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WebActors is a simple library for managing concurrency in JavaScript programs. It's heavily based on Erlang's interpretation of the Actor Model.

For an introduction to actors in general, and WebActors in particular, scroll down to the section entitled "Tutorial".


Build Requirements

WebActors doesn't have any special run-time requirements -- the library is just a single JavaScript file -- but it requires node.js, npm, and the "coffee-script" and "jsmin" npm packages for development.

Running Specs

Running cake spec will start a local webserver and print a URL which can be used to run the Jasmine specs. On most Linux systems (anything that has xdg-open), it will also open a browser window and run the specs.


Running cake build with no arguments will build everything.

The output files are:

  • dist/npm/webactors-#{version}.tar.gz - an npm package
  • dist/standalone/webactors-#{version}.js - for use in the browser
  • dist/standalone/webactors-#{version}.min.js - minfied version


Actors Explained

An "actor" is pretty much just a regular process or thread with a mailbox attached. In programming styles based on the Actor Model, threads communicate with each other by posting immutable messages to each others' mailboxes, rather than by reading and writing fields of mutually-shared objects.

Writing concurrent programs using message-passing can take some getting used to, but actors can make programs simpler, and they are also relatively safe from some common programming errors which are endemic to event-driven programs.

Actors in JavaScript

JavaScript has neither processes nor threads (nor coroutines), but in the absence of these, actors can still be modeled by a chain of callbacks. Indeed, actor-based programming can be a good way to manage the inherent complexities of callback-driven programming.

Actors and the JavaScript Event Loop

In WebActors, actors are implemented in a non-reentrant fashion. Newly spawned actors won't run, and newly sent messages won't be delivered, until the currently running actor returns control to the event loop.

Before returning control to the event loop, an actor can decide which messages will re-activate it by registering callbacks for messages matching particular patterns. If an actor doesn't set itself up to receive any messages before returning control to the event loop, or if it returns control to the event loop by raising an exception, then that actor will terminate.

Creating Actors and Sending Messages

The WebActors.spawn function is used to create a new actor. This function takes a callback to run in the new actor's context, and returns an id representing the newly created actor. This id can be used to submit messages to the new actor's mailbox.

    var actor = WebActors.spawn(aCallback); // create an actor
    WebActors.send(actor, "a message"); // send it a message

Receiving Messages

To receive messages, use the WebActors.receive function. It takes a pattern and a callback to be invoked when a matching message is received.

    function aCallback() {
      // ANY matches anything
      WebActors.receive(WebActors.ANY, function (message) {

If an actor callback sets up a new callback via receive, then the actor will continue with the new callback once a matching message becomes available. Otherwise, if a callback "breaks the chain", then the actor will terminate as soon as the callback finishes.

In the above example, the actor sets up a callback to receive one message. That callback, in turn, doesn't set up any further callbacks, so the actor terminates at that point.

If messages arrive which don't match any outstanding receive patterns, they will be held until the actor asks for them (by calling receive with a matching pattern).


The first argument to receive is a pattern which is used to match an incoming message. Patterns are ordinary JavaScript values.

Primitive Values

Used as a pattern, any primitive value matches an equivalent primitive value (as determined by ===).

    3 matches 3
    "foo" matches "foo"

    3 does not match 4
    "3" does not match 3
    3 does not match "3"
    "foo" does not match "bar"


When used as a pattern, an Array matches an array with the same length and matching elements (as determined by the pattern-matching rules)

    [1, 2, 3] matches [1, 2, 3]

    [1, 2, 3] does not match [4, 5, 6]
    [1, 2, 3] does not match [1, 2, 3, 4]


When used as a pattern, an object matches any object with the same fields and matching values. (The matched object may have other fields in addition.)

    {a: 1} matches {a: 1}
    {a: 1} matches {a: 1, b: 2}

    {a: 1} does not match {}
    {a: 1} does not match {a: 3}
    {a: 1} does not match {b: 1}


WebActors.ANY matches any JavaScript value.


If you want to, you can use WebActors pattern matching directly in your own non-actor code by using WebActors.match. match takes a pattern and a value, and returns a truthy value in case of a match, or a falsy one otherwise.

Saving Some Typing

If you aren't already in the habit of doing so, it can be useful (and occasionally more readable) to define local aliases for functions defined on library objects.

    (function () {
    var spawn = WebActors.spawn;
    var receive = WebActors.receive;
    var send = WebActors.send;
    var ANY = WebActors.ANY;

    function aCallback() {
      receive(ANY, function (message) {

    actor = spawn(aCallback); // create an actor
    send(actor, "a message"); // send it a message


Subsequent code samples will assume that such aliases have already been defined.

Simultaneous Receives (Choice)

An actor can also choose between alternatives based on the specific message received. (This is a fragment, rather than a complete example.)

    receive("go left", function () {
      alert("You fall off a cliff.");
    receive("go right", function () {
      alert("You stumble into a pit full of spikes.");

In this case, if the actor receives "go left", it will print the message about falling off a cliff and terminate. If it receives "go right", it will print the message about falling into a pit and terminate.

