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This repository contains a slightly modified version of the CDLG package by Justus Grimm, Alexander Kraus, and Han van der Aa. The only change made is adapting the file to use different versions of its dependencies to prevent compatibility issues with other packages. To be clear, I do not make any claim of ownership - this is just a convenience hack.

Below, find the original readme:

CDLG: Concept Drift Log Generator

Python package for creating concept drifts in event logs, introducing noise into an event log and randomly evolving a process tree to a new version.


This package contains all essential functions of our approach as described in: CDLG: A Tool for the Generation of Event Logs with Concept Drifts by Justus Grimm, Alexander Kraus, and Han van der Aa, submitted to the demo track of BPM 2022. The primary contact for questions or comments regarding CDLG is Alexander Kraus: alexander[dot]kraus[at]uni-mannheim[dot]de

This is the package to use the functions for your own project. The actual tool for generating usable event logs with concept drifts can be found here.


The package requires python >= 3.9

  1. Install via pip: pip install git+


Seven main functions are explained below that can be used to generate event logs with specific concept drifts, introduce noise, and modify process trees.

Generation of drift types

The following functions generate event logs with specific concept drifts, with all drift information stored as an attribute in the event log.

Sudden drift

This function generates an event log with a specified sudden drift. If the function is called without parameters, the default values from the table are used.

from conceptdrift.drifts.sudden import generate_log_with_sudden_drift
event_log = generate_log_with_sudden_drift(num_traces, change_point, process_tree_one, process_tree_two, change_proportion)

Parameter Meaning Type Default
num_traces Number of traces in the event log Integer 1000
change_point Change point of the drift as a proportion of the total number of traces 0 < Float < 1 0.5
process_tree_one Initial version of the process tree ProcessTree None
process_tree_two Evolved version of the process tree ProcessTree None
change_proportion Proportion of total number of activities to be changed by random evolution 0 ≤ Float ≤ 1 0.2
return An event log with a sudden drift EventLog N/A

Note: If one or no model is used, the change_proportion parameter is used to evolve the original version of the process tree to a new version (i.e. model_two=None). Otherwise, the two passed process model versions are used. If process_tree_one is None and a process tree is passed for process_tree_two, the function is called as if both process trees are None.

Gradual drift

This function generates an event log with a specified gradual drift. If the function is called without parameters, the default values from the table are used.

from conceptdrift.drifts.gradual import generate_log_with_gradual_drift
event_log = generate_log_with_gradual_drift(num_traces, start_point, end_point, distribution_type, process_tree_one, process_tree_two, change_proportion)

Parameter Meaning Type Default
num_traces Number of traces in the event log Integer 1000
start_point Start change point of the drift as a proportion of the total number of traces 0 ≤ Float < 1 0.4
end_point End change point of the drift as a proportion of the total number of traces start_point < Float ≤ 1 0.6
distribution_type Type of distribution of the traces during the drift [linear, exponential] String 'linear'
process_tree_one Initial version of the process tree ProcessTree None
process_tree_two Evolved version of the process tree ProcessTree None
change_proportion Proportion of total number of activities to be changed by random evolution 0 ≤ Float ≤ 1 0.2
return An event log with a gradual drift EventLog N/A

Note: If one or no model is used, the change_proportion parameter is used to evolve the original version of the process tree to a new version (i.e. model_two=None). Otherwise, the two passed process model versions are used. If process_tree_one is None and a process tree is passed for process_tree_two, the function is called as if both process trees are None.

Recurring drift

This function generates an event log with a specified recurring drift. If the function is called without parameters, the default values from the table are used.

from conceptdrift.drifts.recurring import generate_log_with_recurring_drift
event_log = generate_log_with_recurring_drift(num_traces, start_point, end_point, num_of_seasonal_changes, pro_first_version, process_tree_one, process_tree_two, change_proportion)

Parameter Meaning Type Default
num_traces Number of traces in the event log Integer 1000
start_point Start change point of the drift as a proportion of the total number of traces 0 ≤ Float < 1 0.0
end_point End change point of the drift as a proportion of the total number of traces start_point < Float ≤ 1 1.0
num_of_seasonal_changes The number of changes of the model versions in the event log Integer (odd) 3
pro_first_version Proportion of the traces generated by the initial model version during the drift 0 < Float < 1 0.5
process_tree_one Initial version of the process tree ProcessTree None
process_tree_two Evolved version of the process tree ProcessTree None
change_proportion Proportion of total number of activities to be changed by random evolution 0 ≤ Float ≤ 1 0.2
return An event log with a recurring drift EventLog N/A

Note: If one or no model is used, the change_proportion parameter is used to evolve the original version of the process tree to a new version (i.e. model_two=None). Otherwise, the two passed process model versions are used. If process_tree_one is None and a process tree is passed for process_tree_two, the function is called as if both process trees are None.
The parameter pro_first_version indirectly determines the execution length of the seasons of the different process versions. The proportion of traces of the second version during the drift is automatically 1 - pro_first_version.

