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Merge pull request #2618 from erik-krogh/ExceptionalPromise
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Approved by asgerf
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semmle-qlci committed Jan 31, 2020
2 parents 7ca7bdf + aea365c commit f8d0b4e
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Showing 18 changed files with 1,083 additions and 275 deletions.
378 changes: 377 additions & 1 deletion javascript/ql/src/semmle/javascript/Promises.qll
@@ -1,9 +1,385 @@
* Provides classes for modelling promise libraries.
* Provides classes for modelling promises and their data-flow.

import javascript

* A definition of a `Promise` object.
abstract class PromiseDefinition extends DataFlow::SourceNode {
/** Gets the executor function of this promise object. */
abstract DataFlow::FunctionNode getExecutor();

/** Gets the `resolve` parameter of the executor function. */
DataFlow::ParameterNode getResolveParameter() { result = getExecutor().getParameter(0) }

/** Gets the `reject` parameter of the executor function. */
DataFlow::ParameterNode getRejectParameter() { result = getExecutor().getParameter(1) }

/** Gets the `i`th callback handler installed by method `m`. */
private DataFlow::FunctionNode getAHandler(string m, int i) {
result = getAMethodCall(m).getCallback(i)

* Gets a function that handles promise resolution, including both
* `then` handlers and `finally` handlers.
DataFlow::FunctionNode getAResolveHandler() {
result = getAHandler("then", 0) or
result = getAFinallyHandler()

* Gets a function that handles promise rejection, including
* `then` handlers, `catch` handlers and `finally` handlers.
DataFlow::FunctionNode getARejectHandler() {
result = getAHandler("then", 1) or
result = getACatchHandler() or
result = getAFinallyHandler()

* Gets a `catch` handler of this promise.
DataFlow::FunctionNode getACatchHandler() { result = getAHandler("catch", 0) }

* Gets a `finally` handler of this promise.
DataFlow::FunctionNode getAFinallyHandler() { result = getAHandler("finally", 0) }

/** Holds if the `i`th callback handler is installed by method `m`. */
private predicate hasHandler(DataFlow::InvokeNode promise, string m, int i) {

* A call that looks like a Promise.
* For example, this could be the call `promise(f).then(function(v){...})`
class PromiseCandidate extends DataFlow::InvokeNode {
PromiseCandidate() {
hasHandler(this, "then", [0 .. 1]) or
hasHandler(this, "catch", 0) or
hasHandler(this, "finally", 0)

* A promise object created by the standard ECMAScript 2015 `Promise` constructor.
private class ES2015PromiseDefinition extends PromiseDefinition, DataFlow::NewNode {
ES2015PromiseDefinition() { this = DataFlow::globalVarRef("Promise").getAnInstantiation() }

override DataFlow::FunctionNode getExecutor() { result = getCallback(0) }

* A promise that is created and resolved with one or more value.
abstract class PromiseCreationCall extends DataFlow::CallNode {
* Gets the value this promise is resolved with.
abstract DataFlow::Node getValue();

* A promise that is created using a `.resolve()` call.
abstract class ResolvedPromiseDefinition extends PromiseCreationCall { }

* A resolved promise created by the standard ECMAScript 2015 `Promise.resolve` function.
class ResolvedES2015PromiseDefinition extends ResolvedPromiseDefinition {
ResolvedES2015PromiseDefinition() {
this = DataFlow::globalVarRef("Promise").getAMemberCall("resolve")

override DataFlow::Node getValue() { result = getArgument(0) }

* An aggregated promise produced either by `Promise.all` or `Promise.race`.
class AggregateES2015PromiseDefinition extends PromiseCreationCall {
AggregateES2015PromiseDefinition() {
exists(string m | m = "all" or m = "race" |
this = DataFlow::globalVarRef("Promise").getAMemberCall(m)

override DataFlow::Node getValue() {
result = getArgument(0).getALocalSource().(DataFlow::ArrayCreationNode).getAnElement()

* This module defines how data-flow propagates into and out of a Promise.
* The data-flow is based on pseudo-properties rather than tainting the Promise object (which is what `PromiseTaintStep` does).
private module PromiseFlow {
* Gets the pseudo-field used to describe resolved values in a promise.
string resolveField() {
result = "$PromiseResolveField$"

* Gets the pseudo-field used to describe rejected values in a promise.
string rejectField() {
result = "$PromiseRejectField$"

* A flow step describing a promise definition.
* The resolved/rejected value is written to a pseudo-field on the promise.
class PromiseDefitionStep extends DataFlow::AdditionalFlowStep {
PromiseDefinition promise;
PromiseDefitionStep() {
this = promise

override predicate storeStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
prop = resolveField() and
pred = promise.getResolveParameter().getACall().getArgument(0) and
succ = this
prop = rejectField() and
pred = promise.getRejectParameter().getACall().getArgument(0) or
pred = promise.getExecutor().getExceptionalReturn()
) and
succ = this

override predicate loadStoreStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
// Copy the value of a resolved promise to the value of this promise.
prop = resolveField() and
pred = promise.getResolveParameter().getACall().getArgument(0) and
succ = this

