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This repository contains the curriculum vitae (CV) of me, Gregory M. Kapfhammer. This repository uses gkapfham/research-bibliography as a Git submodule to create several pages of the document in an automated fashion. Parts of this CV are inspired by the example provided at moutonf/CV, which uses revised versions of the moderncv and moderntimeline packages. As this document is my own customized professional portfolio, I ask that, if you use it as inspiration or for reference, you suitably customize it for your own purposes. If you find this example useful, I would appreciate it if, in addition to starring the repository, you mention that you used my CV as a template when creating your document.

Development Environment

The curriculum vitae was originally compiled on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS workstation using pdflatex and biber from an old version of TeXLive. The curriculum vitae is now compiled on an Arch Linux workstation using latexmk from the TeXLive 2021 distribution. You should be able to compile the CV to a PDF file using a wide variety of tools and operating systems and versions of TeXLive. If you are unable to compile the CV with your development tools and your execution environment, then please open a new issue and I will attempt to resolve your concerns.

Creating the Curriculum Vitae

For, clone the repository to your local computer:

git clone

Now, change into the directory that contains the repository's files and follow all of the following steps the first time that you compile the CV:

cd curriculum-vitae
cd bibliography
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd ../
pdflatex curriculum-vitae-kapfhammer.tex
biber curriculum-vitae-kapfhammer.bcf
pdflatex curriculum_vitae_kapfhammer.tex
pdflatex curriculum_vitae_kapfhammer.tex

Remember, before you compile the CV, make sure that you have the bibliography in a Git submodule:

cd bibliography
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd ../

As a reminder, you can compile the CV using the following commands:

pdflatex curriculum-vitae-kapfhammer.tex
biber curriculum-vitae-kapfhammer.bcf
pdflatex curriculum_vitae_kapfhammer.tex
pdflatex curriculum_vitae_kapfhammer.tex

Alternatively, once you have access to the bibliography submodule you can compile the CV using a single command:

latexmk -pdf -pvc curriculum_vitae_kapfhammer.tex

Releasing a New Version of the Curriculum Vitae

See what tag you are current on for the repository:

git describe --tags

Set a new tag for the release of the document:

git tag v1.0.0

Note that I follow the Semantic Versioning Standard when defining the tags for the release of the curriculum vitae.

Push all of the changes and the new tag to GitHub:

git push -u origin master --tags

New releases of the curriculum vitae are now available through the releases section of the repository. Finally, please note that the automated release of the PDF of the curriculum vitae works through GitHub Actions and the workflow in the .github/workflows/release.yml file.