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Platzi Market Spring API - Java Spring Course on Platzi

This project serves as a practical guide to building a backend business application using Java Spring and Gradle.

Essential Concepts

Through various hands-on exercises, you'll delve into essential concepts like:

  • Domain-driven development: The project adopts a layered structure, fostering code organization and maintainability.
  • Spring technology stack: Explore core Spring components like Spring Framework, Spring Boot 3.2.2, and Spring Data JPA for working with PostgreSQL databases.
  • Security implementation: Enhance application security with Spring Security 6, protecting routes and implementing JWT authorization.
  • API documentation: Utilize Swagger from Spring Fox to generate comprehensive API documentation, promoting clarity and ease of use.
  • Data mapping: Streamline object mapping with MapStruct, saving you time and effort.
  • JWT (JSON Web Token): Leverage JJWT for secure user authentication and authorization.

Key Features

  • Domain-oriented layered project structure
  • Spring Framework, Spring Boot 3.2.2, Spring Data JPA (PostgreSQL)
  • Spring Security 6 (route protection & JWT authentication)
  • Swagger for API documentation
  • MapStruct for data mapping
  • JJWT for JWT implementation

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Ensure you have Java 11+ and Gradle installed.
  3. Navigate to the project directory and run: gradlew build.
  4. Configure database connection details in
  5. Run the application: gradlew bootRun.
  6. Access the API documentation at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html

📘 ¡More Info!

Project developed based on Platzi content taught by: Alejandro Ramírez Join the course

Typed with ❤️ by Daniel Campos 😊 Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.