This repo contains all of my talks.
For a webview, go to
These talks use a few different formats.
Most recently, they are Podium decks.
For talks not in a .podium
, they use reveal.js, while some earlier versions use a system called projection, but there are some Keynote and PDFs in there.
In all circumstances, they should all be visible by clicking on the Slides link on
The talk listing itself is jekyll, myrtle theme.
For reveal.js and projection.js:
python -m http.server -p 1337
open http://localhost:1337
If you are running Python 2.7 (which you really shouldn't), run python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1337
Speaker notes can be viewed by pressing [s]
. I use the notes mostly for reminders, and should not be assumed to be of any use to anyone wanting a general review of the talk.
If you want to get a TLDR on any of my talks, if there is an associated write-up, it'll be linked on the main talks page as "Resource". There are also dedicated writeups at the top of the complete talks listing.