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Getting started

API for E-commerce Partners. This document includes Cart, Discount, Payment, Order and Return related endpoints provided by Global Miles.

How to Build

The generated SDK relies on Node Package Manager (NPM) being available to resolve dependencies. If you don't already have NPM installed, please go ahead and follow instructions to install NPM from here. The SDK also requires Node to be installed. If Node isn't already installed, please install it from here

NPM is installed by default when Node is installed

To check if node and npm have been successfully installed, write the following commands in command prompt:

  • node --version
  • npm -version

Version Check

Now use npm to resolve all dependencies by running the following command in the root directory (of the SDK folder):

npm install

Resolve Dependencies

Resolve Dependencies

This will install all dependencies in the node_modules folder.

Once dependencies are resolved, you will need to move the folder GlobalMilesECommerceAPILib in to your node_modules folder.

How to Use

The following section explains how to use the library in a new project.

1. Open Project Folder

Open an IDE/Text Editor for JavaScript like Sublime Text. The basic workflow presented here is also applicable if you prefer using a different editor or IDE.

Click on File and select Open Folder.

Open Folder

Select the folder of your SDK and click on Select Folder to open it up in Sublime Text. The folder will become visible in the bar on the left.

Open Project

2. Creating a Test File

Now right click on the folder name and select the New File option to create a new test file. Save it as index.js Now import the generated NodeJS library using the following lines of code:

var lib = require('lib');

Save changes.

Create new file

Save new file

3. Running The Test File

To run the index.js file, open up the command prompt and navigate to the Path where the SDK folder resides. Type the following command to run the file:

node index.js

Run file

How to Test

These tests use Mocha framework for testing, coupled with Chai for assertions. These dependencies need to be installed for tests to run. Tests can be run in a number of ways:

Method 1 (Run all tests)

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the SDK folder from command prompt.
  2. Type mocha --recursive to run all the tests.

Method 2 (Run all tests)

  1. Navigate to the ../test/Controllers/ directory from command prompt.
  2. Type mocha * to run all the tests.

Method 3 (Run specific controller's tests)

  1. Navigate to the ../test/Controllers/ directory from command prompt.
  2. Type mocha Global Miles E-commerce APIController to run all the tests in that controller file.

To increase mocha's default timeout, you can change the TEST_TIMEOUT parameter's value in TestBootstrap.js.

Run Tests



In order to setup authentication in the API client, you need the following information.

Parameter Description
oAuthClientId OAuth 2 Client ID
oAuthClientSecret OAuth 2 Client Secret

API client can be initialized as following:

const lib = require('lib');

// Configuration parameters and credentials
lib.Configuration.oAuthClientId = "oAuthClientId"; // OAuth 2 Client ID
lib.Configuration.oAuthClientSecret = "oAuthClientSecret"; // OAuth 2 Client Secret

You must now authorize the client.

Authorizing your client

This SDK uses OAuth 2.0 authorization to authorize the client.

The authorize() method will exchange the OAuth client credentials for an access token. The access token is an object containing information for authorizing client requests.

const tokenPromise = oAuthManager.authorize();

The Node.js SDK supports both callbacks and promises. So, the authorize call returns a promise and also returns response back in the callback (if one is provided)

The client can now make authorized endpoint calls.

Storing an access token for reuse

It is recommended that you store the access token for reuse.

This code snippet stores the access token in a data store. For this example, node-localstorage is being used as the data store.

const lib = require('lib');
const LocalStorage = require('node-localstorage').LocalStorage;
const localStorage = new LocalStorage('./scratch');

localStorage.setItem('token', lib.Configuration.oAuthToken);

Creating a client from a stored token

To authorize a client from a stored access token, just set the access token in Configuration along with the other configuration parameters before making endpoint calls:

// load token later...
const lib = require('lib');
const LocalStorage = require('node-localstorage').LocalStorage;
const localStorage = new LocalStorage('./scratch');

lib.Configuration.oAuthToken = localStorage.getItem('token');

