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SuperCollider MIDI handlers for KORG nanoKONTROL2.

The purpose of this library is to make possible for the MIDI device to easily control instruments with multiple parameters, and not to serve as a mixing board. Hence somewhat unorthodox approach to storing MIDI data and to what different parts of the device mean. In the future, it will be possible to switch between device and mixer mode, the latter being more traditional.

Instructions how to operate the device

It is not a bad idea to set the state of the device to factory defaults before using it with this library. This way you will be sure all the MIDI data coming from the device have standard values. In order to do so, disconnect the device, then press three buttons: Cycle, and two Tracks, and connect it again while holding the buttons. You will see the LEDs of the transport buttons blink. Do not disconnect the device until the LEDs stop blinking, which usually lasts about a second.

The meaning of buttons (S, M, R) is rather unusual:

  • if S (slow) is pressed, then the adjacent fader or knob reacts to changes very slowly around the previous value;
  • if M (mute) is pressed, then the adjacent fader or knob does not react to changes until the button is released; then it assumes a new value in a discontinuous way;
  • if R (random) is pressed and adjacent knob of fader is touched at the right value, then it assumes a random value from (0,1).

The M button takes precedence over S, which in turn takes precedence over R.

The are a number of scenes, each for independent set of eight knobs and faders. If a scene changes (by pressing Track buttons) to another one and then changes back, then the knobs or faders have to be set at the previous value for the first scene, so they do not jump discontinuously. If this value is set, so that a knob or fader is active, a LED turns on: adjacent S button LED for knobs and M button LED for faders.


Put a copy of in your SuperCollider extensions directory, recompile class library (Ctrl+Shift+L).

Usage within SuperCollider

First, connect the device by e.g. MIDIIn.connectAll;, find the uid of the port the controller is connected to and specify it as a srcID argument. If nanoKONTROL2 is connected to one of the out ports by e.g. MIDIOut.connect(outport, device), where device is its position in the MIDIClient.destinations list, then you can specify the outport number as well in order to enable LED functionality. The class will try to put nanoKONTROL2 into the external LED mode. If you want to return to the internal led mode (I have no idea, what for), please use KORG Kontrol Editor, or set the factory defaults for the device.

The code reads controller MIDI data and maps them linearly to buses at control rate. The data from faders is mapped to the interval [0,1]; whereas the data from knobs to [-1,1].

Create a new instance of the class: n = NanoKONTROL2(server). Access knobs and faders by n.faders and n.knobs, two-dimensional arrays, for which the first index denotes the scene number. You can treat each element of the arrays as a UGen at control rate by adding .kr message. Use it in your SynthDefs. For instance, n.knobs[2][7].kr gives you current value of the 8th knob in the 3rd scene.

For each button key: backwards, forwards, stop, play and rec, the user can specify a function key_action(scene), as well as the global one: transport_action(scene). Each time a transport button is pressed, the transport_action() function is evaluated first, and then the appropriate key_action() function with the current scene number passed as an argument. The transport buttons are instances of the class NanoKONTROL2Button and can be accessed as key_button.

Keep in mind that as long as the software version is less then 1.0, backward compatibility could be broken from one 0.x version to the next.


// MIDIFunc.trace;

~nK2srcID = MIDIIn.findPort("nanoKONTROL2-nanoKONTROL2 MIDI 1","nanoKONTROL2-nanoKONTROL2 MIDI 1").uid;
~nK2MIDIOut = MIDIOut.newByName("nanoKONTROL2-nanoKONTROL2 MIDI 1","nanoKONTROL2-nanoKONTROL2 MIDI 1");
~nk2OutPort = 0;


n = NanoKONTROL2(s, srcID: ~nK2scrID, outport: ~nk2OutPort);

     \NK2_test, { | freq = 440 |,
   n.knobs[0][1].kr*400 + 800,
                 mul: n.faders[0][3].kr.linexp(0,1,0.001,1)
             pos: n.knobs[2][2].kr)


Marek Miller,


This software licensed is under the MIT license. Feel free to use it however you like! For more information, see LICENSE.


SuperCollider MIDI handlers for KORG nanoKONTROL 2







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