Only one or the other of these callbacks will fire -- never both. If a message matches multiple outstanding receives (which is possible when wildcards are used), the callback supplied to the first matching receive (in this case, "go left") will be called. In other words, earlier receives take precedence.

Chained Receives (Sequencing)

An actor can also specifically choose the order in which it responds to messages by chaining calls to receive.

For example:

    receive("up", function () {
      alert("Going up!");
      receive("down", function () {
        alert("Going down!");

An arrangement like this guarantees that the actor will receive (and act upon) the "up" message before it receives "down", regardless of the order in which those messages were originally sent.

Loops and State Machines

Often, you'll want an actor to continue receiving the same sort of messages indefinitely. For example, you might want to write something like this:

    var running = true;
    while (running) {
      receive("say hello", function () {
      receive("go away", function () {
        running = false;

Of course, this won't actually work, since receives are non-blocking, and in any case no callbacks can get called until we return to the browser event loop.

A working version looks something like this:

    function helloLoop() {
      receive("say hello", function () {
        helloLoop(); // re-establish the same callbacks
      receive("go away", function () {
        // do nothing, and let the actor exit
    helloLoop(); // start the loop

The observant will recognize this as a state machine with a single non-terminal state.

    START -> helloLoop
    helloLoop -> ["say hello"] -> helloLoop
    helloLoop -> ["go away"] -> END

More complicated state machines can be built up in the same way:

    function entryHall() {
      receive(["go", "south"], function () { goTo(jungle); });
      receive(["go", "north"], function () { goTo(stairway); });
      desc = "You are in a dingy stone hallway. " +
             "Behind you, to the south, is the exit. " +
             "Ahead, to the north, stairs descend into darkness.";
      doDefaultTransitions(entryHall, desc);

    function jungle() {
      alert("You escape into the jungle!")

    function stairway() {
      receive(["go", "east"], function () { goTo(treasure); });
      receive(["go", "south"], function () { goTo(entryHall); });
      receive(["go", "north"], function () { goTo(pit); });
      desc = "The stairs run downwards, from south to north. " +
             "There is also a narrow doorway to the east.";
      doDefaultTransitions(stairway, desc);

    function treasure() {
      alert("You found the treasure!");

    function pit() {
      alert("The stairs give way beneath you and you fall into a pit!");

    function goTo(location) {

    function doDefaultTransitions(location, desc) {
      receive("look", function () {
      receive(["go", ANY], function () {
        alert("You can't go that way!");

    // how you would actually start a game
    function gameActor {

When things get more complicated, it's often a better idea to represent states as objects, and explicitly keep track of which state is current in order to faciliate unit testing and debugging.


    function Game() {
      this.locations = {
        entryHall: new EntryHall(this),
        jungle: JUNGLE_ENDING,
        stairway: new Stairway(this),
        treasure: TREASURE_ENDING,
        pit: PIT_ENDING
    Game.prototype.start = function () {
    Game.prototype.goTo = function (label) {
      this.currentLocation = this.locations[label];

    function Location() {}
    Location.prototype.enter = function () {

    function EntryHall(game) { = game;
      this.desc = "You are in a dingy stone hallway. " +
                  "Behind you, to the south, is the exit. " +
                  "Ahead, to the north, stairs descend into darkness.";
    EntryHall.prototype = new Location();
    EntryHall.prototype.doTransitions = function () {
      var game =;
      receive(["go", "north"], function () { game.goTo("stairway"); });
      receive(["go", "south"], function () { game.goTo("jungle"); });

    function Stairway(game) { = game;
      this.desc = "The stairs run downwards, from south to north. " +
                  "There is also a narrow doorway to the east.";
    Stairway.prototype = new Location();
    Stairway.prototype.doTransitions = function () {
      var game =;
      receive(["go", "north"], function () { game.goTo("pit"); });
      receive(["go", "south"], function () { game.goTo("entryHall"); });
      receive(["go", "east"], function () { game.goTo("treasure"); });

    function doDefaultTransitions(location) {
      receive("look", function () {
      receive(["go", ANY], function () {
        alert("You can't go that way!");

    function Ending(message) {
      this.message = message;
    Ending.prototype.enter = function () {

    JUNGLE_ENDING = new Ending("You escape into the jungle!");
    PIT_ENDING = new Ending("The stairs give way beneath you and you fall into a pit!");
    TREASURE_ENDING = new Ending("You found the treasure!");

    // how you would actually start a game
    function gameActor() {
      var game = new Game();

This sort of arrangement permits the rooms and endings to be unit-tested individually, and as a bonus you can easily inspect the current room from a debugger.

If you find yourself faced with a hierarchical state machine, you may find it better to model as a set of cooperating actors rather than trying to cram everything into one.