Complete example

In this example, app.js will check if the access token has been set in the SDK. If it has been, API calls can be made. Otherwise, client has to be authorized first before making API calls.
This example makes use of node-localstorage for handling data persistence.


const lib = require('lib');
const oAuthManager = lib.OAuthManager;

lib.Configuration.oAuthClientId = 'oAuthClientId'; // OAuth 2 Client ID
lib.Configuration.oAuthClientSecret = 'oAuthClientSecret'; // OAuth 2 Client Secret

// this method will be called whenever the token updates
// you can update the storage you're using with the updated token
lib.Configuration.oAuthTokenUpdateCallback = (token) => {
    // token is the updated access_token

if (oAuthManager.isTokenSet()) {
    // token is already stored in the client
    // make API calls as required
} else {
    const scopes = [];
    const promise = oAuthManager.authorize(scopes);
    promise.then((success) => {
        // client authorized. API calls can be made
    }, (exception) => {
        // error occurred, `exception` will be of type lib/Exceptions/OAuthProviderException

Class Reference

List of Controllers

Class: EarnMilesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the EarnMilesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.EarnMilesController;

Method: listOrders

This endpoint allows to get list of orders. In order to get detailed order history and reconciliation you can use this endpoint.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function listOrders(filterStoreCode, filterCompletedAt, filterStatus, sort, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
filterStoreCode Required Filter for an online store.
filterCompletedAt Required Filter for completed_at field. It is accepted a valid date range value. The format is YYYY-MM-DD..YYYY-MM-DD.
filterStatus Optional Filter for status field. It is accepted a valid status value of order.
sort Optional Sort for some selected fields. In order to sort descending "-" value will be used before the field. Valid field values are "completed_at", "created_at", "updated_at", "status".

Example Usage

    var filterStoreCode = filter[store_code];
    var filterCompletedAt = filter[completed_at];
    var filterStatus = filter[status];
    var sort = 'sort';

    controller.listOrders(filterStoreCode, filterCompletedAt, filterStatus, sort, function(error, response, context) {


Method: createOrder

This endpoint allows to create an order for earn miles. It may also include discounts and payments.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function createOrder(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required The body of the request.

Example Usage

    var body = new OrderRequest({"key":"value"});

    controller.createOrder(body, function(error, response, context) {


Method: retrieveOrder

This endpoint allows to get an order.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function retrieveOrder(transactionId, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
transactionId Required The ID of the transaction that represents the order.

Example Usage

    var transactionId = transaction_id;

    controller.retrieveOrder(transactionId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: createCart

This endpoint allows to get available amount of money, based on miles of user and their discounts which is based on cart or items.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function createCart(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required The body of the request.

Example Usage

    var body = new CartRequest({"key":"value"});

    controller.createCart(body, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: AuthenticationController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the AuthenticationController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.AuthenticationController;

Method: createAuthentication

Tags: Skips Authentication

An access token will allow you to make requests for the system. We support only one type of token: client_credentials.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function createAuthentication(accept, contentType, body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
accept Required DefaultValue It advertises which content type is able to understand.
contentType Required DefaultValue It tells the client what the content type of the returned.
body Required The body of the request.

Example Usage

    var accept = 'application/json';
    var contentType = 'application/json';
    var body = new OAuthRequest({
  "client_id": "{{client_id}}",
  "client_secret": "{{client_secret}}",
  "grant_type": "{{grant_type}}"

    controller.createAuthentication(accept, contentType, body, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: ReturnController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ReturnController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.ReturnController;

Method: retrieveReturn

This endpoint allows to get a return.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function retrieveReturn(returnProvisionToken, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
returnProvisionToken Required The token value of a return.

Example Usage

    var returnProvisionToken = return_provision_token;

    controller.retrieveReturn(returnProvisionToken, function(error, response, context) {


Method: deleteCancelReturn

This endpoint allows to cancel a return.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function deleteCancelReturn(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required The body of the request.

