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User Management

Gabriel Simmer edited this page Dec 1, 2017 · 2 revisions

Pogo's user management system has been rewritten from the ground up to use the admin front end and SQLite3 rather than the JSON format in v1.0.0.

Adding users

To add a user, go to the "Users" tab and click the "New" button. You will be prompted for the username, real name, email and password, as well as the permission level. Hit save and the account will instantly be enabled.

Editing users

Users can be edited by navigating to the "Users" tab and clicked the "Edit" button on the right-most side of the table. You can change the password, username, email, and permission level. You will need to confirm the new password and enter the old password as extra precaution (the password can be manually changed in the SQLite3 database if you insert the bcrypt hash of it).

Permission levels

Pogo has a few built in permission levels to restrict users. These can be selected on user creation or when editing a user account.

Level Name Powers
0 Publishing only Can only publish podcast episodes and view currently published
1 Publishing, editing and theme Can publish and edit episodes (inc deletion) as well as edit the CSS
2 Admin Can do all the above as well as manage user accounts
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