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258 lines (218 loc) · 10.6 KB

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258 lines (218 loc) · 10.6 KB



Bug fixes

  • Fixed alignment errors with offset and duration in load()
  • Fixed an edge-padding issue with decompose.hpss() which resulted in percussive noise leaking into the harmonic component.
  • Fixed stability issues with ifgram(), added options to suppress negative frequencies.
  • Fixed scaling and padding errors in
  • Fixed some errors in note_to_hz() string parsing
  • Added robust range detection for display.cmap
  • Fixed tick placement in display.specshow
  • Fixed a low-frequency filter alignment error in cqt
  • Added aliasing checks for cqt filterbanks
  • Fixed corner cases in peak_pick
  • Fixed bugs in find_files() with negative slicing
  • Fixed tuning estimation errors

New features

  • python 3 compatibility
  • Deprecation and moved-function warnings
  • added norm=None option to util.normalize()
  • segment.recurrence_to_lag, lag_to_recurrence
  • core.hybrid_cqt() and core.pseudo_cqt()
  • segment.timelag_filter
  • Efficiency enhancements for cqt
  • Major rewrite and reformatting of documentation
  • Improvements to display.specshow:
    • added the lag axis format
    • added the tonnetz axis format
    • allow any combination of axis formats
  • effects.remix()
  • Added new time and frequency converters:
    • note_to_hz(), hz_to_note()
    • frames_to_samples(), samples_to_frames()
    • time_to_samples(), samples_to_time()
  • core.zero_crossings
  • util.match_events()
  • segment.subsegment() for segmentation refinement
  • Functional examples in almost all docstrings
  • improved numerical stability in normalize()
  • audio validation checks
  • to_mono()
  • librosa.cache for storing pre-computed features
  • Stereo output support in write_wav
  • Added new feature extraction functions:
    • feature.spectral_contrast
    • feature.spectral_bandwidth
    • feature.spectral_centroid
    • feature.spectral_rolloff
    • feature.poly_features
    • feature.rmse
    • feature.zero_crossing_rate
    • feature.tonnetz
  • Added librosa.display.waveplot

Other changes

  • Internal refactoring and restructuring of submodules
  • Removed the chord module
  • input validation and better exception reporting for most functions
  • Changed the default colormaps in display
  • Changed default parameters in onset detection, beat tracking
  • Changed default parameters in cqt
  • filters.constant_q now returns filter lengths
  • Chroma now starts at C by default, instead of A
  • pad_center supports multi-dimensional input and axis parameter
  • switched from np.fft to scipy.fftpack for FFT operations
  • changed all librosa-generated exception to a new class librosa.ParameterError

Deprecated functions

  • util.buf_to_int
  • output.frames_csv
  • segment.structure_feature
  • filters.logfrequency
  • feature.logfsgram


Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug #117: librosa.segment.agglomerative now returns a numpy.ndarray instead of a list
  • Fixed bug #115: off-by-one error in librosa.core.load with fixed duration
  • Fixed numerical underflow errors in librosa.decompose.hpss
  • Fixed bug #104: librosa.decompose.hpss failed with silent, complex-valued input
  • Fixed bug #103: librosa.feature.estimate_tuning fails when no bins exceed the threshold


  • New function librosa.core.get_duration() computes the duration of an audio signal or spectrogram-like input matrix
  • librosa.util.pad_center now accepts multi-dimensional input

Other changes

  • Adopted the ISC license
  • Python 3 compatibility via futurize
  • Fixed issue #102: segment.agglomerative no longer depends on the deprecated Ward module of sklearn; it now depends on the newer Agglomerative module.
  • Issue #108: set character encoding on all source files
  • Added dtype persistence for resample, stft, istft, and effects functions


Bug fixes

  • Fixed numpy array indices to force integer values
  • librosa.util.frame now warns if the input data is non-contiguous
  • Fixed a formatting error in librosa.display.time_ticks()
  • Added a warning if scikits.samplerate is not detected


  • New module librosa.chord for training chord recognition models
  • Parabolic interpolation piptracking librosa.feature.piptrack()
  • librosa.localmax() now supports multi-dimensional slicing
  • New example scripts
  • Improved documentation
  • Added the librosa.util.FeatureExtractor class, which allows librosa functions to act as feature extraction stages in sklearn
  • New module librosa.effects for time-domain audio processing
  • Added demo notebooks for the librosa.effects and librosa.util.FeatureExtractor
  • Added a full-track audio example, librosa.util.example_audio_file()
  • Added peak-frequency sorting of basis elements in librosa.decompose.decompose()

Other changes

  • Spectrogram frames are now centered, rather than left-aligned. This removes the need for window correction in librosa.frames_to_time()
  • Accelerated constant-Q transform librosa.cqt()
  • PEP8 compliance
  • Removed normalization from librosa.feature.logfsgram()
  • Efficiency improvements by ensuring memory contiguity
  • librosa.logamplitude() now supports functional reference power, in addition to scalar values
  • Improved
  • Additional padding options to librosa.feature.stack_memory()
  • librosa.cqt and librosa.feature.logfsgram now use the same parameter formats (fmin, n_bins, bins_per_octave).
  • Updated demo notebook(s) to IPython 2.0
  • Moved perceptual_weighting() from librosa.feature into librosa.core
  • Moved stack_memory() from librosa.segment into librosa.feature
  • Standardized librosa.output.annotation input format to match mir_eval
  • Standardized variable names (e.g., onset_envelope).