* A flow step describing the a Promise.resolve (and similar) call.
class CreationStep extends DataFlow::AdditionalFlowStep {
PromiseCreationCall promise;
CreationStep() {
this = promise

override predicate storeStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
prop = resolveField() and
pred = promise.getValue() and
succ = this

override predicate loadStoreStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
// Copy the value of a resolved promise to the value of this promise.
prop = resolveField() and
pred = promise.getValue() and
succ = this

* A load step loading the pseudo-field describing that the promise is rejected.
* The rejected value is thrown as a exception.
class AwaitStep extends DataFlow::AdditionalFlowStep {
DataFlow::Node operand;
AwaitExpr await;
AwaitStep() {
this.getEnclosingExpr() = await and
operand.getEnclosingExpr() = await.getOperand()

override predicate loadStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
prop = resolveField() and
succ = this and
pred = operand
prop = rejectField() and
succ = await.getExceptionTarget() and
pred = operand

* A flow step describing the data-flow related to the `.then` method of a promise.
class ThenStep extends DataFlow::AdditionalFlowStep, DataFlow::MethodCallNode {
ThenStep() {
this.getMethodName() = "then"

override predicate loadStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
prop = resolveField() and
pred = getReceiver() and
succ = getCallback(0).getParameter(0)
prop = rejectField() and
pred = getReceiver() and
succ = getCallback(1).getParameter(0)

override predicate loadStoreStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
not exists(this.getArgument(1)) and
prop = rejectField() and
pred = getReceiver() and
succ = this
// read the value of a resolved/rejected promise that is returned
(prop = rejectField() or prop = resolveField()) and
pred = getCallback([0..1]).getAReturn() and
succ = this

override predicate storeStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
prop = resolveField() and
pred = getCallback([0..1]).getAReturn() and
succ = this
prop = rejectField() and
pred = getCallback([0..1]).getExceptionalReturn() and
succ = this

* A flow step describing the data-flow related to the `.catch` method of a promise.
class CatchStep extends DataFlow::AdditionalFlowStep, DataFlow::MethodCallNode {
CatchStep() {
this.getMethodName() = "catch"

override predicate loadStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
prop = rejectField() and
pred = getReceiver() and
succ = getCallback(0).getParameter(0)

override predicate loadStoreStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
prop = resolveField() and
pred = getReceiver().getALocalSource() and
succ = this
// read the value of a resolved/rejected promise that is returned
(prop = rejectField() or prop = resolveField()) and
pred = getCallback(0).getAReturn() and
succ = this

override predicate storeStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
prop = rejectField() and
pred = getCallback(0).getExceptionalReturn() and
succ = this
prop = resolveField() and
pred = getCallback(0).getAReturn() and
succ = this

* A flow step describing the data-flow related to the `.finally` method of a promise.
class FinallyStep extends DataFlow::AdditionalFlowStep, DataFlow::MethodCallNode {
FinallyStep() {
this.getMethodName() = "finally"

override predicate loadStoreStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
(prop = resolveField() or prop = rejectField()) and
pred = getReceiver() and
succ = this
// read the value of a rejected promise that is returned
prop = rejectField() and
pred = getCallback(0).getAReturn() and
succ = this

override predicate storeStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ, string prop) {
prop = rejectField() and
pred = getCallback(0).getExceptionalReturn() and
succ = this

* Holds if taint propagates from `pred` to `succ` through promises.
predicate promiseTaintStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ) {
// from `x` to `new Promise((res, rej) => res(x))`
pred = succ.(PromiseDefinition).getResolveParameter().getACall().getArgument(0)
// from `x` to `Promise.resolve(x)`
pred = succ.(PromiseCreationCall).getValue()
exists(DataFlow::MethodCallNode thn |
thn.getMethodName() = "then"
// from `p` to `x` in `p.then(x => ...)`
pred = thn.getReceiver() and
succ = thn.getCallback(0).getParameter(0)
// from `v` to `p.then(x => return v)`
pred = thn.getCallback([0..1]).getAReturn() and
succ = thn
exists(DataFlow::MethodCallNode catch | catch.getMethodName() = "catch" |
// from `p` to `p.catch(..)`
pred = catch.getReceiver() and
succ = catch
// from `v` to `p.catch(x => return v)`
pred = catch.getCallback(0).getAReturn() and
succ = catch
// from `p` to `p.finally(..)`
exists(DataFlow::MethodCallNode finally | finally.getMethodName() = "finally" |
pred = finally.getReceiver() and
succ = finally
// from `x` to `await x`
exists(AwaitExpr await |
pred.getEnclosingExpr() = await.getOperand() and
succ.getEnclosingExpr() = await

* An additional taint step that involves promises.
private class PromiseTaintStep extends TaintTracking::AdditionalTaintStep {
DataFlow::Node source;

PromiseTaintStep() { promiseTaintStep(source, this) }

override predicate step(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ) {
pred = source and succ = this

* Provides classes for working with the `bluebird` library (
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