Supervision Trees

[write about supervision trees here]

API Reference

WebActors defines a single object in the top-level namespace, unsurprisingly called WebActors. It has a number of properties and methods attached to it.


Most of the following functions in this section must be called by an actor; the individual exceptions to this rule are:

  • WebActors.spawn
  • WebActors.send
  • WebActors.kill
  • WebActors.sendbackTo

WebActors.spawn(body) -> actorId

The spawn method spawns a new actor, returning its id.

The actor will termiate after body returns, unless body suspends the actor by calling receive.

spawn may be called outside an actor.

WebActors.spawnLinked(body) -> actorId

The spawnLinked method is similar to spawn, except that it atomically links the spawned actor with the current actor.


The self method returns the id of the current actor.

WebActors.send(actorId, message)

Sends a message to another actor asynchronously. The message is put in the receiving actor's mailbox, to be retrieved with receive. If the specified actor doesn't exist, send has no effect.

send may be called outside an actor.


Like send, but sends a message to the current actor's mailbox. Equivalent to WebActors.send(WebActors.self(), message)

WebActors.receive(pattern, cont)

Sets up a one-shot handler to be called if a message matching the given pattern arrives. The pattern will be structurally matched against candidate messages using match; a list of captured subvalues will be passed to the supplied continuation callback.

The set of outstanding receives for an actor is cleared each time the actor successfully receives a message.

If an actor doesn't establish any receives before returning to the event loop, or if it raises an uncaught exception, the actor will terminate.

The link method links the current actor with the given actor, provided there wasn't already an existing link between them.

If the specified actor doesn't exist, then link will kill the current actor.


The unlink method unlinks the current actor from the given actor, if there was an existing link between the two.

unlink has no effect if the specified actor doesn't exist.

WebActors.kill(recipientId, reason)

The kill method kills the given actor whether or not it is linked with the current actor. It has no effect if the specified actor doesn't exist.

kill may be called outside an actor.

WebActors.trapKill(function (killerId, reason) {...})

Normally, when an actor receives a kill, it will immediately exit. trapKill allows for more nuanced behavior than the default.

This passed-in callback function receives two arguments: the id of the originating (not the receiving!) actor, and the reason for the kill. It should return a message to be delivered to the actor receiving the kill. If the function instead throws an exception, then the receiving actor will die with that exception.

The callback should have no side-effects and should avoid making state-modifying calls to the WebActors API.

Note that kills don't, in themselves, break links. If an actor is sent a kill message by an actor it is linked to, the link will remain in place until the actor exits or it calls unlink.

Callbacks and "Sendbacks"

Most Javascript APIs are heavily callback-based, but it isn't possible to run a callback in the context of an actor. However, WebActors includes utilities for bridging the gap between callbacks and actors.

WebActors.sendback(function (args...) { ... })

Generates a callback function which sends a message to the current actor (at the time sendback is called). The content of the message is determined by what the function returns passed to sendback; it receives the callback arguments.

WebActors.sendbackTo(actorId, function (args...) { ... })

Like sendback, but sendbackTo allows you to set up the callback to send a message to a different actor.

sendbackTo may be called outside an actor.

Pattern Matching

WebActors also provides a utility function for performing structural pattern matching on Javascript values.

WebActors.match(pattern, value) -> result

match performs structural matching on JavaScript values. It takes a pattern and a value, returning an array of captured subvalues if the match is successful, or null otherwise.


When used in a pattern, ANY matches any value.

Web Workers

In browsers that support it, WebActors offers support for true multicore parallelism through the use of HTML5 Web Workers.

Not only can WebActors be used within a worker, WebActors itself provides an actor-based API for managing Web Workers in a way that largely abstracts the difference between actors running in a web worker and actors running in the page context.


Starts a Web Worker running the given script and spawns an actor inside it, returning the new actor's id. This actor will run in parallel with the parent VM and can be used to perform background tasks without blocking the browser UI.

In most respects, the spawned actor behaves like any other WebActors actor; it can spawn more actors within the worker, and can also interoperate with actors in the worker's parent VM. The main difference is that any messages crossing the worker/parent boundary are transferred using postMessage, so messages are copied rather than sent by reference, and messages containing non-POD objects may not be received as expected.


Analagous to spawnLinked, but spawns a worker just as spawnWorker does. The spawned worker is immediately linked to the actor that spawned it.

WebActors.initWorker(function () {...})

The "bottom half" of spawnWorker, initWorker MUST be called before any other WebActors API functions in a script started via spawnWorker.

The passed-in function supplies the body of the actor returned by spawnWorker.

When this actor exits, the worker will terminate, killing any other actors inside the worker!


Forcibly terminates a worker spawned by spawnWorker, even if it is stuck in an infinite loop. This is only effective when called from the worker's parent VM; otherwise, it has no effect.


Actors for JavaScript







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