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Spring Cloud Demo App

Tech Stack

Find the details of Technology Stack used to develop the Applications in this Demo, with README file TECH-STACK-README.

Project Settings

Common Group ID for All Applications in Spring Cloud Demo

  • Group ID - com.wp.panditmandar.scdemo

The Artifact and Port details for all the Applications are listed in their specific README files ( as mentioned below ).


All Services (except the config-server) have 2 spring profiles as dev and prod.

Upon selection in app-runners the whole application runs in the specific profile as environment.

Infrastructure Services

To know more details about the Infrastructure Services, check the README file APPS-INFRA-README.

API Services

To know more details about the API Services Applications, check the README file APPS-API-README.

Project Settings and Ports

Below is the Table for details about Project Settings and Ports:

  • Infrastructure Applications
Artifact ID Spring App Name Root Package Dev Port Live Port
config-server config-server com.wp.panditmandar.scdemo.configserver 8888 same as Dev
eureka-server eureka-server com.wp.panditmandar.scdemo.eurekaserver 9761 8761
edge-gateway edge-gateway com.wp.panditmandar.scdemo.edgegateway 9050 8250
admin-dash admin-dash com.wp.panditmandar.scdemo.admindash 9090 8290
  • API Services Applications

API Services Applications Can have Multiple Instances (max 3) so those Applications have multiple Ports.

Artifact ID Spring App Name Root Package Dev Port Live Port
book-data-service book-data-service com.wp.panditmandar.scdemo.bookdata 9081/2/3 8281/2/3
book-added-info-service book-added-info-service com.wp.panditmandar.scdemo.bookinfo 9071/2/3 8271/2/3
book-catalog-service book-catalog-service com.wp.panditmandar.scdemo.bookcatalog 9061/2/3 8261/2/3

Execute Demo

To execute the Demo Application, first use the APP-RUNNERS to compile or run the Applications, and then make use of the Postman files to check APIs.


Read more details on how to compile and run the various services in this Demo with README file APPS-RUN-README.

  • With Postman Client

Use the files from postman-files to run the APIs using a Postman API Testing Tool.

  • Swagger OpenAPI Documentation on API Gateway

Use the URL like http://<host:edge-gateway-port>/webjars/swagger-ui/index.html to run the APIs Swagger OpenAPI documentation in browser.