Bug fixes

  • fixed an off-by-one error in librosa.onset.onset_strength()
  • fixed a sign-flip error in librosa.output.write_wav()
  • removed all mutable object default parameters


  • added option centering to librosa.onset.onset_strength() to resolve frame-centering issues with sliding window STFT
  • added frame-center correction to librosa.core.frames_to_time() and librosa.core.time_to_frames()
  • added librosa.util.pad_center()
  • added librosa.output.annotation()
  • added librosa.output.times_csv()
  • accelerated librosa.core.stft() and ifgram()
  • added librosa.util.frame for in-place signal framing
  • librosa.beat.beat_track now supports user-supplied tempo
  • added librosa.util.normalize()
  • added librosa.util.find_files()
  • added librosa.util.axis_sort()
  • new module: librosa.util()
  • librosa.filters.constant_q now support padding
  • added boolean input support for librosa.display.cmap()
  • speedup in librosa.core.cqt()

Other changes

  • optimized default parameters for librosa.onset.onset_detect
  • set librosa.filters.mel parameter n_mels=128 by default
  • librosa.feature.chromagram() and logfsgram() now use power instead of energy
  • librosa.display.specshow() with y_axis='chroma' now labels as pitch class
  • set librosa.core.cqt parameter resolution=2 by default
  • set librosa.feature.chromagram parameter octwidth=2 by default


Bug fixes

  • fixed default librosa.core.stft, istft, ifgram to match specification
  • fixed a float->int bug in peak_pick
  • better memory efficiency
  • librosa.segment.recurrence_matrix corrects for width suppression
  • fixed a divide-by-0 error in the beat tracker
  • fixed a bug in tempo estimation with short windows
  • librosa.feature.sync now supports 1d arrays
  • fixed a bug in beat trimming
  • fixed a bug in librosa.core.stft when calculating window size
  • fixed librosa.core.resample to support stereo signals


  • added filters option to cqt
  • added window function support to istft
  • added an IPython notebook demo
  • added for computing temporal difference features
  • new examples scripts: tuning, hpss
  • added optional trimming to librosa.segment.stack_memory
  • librosa.onset.onset_strength now takes generic spectrogram function feature
  • compute reference power directly in librosa.core.logamplitude
  • color-blind-friendly default color maps in librosa.display.cmap
  • librosa.core.onset_strength now accepts an aggregator
  • added librosa.feature.perceptual_weighting
  • added tuning estimation to librosa.feature.chromagram
  • added librosa.core.A_weighting
  • vectorized frequency converters
  • added librosa.core.cqt_frequencies to get CQT frequencies
  • librosa.core.cqt basic constant-Q transform implementation
  • librosa.filters.cq_to_chroma to convert log-frequency to chroma
  • added librosa.core.fft_frequencies
  • librosa.decompose.hpss can now return masking matrices
  • added reversal for librosa.segment.structure_feature
  • added librosa.core.time_to_frames
  • added cent notation to librosa.core.midi_to_note
  • added time-series or spectrogram input options to chromagram, logfsgram, melspectrogram, and mfcc
  • new module: librosa.display
  • librosa.output.segment_csv => librosa.output.frames_csv
  • migrated frequency converters to librosa.core
  • new module: librosa.filters
  • librosa.decompose.hpss now supports complex-valued STFT matrices
  • librosa.decompose.decompose() supports sklearn decomposition objects
  • added librosa.core.phase_vocoder
  • new module: librosa.onset; migrated onset strength from librosa.beat
  • added librosa.core.pick_peaks
  • librosa.core.load() supports offset and duration parameters
  • librosa.core.magphase() to separate magnitude and phase from a complex matrix
  • new module: librosa.segment

Other changes

  • onset_estimate_bpm => estimate_tempo
  • removed n_fft from librosa.core.istft()
  • librosa.core.mel_frequencies returns n_mels values by default
  • changed default librosa.decompose.hpss window to 31
  • disabled onset de-trending by default in librosa.onset.onset_strength
  • added complex-value warning to librosa.display.specshow
  • broke compatibilty with ifgram.m; librosa.core.ifgram now matches stft
  • changed default beat tracker settings
  • migrated hpss into librosa.decompose
  • changed default librosa.decompose.hpss power parameter to 2.0
  • librosa.core.load() now returns single-precision by default
  • standardized n_fft=2048, hop_length=512 for most functions
  • refactored tempo estimator


Initial public release.