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URL scheme

Matt Sephton edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 1 revision

Finding existing notes

You can search FSNotes for specific contents using a URL in the following format:

  • fsnotes://find/searchstring1%20searchstring2

This URL searches all note titles and body text for the search string and displays all matches. So, in this example that is the presence of both searchstring1 and searchstring2.

FSNotes also has an option to Copy URL for a note, which is the title of the note as it is at that point in time. Renaming a note at a later date will cause the old URL to no longer find the expected match.

Hint: in this and the following URLs, the strings will need to be url encoded. In the above example, "searchstring1 searchstring2" encodes as "searchstring1%20searchstring2".

Creating new notes

You can create new note files using URLs in the following formats:

  • fsnotes://new
  • fsnotes://new/?title=URI-escaped-title&html=URI-escaped-HTML-data
  • fsnotes://new/?title=URI-escaped-title&txt=URI-escaped-plain-text
  • fsnotes://new/?txt=URI-escaped-plain-text

If a note with the same title already exists, a 2 (or higher) will be appended to the title of the new note.

nvALT compatibility

FSNotes also provides the following URLs which are backwards-compatible with those provided by nvALT:


  • nv://find/searchstring1%20searchstring2
  • nv://note%20title (alias of /find above)


  • nv://make/?title=URI-escaped-title&html=URI-escaped-HTML-data&tags=URI-escaped-tag-string
  • nv://make/?title=URI-escaped-title&txt=URI-escaped-plain-text
  • nv://make/?txt=URI-escaped-plain-text

Additionally, the above URLs are also accessible by nvalt://