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Image Compare


CLI tool to compare image similarities.

  • Free software: GNU General Public License v3

  A tool to compare given image pairs

  --overwrite-output              Overwrite the output if already exists
                                  [default: False]
  --quiet                         Suppress console output  [default: False]
  --distance [ssim|nrmse|dhash|avghash|phash|whash]
                                  Similarity method to compare image pairs
                                  [default: ssim]
                                  Log level to control the output volume
                                  [default: INFO]
  --log-filename TEXT             Log file path  [default: image_compare.log]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Sample Commands:

# use default options
image_compare files/product-cat-photos.csv files/product-cat-photos.csv

# use dhash
image_compare --distance=dhash files/product-cat-photos.csv files/product-cat-photos.csv

# use whash and overwrite output
image_compare --distance=whash --overwrite-output files/product-cat-photos.csv files/product-cat-photos.csv

# use ssim and use my_log_file.log as logging, and no console output
image_compare --distance=ssim --log-filename="my_log_file.log" --quiet \
    files/product-cat-photos.csv files/product-cat-photos.csv

If you want to learn how to use image_compare programmatically please see the Usage Section

Sample Files

Sample Input File
image1 image2
files/images/cat.png files/images/cat-box.png
files/images/cat.png files/images/cat-hue.png
files/images/cat.png files/images/cat-sampler.png
files/images/cat.png files/images/cat-wm-big.png
files/images/cat.png files/images/cat-wm-small.png
Sample Output File
image1 image2 similarity elapsed
files/images/cat.png files/images/cat-box.png 0.016 1.421875
files/images/cat.png files/images/cat-hue.png 0.157 1.390625
files/images/cat.png files/images/cat-sampler.png 0.012 1.40625
files/images/cat.png files/images/cat-wm-big.png 0.014 1.375
files/images/cat.png files/images/cat-wm-small.png 0.005 1.390625

Following packages used for development and testing


  • Click==6.0
  • scikit-image==0.15.0
  • scipy==1.3.1
  • imagehash==0.4

Testing & Building

  • pip==19.2.2
  • bump2version==0.5.10
  • wheel==0.33.4
  • watchdog==0.9.0
  • flake8==3.7.8
  • tox==3.13.2
  • coverage==4.5.4 -> Test Coverage
  • Sphinx==2.1.2 -> Automated documentation generation
  • twine==1.13.0
  • bandit==1.6.2 -> Static security analyzer

Due to technical problems the integration is not working properly, but the html reports are stored under coverage_html_report folder. Also, you can click here to see the report online.

(Will update this section, when solving the integration issue)

To generate test coverage on your local installation run:

coverage run test
coverage html


Here is brief description of each module and their components. Also, you can find more info at Module Index

  • cli
    Contains Command Line Interface(CLI) definition and help text. This module parses user's input and creates a models.Config object to pass it to image_compare.main(config) method. This module contains the entry point of the project.
  • exception
    Contains following custom exception classes, for error handling. * ICError(Exception): Base exception class * FileError(ICError): Represents file related errors * ArgumentError(ICError): Represents argument related logic errors
  • file_handlers
    Contains the classes for parsing and writing files as well as a factory class to object creation based on the input/output file extension. This module currently supports only CSV files * FileHandlerFactory: * CSVInputHandler: Deals with the CSV file parsing and creating FilePair objects * CSVOutputHandler: Writes given FilePair objects in to a CSV file.
  • image_compare
    This module deals with logging, exception handling and program flow.
  • models
    Contains FilePair and Config data objects.
  • similarity
    Contains the similarity calculation methods as well as the timing and registration functionality. Please see the Adding a new similarity measurement section for implementation details Supported methods are : SSIM, NRMSE, DHash, AHash, WHash, PHash. Please see Method Section for details.
  • util
    Contains utility functions

Assuming you want to add a new commandline argument, namely log-filename.

