When
var result = fixture.Run();

// Then
Assert.Equal("discard --token \"token\" " +
"-o \"repoOwner\" -r \"repo\" -m \"1.0.0\"", result.Args);

public void Should_Add_TargetDirectory_To_Arguments_If_Set()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();
fixture.Settings.TargetDirectory = @"/temp";

// When
var result = fixture.Run();

// Then
Assert.Equal("discard --token \"token\" " +
"-o \"repoOwner\" -r \"repo\" -m \"0.1.0\" -d \"/temp\"", result.Args);

public void Should_Add_LogFilePath_To_Arguments_If_Set()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();
fixture.Settings.LogFilePath = @"/temp/log.txt";

// When
var result = fixture.Run();

// Then
Assert.Equal("discard --token \"token\" " +
"-o \"repoOwner\" -r \"repo\" -m \"0.1.0\" " +
"-l \"/temp/log.txt\"", result.Args);

public void Should_Add_Debug_To_Arguments_If_Set()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();
fixture.Settings.Debug = true;

// When
var result = fixture.Run();

// Then
Assert.Equal("discard --token \"token\" " +
"-o \"repoOwner\" -r \"repo\" -m \"0.1.0\" " +
"--debug", result.Args);

public void Should_Add_Verbose_To_Arguments_If_Set()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();
fixture.Settings.Verbose = true;

// When
var result = fixture.Run();

// Then
Assert.Equal("discard --token \"token\" " +
"-o \"repoOwner\" -r \"repo\" -m \"0.1.0\" " +
"--verbose", result.Args);

public void Should_Add_NoLogo_To_Arguments_If_Set()
// Given
var fixture = new GitReleaseManagerDiscarderFixture();
fixture.Settings.NoLogo = true;

// When
var result = fixture.Run();

// Then
Assert.Equal("discard --token \"token\" " +
"-o \"repoOwner\" -r \"repo\" -m \"0.1.0\" " +
"--no-logo", result.Args);

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