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🌀 A clone of code sniffer (PHPCS) written in nodejs/javascript


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A clone of code sniffer (PHPCS) written in nodejs.

CLI Usage

Installation :

npm install php-sniper -g

Command line :

php-sniper -o txt ./**/*.php

Note : If the working directory contains a ̀.php-sniper.json file, the cli will try to load it and use it as a ruleset configuration file

Integrate the library into your project

The API is open, so you can use this library in your own project, without needing to run it from a CLI process for example.

npm install php-sniper --save

And from your code :

var fs = require('fs');
var Sniper = require('php-sniper');
var scan = new Sniper({
  ruleset: 'phpcs' // defines a default ruleset (see src/rulesets/*.json)
var file = __dirname + '/foo.php';
var ast = scan.parseFile(file, fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'));

Writing your own Rule

Writing a rule is quite simple, this library is specially designed for that :

  • Register a rule from the instance
  • CSS syntax based node/token filtering
  • Session for storing data/criterias between files
  • Namespace resolution helper
  • Automatic multiple passes optimisation (with parsing cache)
  • PHP-Parser decorator (a drop-in replacement)

Here a sample code :

var Sniper = require('php-sniper');
var scan = new Sniper();

scan.setRule('domain.category.WarnDeprecated', function() {
  // first pass : extract deprecated
  this.on('ast: doc[isDoc,lines~@deprecated]', function(node) {
    var next = this.nextNode();
    if (next && (next.kind === 'function' || next.kind === 'method')) {
        'deprecated:' + this.getFQN(next), true
  // second pass : warn them
  .after('ast: call > identifier', function(node) {
    var name = this.getFQN(node);
    if (this.sessionGet('deprecated:' + name)) {
      this.warningMessage('Deprecated "'+name+'"');

scan.setRule('domain.category.MyOwnRule', function() {
  this.customProperty = 10;
  // can make the parsing dependent on other modules passes
    // or ['domain.category.WarnDeprecated:1'] saying that will run after it first pass
    'ast: call > identifier[name=DoNotCall]', function(node) {
    this.warningMessage('Should not call this function !');
  // note : if WarnDeprecated is disabled, this pass will not be
  // triggered, and a warning into the '*' filename will be added

// loads a customized ruleset

// ... write here the parsing of your files ...
var filename = __dirname + '/foo.php';

// php-parser drop-in replacement
var ast = scan.getParser().getCode(
  fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'), filename

// important call in order to say to the system the first pass is finished
// so other passes will automatically run after the first one

Configure a customized ruleset

Rulesets are similar to PHPCS, but json based instead of xml based. A ruleset is just a way to define a list of rules, with options if needed.

A ruleset can inherit configuration from a list of parent rulesets, and the rules property will overwrite their configuration.

An example of ruleset configuration my-custom-phpcs.json

  "description": "A sample configuration file.",
  "includes": ["phpcs"],
  "rules": {
    "zend": {
      "files": {
        "ClosingTag": false
    "domain": {
      "category": {
        "WarnDeprecated": true,
        "MyOwnRule": {
          "customProperty": 5

Read further from the API documentation.


  • 0.1.x : First alpha prototype (soon)
    • run some rules
    • implement the selector
    • pass some tests
    • benchmarks & early optimisations
  • 1.0.x : Release a stable version of API
    • framework of automated tests
    • clean documentation
    • all API classes implemented
  • 1.1.0 : handle all PHPCS options
  • 1.2.0 : Integrate all generic rules
  • 1.3.0 : Integrate all PHPCS rules
  • 1.4.0 : Integrate all PEAR rules
  • 1.5.0 : Integrate all PSR1/2 rules
  • 1.6.0 : Integrate all Squiz rules
  • 1.7.0 : Integrate all Zend rules
  • 1.8.0 : Integrate all Squiz rules


Any contribution is welcomed; after the alpha release, I'll be able to merge any PR about a rule definition.


This library is released under BSD-3 license clause.

This Library is Under Development - no BETA release available


🌀 A clone of code sniffer (PHPCS) written in nodejs/javascript