Example Usage

    var body = new CancelReturnRequest({"key":"value"});

    controller.deleteCancelReturn(body, function(error, response, context) {


Method: updateCompleteReturn

This endpoint allows to complete a return.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function updateCompleteReturn(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required The body of the request.

Example Usage

    var body = new CompleteReturnRequest({"key":"value"});

    controller.updateCompleteReturn(body, function(error, response, context) {


Method: createStartReturn

This endpoint allows to start a return for a specific order.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function createStartReturn(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required The body of the request.

Example Usage

    var body = new StartReturnRequest({"key":"value"});

    controller.createStartReturn(body, function(error, response, context) {


Method: listReturns

This endpoint allows to get list of returns. In order to get detailed return history and reconciliation you can use this endpoint.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function listReturns(filterStoreCode, filterCreatedAt, filterStatus, sort, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
filterStoreCode Required Filter for an online store.
filterCreatedAt Required Filter for created_at field. It is accepted a valid date range value. The format is YYYY-MM-DD..YYYY-MM-DD.
filterStatus Optional Filter for status field. It is accepted a valid status value of return.
sort Optional Sort for some selected fields. In order to sort descending "-" value will be used before the field. Valid field values are "created_at", "updated_at", "status".

Example Usage

    var filterStoreCode = filter[store_code];
    var filterCreatedAt = filter[created_at];
    var filterStatus = filter[status];
    var sort = 'sort';

    controller.listReturns(filterStoreCode, filterCreatedAt, filterStatus, sort, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: PayWithMilesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the PayWithMilesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.PayWithMilesController;

Method: listMilePayments

This endpoint allows to get list of payments. In order to get detailed payment history and reconciliation you can use this endpoint.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function listMilePayments(filterStoreCode, filterCreatedAt, filterStatus, sort, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
filterStoreCode Required Filter for an online store.
filterCreatedAt Required Filter for created_at field. It is accepted a valid date range value. The format is YYYY-MM-DD..YYYY-MM-DD.
filterStatus Optional Filter for status field. It is accepted a valid status value of payment.
sort Optional Sort for some selected fields. In order to sort descending "-" value will be used before the field. Valid field values are "created_at", "updated_at", "status".

Example Usage

    var filterStoreCode = filter[store_code];
    var filterCreatedAt = filter[created_at];
    var filterStatus = filter[status];
    var sort = 'sort';

    controller.listMilePayments(filterStoreCode, filterCreatedAt, filterStatus, sort, function(error, response, context) {


Method: createStartMilePayment

After successful authentication and retrieving needed token, this endpoint allows to start a payment transaction. To be able to complete whole payment process successfully also check "Complete Mile Payment endpoint" please.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function createStartMilePayment(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required The body of the request.

Example Usage

    var body = new StartMilePaymentRequest({"key":"value"});

    controller.createStartMilePayment(body, function(error, response, context) {


Method: updateCompleteMilePayment

This endpoint allows to complete a payment.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function updateCompleteMilePayment(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required The body of the request.

Example Usage

    var body = new CompleteMilePaymentRequest({"key":"value"});

    controller.updateCompleteMilePayment(body, function(error, response, context) {


Method: deleteCancelMilePayment

This endpoint allows to cancel a payment.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function deleteCancelMilePayment(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required The body of the request.

Example Usage

    var body = new CancelMilePaymentRequest({"key":"value"});

    controller.deleteCancelMilePayment(body, function(error, response, context) {


Method: createRefundMilePayment

This endpoint allows to refund a payment.

You can try this API with configuring client parameters in Console Tab below. Test OAuthClientId is b30359c21700fd6f2b91154adcb7b37bab3e7e0a33e22682e5dd149d7a6ac4df and OAuthClientSecret is 4bc4335faad41d6a23cd059e495005f00496a64e34e6187b1d72695a8debd28c

function createRefundMilePayment(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required The body of the request.

Example Usage

    var body = new RefundMilePaymentRequest({"key":"value"});

    controller.createRefundMilePayment(body, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers


Global Miles Ecommerce API Node SDK







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