Incremental drift

This function generates an event log with a specified incremental drift. If the function is called without parameters, the default values from the table are used.

from conceptdrift.drifts.incremental import generate_log_with_incremental_drift
event_log = generate_log_with_incremental_drift(num_versions, traces, change_proportion, process_tree)

Parameter Meaning Type Default
num_versions Number of occurring process tree versions in the event log Integer 4
traces Number of traces for each version stored in a list (e.g. [300,200,200]) List None
change_proportion Proportion of total number of activities to be changed by random evolution for each version 0 ≤ Float ≤ 1 0.1
process_tree Initial version of the process tree ProcessTree generate_specific_trees('middle')
return An event log with an incremental drift EventLog N/A

Note: If the number of traces for each version is not specified, 300 traces of each version will be generated.

Introduction of noise

This function adds specific noise to an existing event log that must be passed. All noise information is stored as an attribute in the event log.

from conceptdrift.source.noise import add_noise
event_log_noise = add_noise(event_log, pro_noise, start_noise, end_noise, process_tree)

Parameter Meaning Type Default
event_log Event log into which noise is introduced EventLog N/A
pro_noise Proportion of noise traces occurring in the set sector of the event log 0 < Float < 0.5 0.05
start_noise Start point of the noise as a proportion of the total number of traces 0 ≤ Float < 1 0.0
end_noise End point of the noise as a proportion of the total number of traces start_noise < Float ≤ 1 1.0
process_tree Process tree version which will be changed by 0.4 for the generation of the noise traces ProcessTree None
return An event log with noise EventLog N/A

Note: If no model is used, a random process tree is created to generate noise traces from it (i.e. random noise). When a process tree is passed, it is changed by 40% through random evolution and is then used to generate the noise traces (i.e. similar noise).

Random evolution of a process tree

This function changes a passed process tree to a new version.

from conceptdrift.source.evolution import evolve_tree_randomly
new_version = evolve_tree_randomly(process_tree, change_proportion)

Parameter Meaning Type Default
process_tree Process tree version to be changed ProcessTree N/A
change_proportion Proportion of total number of activities to be affected by the changes 0 < Float ≤ 1 0.2
return Randomly evolved process tree version ProcessTree N/A

Generation of a collection of logs

This function generates a certain number of random event logs with concept drifts and exports them directly to a specified folder. If the function is called without parameters, the default values from the table are used.

from conceptdrift.generate_collection_of_logs import generate_logs
generate_logs(num_logs, num_traces, drifts, drift_area, pro_random_evolution, noise, process_tree, filepath)

Parameter Meaning Type Default
num_logs Number of event logs to be generated Integer 50
num_traces Number of traces in the event logs Integer 1000
drifts Required drift types generated in the event logs stored in a list ['sudden', 'recurring','gradual','incremental'] String-List[1-4] ['sudden', 'gradual', 'recurring', 'incremental']
drift_area Area in the event log in which the drift can occur as a proportion of the total number of traces stored in a list Float-List[2] [0.2, 0.8]
pro_random_evolution Range of proportion of total number of activities to be changed by random evolution stored in a list Float-List[2] [0.2, 0.6]
noise Range of proportion of noise occurring in the event log stored in a list Float-List[2] [0.0, 0.1]
process_tree Initial version of the process tree used for all event logs ProcessTree generate_specific_trees('middle')
filepath File path to the folder where all data (i.e. event logs) are stored String str(pathlib.Path().resolve()))

Note: the ranges are determined in a list with two float numbers (e.g. [0.2, 0.8]).

Additional functions

Export of an event log

from pm4py.objects.log.exporter.xes import exporter as xes_exporter
xes_exporter.apply(event_log, filepath)

Export of a process tree

from pm4py.objects.process_tree.exporter import exporter as ptml_exporter
ptml_exporter.apply(tree, "running-example.ptml")

Import of a process model (BPMN/ Petri net/ process tree)

from conceptdrift.source.process_tree_controller import import_process_model
tree = import_process_model(filepath)

Generation of a random process tree

from conceptdrift.source.process_tree_controller import generate_specific_trees
tree = generate_specific_trees(str_clp='middle')

Note: str_clp can be one of the following values: 'simple', 'middle' or 'complex'.



Slightly modified CDLG package







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