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Computer Science 280 Fall 2015

This repository contains the LaTeX and HTML source code for the laboratory and practical assignments, course review slides, study guides, and the syllabus for Computer Science 280, Fall 2015. Taught by Gregory M. Kapfhammer in the Department of Computer Science at Allegheny College, the course has the following description:

A study of the principles and concepts used in the specification, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of large software systems. Topics include requirements elicitation and analysis, formal specification, software architectures, object-oriented design, software measurement, software testing and analysis, and evolution of a program. Students practice the principles of software development by participating as group members in the creation of a significant software application. One laboratory per week. Prerequisites: Computer Science 210 and 220 or permission of the instructor. Offered in alternate years.

The source code of the LaTeX documents uses a custom LaTeX style file and several other packages that are normally standard with a modern LaTeX distribution such a TeXLive 2015. All of the slides are programmed with the reveal.js framework. The background images in the slides were all collected from the Flickr Creative Commons through the use of the cogdog/flickr-cc-helper tool.

You are invited to use this repository as a means for learning more about instruction in a course on the principles of software engineering. If you find this repository useful, could I trouble you to star it and then acknowledge it in your own teaching efforts?

You can type the following command if you want to clone this repository:

git clone

Then, if you want to compile the LaTeX document to a PDF, you should type the following commands. In this example, I show how to compile the syllabus for the course.

cd cs280F2015
cd syllabus
pdflatex cs280F2015_syllabus.tex

If you want to view the slides, then you should type the following commands. In this example, I show how to view the slides for the first chapter of one of the course's textbooks.

cd cs280F2015
cd slides
chromium-browser cs280_SETP_chapter1.html

Please note that the LaTeX documents have been compiled on an Ubuntu 15.04 workstation running a very recent version of LaTeX that was manually installed using the TeXLive installer. It is also worth noting that you can also compile the documents using other LaTeX development tools, such as latexmk. If you are unable to compile the LaTeX source code with your development tools and your execution environment, then please open a new issue and I will attempt to resolve your concerns.

Additionally, the HTML slides have been tested on modern Web browsers (e.g., Chrome and Firefox) that run on the Ubuntu and Android operating systems. If the HTML slides do not correctly display on your Web browser, then I also encourage you to open an issue so that I can handle the problem that you have found.