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This project is intended to build and deploy the lane detection application onto Qualcomm Robotics RB5 for Turtlebot3 for Printed Road map.


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Lane Detection on RB5 using SNPE Python Wrapper


The project is used to demonstrate the Lane detection on the Qualcomm’s Robotics Platform RB5. In this, it shows developers that how to utilize the Qualcomm’s Robotics platform for the Autonomous Vehicle use cases. LaneNet is the architecture used to implement this solution on top of the TuSimple Dataset. the model trained was converted from PyTorch to ONNX & then ONNX to SNPE. The inference using SNPE on RB5 with DSP Hardware accelerator, it achieves the performance of 45 FPS.


  • A Linux host system with Ubuntu 18.04.
  • Install Android Platform tools (ADB, Fastboot)
  • Download and install the SDK Manager for RB5
  • Flash the RB5 firmware image on to the RB5
  • Setup the Network on RB5.
  • Installed Python3.6 on RB5.

Steps to Setup the Lane Detection on RB5

Installing Dependencies

  • OpenCV Installation on RB5

Run the command given below to install the OpenCV on RB5,

sh4.4 # python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
sh4.4 # python3 -m pip install opencv-python 
  • Setting ONNX & SNPE on Host System

  • PyBind11 Installation on RB5

    Run the command given below to setting up the PyBind11

    sh4.4 # apt update && apt install python3-pybind11
  • Setting up the SNPE Libraries on RB5

    1. Copy the SNPE header files & runtime libraries for aarch64-ubuntu-gcc7.5 on RB5 from host system using ADB
    sh4.4 # adb push <SNPE_ROOT>/include/ /data/snpe/include/
    sh4.4 # adb push <SNPE_ROOT>/lib/aarch64-ubuntu-gcc7.5/* /data/snpe/
    sh4.4 # adb push <SNPE_ROOT>/lib/dsp/* /data/snpe/

    Note: If device is connected via SSH, please use scp tool for copying the SNPE runtime libraries in /data/snpe folder on RB5.

    1. Open the terminal of RB5 and append the lines given below at the end of ~/.bashrc file.
    export PATH=$PATH:/data/snpe/
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/data/snpe/
    export ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH="/data/snpe;/system/lib/rfsa/adsp;/system/vendor/lib/rfsa/adsp;/dsp"
    1. Run the command given below to reinitialize the RB5's terminal session
    sh4.4 # source ~/.bashrc

Steps for model training

  1. Follow the instructions in link given below to train your own model on host

    Note: Must recommended to use GPU Server for model training

  2. Data annotations

  • Clone the project and find customized dataset in the dataset folder.
  • In order to generate customized dataset, we have written our own script to annotate data which is similar to the tusimple dataset.
  • To annotate images, pass the images of road with three lanes to which generates .json file.
  1. Generating Segmentation and Ground-truth values
  • With the help of script we can generate segmentation by passing .json file which is generated from previous step.

  • To run

python --root $TUSIMPLEROOT
  • $TUSIMPLEROOT is path to the .json files(to be edited)
  • This will generate segmentation images(.png) and a list file which has the ground truth values(train_gt.txt)
  1. Training the model
  • Note: Please modify data_root and log_path in your according to your environment.
  • data_root - is the path of your dataset.
  • log_path - is where tensorboard logs, trained models & code backup are stored.
  • To train the model, run which generates .pth and then to covert your trained model into DLC follow steps.

Model Conversion to DLC using SNPE on Host System

  1. Clone the project and run below command to convert the trained PyTorch model to ONNX model on host.
    ubuntu@ubuntu $ cd <PROJECT_PATH>/models
    ubuntu@ubuntu $ python3
  2. Make sure that for performing the above steps Pytorch & ONNX is installed on your host system.
  3. Before running the steps given below, make sure that SNPE SDK & ONNX Runtime has been installed on the host-system.
  4. Run below command from <SNPE_ROOT> for Initializing the SNPE SDK for the ONNX Environment
ubuntu@ubuntu $ source bin/ -o <ONNX_DIR>

`Note: <ONNX_DIR> is path to python package path of ONNX package.

  1. Run the command given below for converting the model to DLC
ubuntu@ubuntu $ snpe-onnx-to-dlc --input_network lanenet.onnx --input_dim input.1 1,3,288,800 –output_path lanenet.dlc
  1. Copy the converted lanenet.dlc inside the RB5 in <PROJECT_PATH>
ubuntu@ubuntu $ adb push lanenet.dlc <PROJECT_PATH_ON_RB5>/models

Building the SNPE Python Wrapper for Lane Detection Project

  1. Clone the project from the link below on the RB5,
sh4.4 # git clone
  1. Go inside the src folder of cloned project,
sh4.4 # cd <PROJECT_PATH>
  1. Run the command below in order to build the shared library for Python wrapper of the SNPE.
sh4.4 # g++ -std=c++11 -fPIC -shared -o src/qcsnpe.cpp -I include/ -I /data/snpe/include/zdl/ -I /usr/include/python3.6m/ -I /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pybind11/include -L /data/snpe/ -lSNPE `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv`

Running the Lane Detection using SNPE Python Wrapper on the RB5

  1. Go to the <PROJECT_PATH>
sh4.4 # cd <PROJECT_PATH>/
  1. Running the Lane Detection application,
sh4.4 # python3


This project is intended to build and deploy the lane detection application onto Qualcomm Robotics RB5 for Turtlebot3 for Printed Road map.







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