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David Wilkersons Lehre Für eine Lizenz Für Unmoral Dauert An

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David Wilkersons Lehre Für eine Lizenz Für Unmoral Dauert An

Dan Corner

david wilkerson

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The Sad End Of David Wilkerson!

David Wilkerson Gets The Skull And Crossbones Award

David Wilkerson (1931-2011) is a well-known Pentecostal preacher of the past who started out teaching a serious holiness message. Unfortunately, a doctrinal change occurred in his preaching. That is evident because David Wilkerson has been presenting the Christian life for years in such a way that would allow for a saved person to live in _wickedness—_exactly like the eternal security teachers declare. (For example, see the March 20, 2000 Times Square Church Pulpit Series, entitled Shall We Continue In Sin?) Sadly, as of February 2006, David Wilkerson continues teaching the same license for immorality as usual. David Wilkerson apparently does NOT think a Christian can live above sin and must for salvation (Rev. 3:4,5; Heb. 12:14; Mt. 5:8). He presents an image of a Christian which is only a form of godliness, but nothing better! Does David Wilkerson think the BTK serial murderer could be a Christian too, like some others? David Wilkerson's doctrinal change from being a holiness preacher to a license for immorality teacher is one of the greatest blows to true Christianity in our day, but almost no one seems to be concerned. We are in a widespread apostasy.

David Wilkerson

It is astounding that David Wilkerson's Pentecostal audience can’t seem to notice this and speak out against the poison coming forth from him, especially since such are also supposed to be holiness people. Some of his followers seem so devoted to the name and reputation of David Wilkerson that they must think he will always represent holiness, purity and the like in his teachings. Folks, it seems that those days are over for David Wilkerson. Apparently, David Wilkerson himself has been deceived somehow, perhaps by some Puritan of the past, or maybe even Charles Stanley - only God knows. Here is an example of what David Wilkerson has taught:

... multitudes of Christians are fighting a losing battle with their sin. In fact, many have already given up the fight. They’re convinced some powerful demonic spirit has taken up a stronghold in them and can’t be expelled. So they live in wretchedness, bound by a besetting sin. Paul expresses the cry of his heart: "O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?" (World Challenge Pulpit Series, 2-6-06, p. 3).

In those several sentences David Wilkerson's doctrine is expressed: (1) There are multitudes of Christians being overcome by a besetting sin to the point that they think they have a demon that can’t be cast out! But such are still Christians while they continue to live in their sin. In other words, multitudes of Christians are slaves to sin. (2) Paul was also a Christian and bound by a besetting sin just like these people today who have given up fighting sin and think they have a powerful demon! Several paragraphs later, in his same Pulpit Series, David Wilkerson taught this:

When Jesus reconciled us to the Father at the Cross, it was for all time. That means if I sin, I don’t have to be reconciled to God all over again; I’m not cut off from the Lord, suddenly unreconciled.

That is surely the language of eternal security. Charles Stanley gives the most popular and commonly understood definition of this teaching: Eternal security is that work of God, in which he guarantees that the gift of salvation once received is possessed forever and cannot be lost. That is what David Wilkerson just taught.

For those of you who know your Bible, don’t you cringe after reading David Wilkerson? What a horrendous way to portray a Christian, much less multitudes of them, and then assuring all that their reconciliation to God was for all time and they will never be cut off by sin.

I have no doubt some of David Wilkerson's devotees will email warnings and insults because of our expose, but let it be. Perhaps a few may have their eyes opened and be helped.

David Wilkerson deserves the **Skull and Crossbones Award** for teaching a license for immorality. Moreover, Carter Conlon, who has succeeded David Wilkerson as the senior pastor at Times Square Church, is also teaching a license to sin! Click here to read our Open Letter To David Wilkerson. Also read Is David Wilkerson Changing His Doctrine For The Good? (No! False Alarm.).

David Wilkerson Gets The Skull And Crossbones Award

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