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Clarified what are the default API and default Output Device. #237

Clarified what are the default API and default Output Device.

Clarified what are the default API and default Output Device. #237

Workflow file for this run

name: MacOS 12
on: [push]
# #
# #
runs-on: macos-12
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: recursive
- name: Get machine name
run: |
echo "Machine name: $RUNNER_NAME"
- name: Install ninja-build
run: brew install ninja
- name: Install automake
run: brew install automake curl
- name: Install meson
run: brew install meson
- name: Install GNU sed
run: brew install gnu-sed
- name: Install Python dependencies
run: brew install libb2 libffi readline sqlite3 xz zlib
- name: Install pyFLTK dependencies
run: brew install subversion swig
- name: Setup environment
run: mkdir -p ssh
- name: Decode SSH key
run: echo "${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}" | base64 -d > ssh/id_rsa
shell: bash
- name: Set permissions on SSH key
run: chmod 600 ssh/id_rsa
- name: Set executable permissions
run: |
chmod +x ./*.sh ./bin/*.sh ./etc/*.sh
- name: Build mrv2
run: |
./etc/ -D TLRENDER_USD=OFF -t package
- name: Upload binaries
run: |