  1. Update your CLI definition in image_compare.cli module. Decorate image_compare.cli.main()

    @click.option("--log-filename", default="image_compare.log",help="Log file path")

  2. You must add new log_filename argument to main() method, updated main method signature should look like this

    def main(input_file, output_file, overwrite_output, quiet, distance, log_level, log_filename):

  3. Pass the new argument to Config object

    config = Config(input_file, output_file, overwrite_output, quiet, distance, log_level, log_filename)

  4. Update the image_compare.models.Config class and update test for initial values

  5. Now you can use config.log_filename in image_compare.main() method

Final version of image_compare.cli.main method

@click.option("--overwrite-output", is_flag=True, default=False,
              help="Overwrite the output if already exists")
@click.option("--quiet", is_flag=True, default=False,
              help="Suppress console output")
@click.option("--distance", type=click.Choice(get_supported_similarity_methods()), default="ssim",
              help="Similarity method to compare image pairs")
@click.option("--log-level", type=click.Choice(image_compare.log_levels.keys()), default="INFO",
              help="Log level to control the output volume")
@click.option("--log-filename", default="image_compare.log",
              help="Log file path")
def main(input_file, output_file, overwrite_output, quiet, distance, log_level, log_filename):
    """A tool to compare given image pairs"""
    config = Config(input_file, output_file, overwrite_output, quiet, distance, log_level, log_filename)
    return image_compare.main(config)

Assuming you want to add a new similarity measurement algorithm called Structural Similarity Index Measure and there is already a python implementation in the project Skimage

  1. Update our requirements

    Add a new entry to requirements_dev.txt file


  2. Download dependencies

    python -m pip install -r requirements_dev.txt


    python -m pip install skimage==0.15.0

  3. Open image_compare/ file and add our new method

    There are no constraints on the method name but the argument must be a FilePair object

    After implementing the body in image_compare.similarity module, you should use @register(name="ssim") and @TimeSimilarityCalculation decorators.


    decorator registers your new function as a similarity_measurement method and this method will be available with name's value e.g.`--distance=ssim` to CLI users without any more code update.


    decorator times the execution of the method and update the current image pairs pair.elapsed member. time.process_time is used as the default timing method.

    Process_time excludes time elapsed during sleep, if sleep time is important time.perf_counter() can be used.

    See the documentation;

    After completing calculation you must update pair.similarity.

    Note: Simplified version showed below for demonstration purposes. You can check the full code at image_compare/

def calculate_ssmi_similarity(pair):
    """Compute the mean structural similarity index between two images.

    :param pair: image pair to compare
    image1, image2 = __check_files_and_open(pair)
    img1f = img_as_float(image1)
    img2f = img_as_float(image2)
    similarity = ssim(img1f, img2f, multichannel=True)
    pair.similarity = round(1 - similarity, 3)
  1. Add some tests to tests/ and run them with python test

  2. Install the updated version with python install and you can use your new method with;

    image_compare --distance=ssim input.csv output.csv

  1. That is it. Your new function is ready to use! Please see section about releasing a new version section,
    if you want to publish your code changes to PyPI.

During development I created a small test data, which can be found under files/images folder

I applied some basic manipulation to create variations of the initial images. Image names contain the manipulation applied on it. Details

  • Box: Added a solid box 1/16 of the image size
  • Hue: Maxed out Hue slider on Photoshop
  • CloneStamp: Manipulated images with Clone Stamp tool in Photoshop
  • WM-size: Watermarked image in two sizes as big and small
  • Crop-Left|Right Cropped %10 of the original image from Left or Right

Here are some sample images:

cat.png: Cat Original

cat-box.png: Cat Original

cat-clonestamp.png: Cat Original

cat-hue.png: Cat Original

cat-wm-small.png: Cat Original

cat-wm-big.png: Cat Original

Credits for images

  • Toronto Cityscape Photo by Alex Shutin on Unsplash
  • Cat Photo by Yerlin Matu on Unsplash
  • Nature1 Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Unsplash
  • Nature2 Photo by Daniel Roe on Unsplash

This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.