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An endless 2D platformer where you escape the underworld - CPSC 427 Final Project

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Titan's Trial

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Titan's Trial - A 2D Endless survival game - Brought to you by Team17 - Defiant Mortals



Write-up Milestone 4 (Final Game)

Changes from M3_Proposal can be seen highlighted in green in the M4_Proposal document. The additions/changes include:

  • Story Elements
  • Reloadability
  • Advanced AI
  • Complex prescribed motion
  • Precise collision
  • Game balance (read below)

A note on user interaction feedback

  • Make sword always active or give it an attack animation
    • Decided not to because it's part of the functionality
  • Create a super rare powerup to deal with the following enemy
    • Decided not to because it needs to be a constant nuisance throughout the level
  • Lower attack cooldowns since higher levels are very difficult
    • More and better (powerful) weapons. Lower cooldowns, and higher damage
  • Visual change to the background/stage to indicate difficulty change
    • Level indicator at bottom left and there's an overlay before endless mode
  • Have some sort of end goal
    • Boss + endless for people who can beat the boss
  • More enemies
    • Added boss + ghoul + boulder. Spitter was changed
  • Make the sword better
    • Does more damage now (as it it more dangerous to use)
  • Define the purpose of the score
    • Remove score until you reach the endless level
  • Make grenade launcher shoot multiple grenades (or otherwise buff it since it's the slowest weapon to use)
    • Increased damage

A note on game balance

The game is based on a dynamic difficulty system, and a new run always starts at the lowest difficulty. Player death is permanent and results in starting from difficulty 1, as inspired by roguelike games. Difficulty increases through levels 1-4, followed by the boss level, and then an endless mode that is much harder. This is how we take care of balancing difficulty through enemies and weapons:

  • Dynamic Difficulty Factor & Level

    • Enemy spawning frequency, kinds and numbers
    • Weapon spawning kinds and probability
    • Spitter shoots faster at higher difficulty
  • Variable Enemy Health Value

    • Ranged enemy and combat enemy have different hp
    • Boulders can only be dstroyed by explosion (but with only one explosion)
  • Variable Weapon Advantages

    • Weapons of mass destruction have longer cooldown time and higher damage (chaos orb grenade and orb rocket launcher)
    • Sword has the highest damage (due to high risk)
    • Weapons that go through platforms have lowest damage (beam staff)
  • Boss Status

    • Boss has the highest HP
    • Boss can only be damaged by explosion
    • Boss have variable ways to attack and defence itself

M4 Features:

  • Story Elements
    • world_init.cpp:
      • func createDialogue
    • render_system.cpp:
      • func drawDialogueLayer
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func connectDialogue
      • func show_dialogue
      • func effect_to_play
      • func step: - lines 295 - 344
    • physics_system.cpp:
      • func step - lines 151 - 172
  • Precise Collision
    • physics_system.cpp - lines 19-123
  • Complex prescribed motion
    • weapon_utils.cpp - lines 275 - 370 and 635-657
  • Game Balance
    • enemy_utils.cpp
      • func adjust_difficulty
      • func do_enemy_spawn
    • enemy_utils.hpp
    • weapon_utils.cpp
      • func spawn_weapon
  • Advanced AI (MDP)
    • enemy_utils.cpp - lines 514-651
  • Reloadability
    • world_system.cpp
      • func save_game
      • func save_weapon
      • func load_game
      • step - lines 290-363
  • Boss
    • enemy_utils.cpp - lines 322 - 472

Write-up Milestone 3

Changes from M2_Proposal can be seen highlighted in green in the M3_Proposal document. The changes include:

  • Additional implementations
    • GUI for game data including current difficulty, player health, and score
    • Seperate out hitbox and sprite systems
    • Consistent game resolution (can resize, opens as windowed fullscreen)

M3 Features

  • Complete GUI
    • world_init.cpp:
      • func createPlayerHeart
      • func createPowerUpIcon
      • func createDifficultyBar
      • func createDifficultyIndicator
      • func createScore
      • func createNumber
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func create_inGame_GUIs
      • func changeScore
      • func connectNumber
      • func step - lines 202-261
  • More Weapons and Powerups
    • world_init.cpp:
      • func createRocketLauncher
      • func createRocket
      • func createGrenadeLauncher
      • func createGrenade
      • func createExplosion
      • func createHeart
      • func createPickaxe
      • func createWingedBoots
      • func createDashBoots
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func on_mouse_click
    • weapon_utils.cpp:
      • everything (refactored)
  • New Path Finding Enemy
    • world_init.cpp:
      • func createFollowingEnemy
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func move_tracer
    • ai_system.cpp:
      • everything
  • Parallax Background
    • world_init.cpp:
      • func createParallaxItem
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func create_parallax_background
  • Powerful Debugging System
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func on_key - lines 1002-1045, 1066-1080
  • Total Collision and World System Refactoring
    • world_system.hpp:
      • everything
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func handle_collision
    • physics_system.cpp:
      • everything
  • Hitbox/sprite refactoring (smaller changes to most systems)
    • world_init.hpp - lines 28-76
  • Complete Tutorial
    • world_system.cpp:
      • create_almanac_screen
    • world_init.cpp:
      • createTooltip
  • Different Resolutions
    • world_system.cpp:
      • create_window: lines 101-104
      • on_mouse_move
    • render_system.cpp:
      • drawToScreen: lines 250-265
      • drawScreenLayer

Write-up Milestone 2

Changes from M1_Proposal_V2 can be seen highlighted in green in the M2_Proposal document. The changes include:

  • Instead of adding a boulder as an enemy we decided to make the spitter which shoots a bouncing projectile
  • Instead of adding simple path finding, we started working on that with the intention of completing it in milestone 3
    • For our creative component, we pivoted to simple rendering effects, including a screen darkening effect on pause and a pulse effect when the hero is hit
  • Early and additional implementations
    • Title screen
    • Simple path finding was started

M2 Features

  • Button System
    • world_init.cpp:
      • func createButton
    • render_system.cpp:
      • func drawTextureMesh - lines 82-90
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func on_mouse_click
    • button.fs.glsl
    • button.vs.glsl
  • Pause System
    • world_init.cpp:
      • func createHelperText
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func change_pause
    • main.cpp:
      • func main - lines 43-53
  • screen.fs.glsl
  • screen.vs.glsl
  • Spitter Enemy
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func small_spitter_enemy
    • world_init.cpp:
      • func createSpitterEnemy
      • func createSpitterEnemyBullet
    • physics_system.cpp:
      • func step - lines 207-246
  • Main Menu
    • world_init.cpp:
      • func createTitleText
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func create_help_screen
      • func create_title_screen
  • Projectile Weapon:
    • weapon_utils.cpp
      • everything
    • physics_system.cpp
      • func collides - lines 17-49
  • Dynamic Difficulty System
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func step - lines 172-200 268-282
  • Health Bar + Invulnerability
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func handle_collision - lines 586-612
    • render_system.cpp:
      • drawTextureMesh - lines 68-73
    • hero.fv.glsl

Write-up Milestone 1

There were few changes that we had to implement to our previous proposal, all changes can be seen highlighted in green in the M1_Proposal_V2 document. The changes include:

  • Clarification on enemy - player collision
  • Early implementations
    • Mouse + space for weapon use forgoing arrow keys
    • Some improved movement options (double jump + wall jump)
      • To allow better traversal of the level
    • Rudementary scoring system
  • Added creative elements
    • Player movement animations
    • Audio Feedback


  • Map asset
    • data/textures/background.png
    • world_init.cpp :
      • func createBackground
  • Collision with platform and Boundary
    • physics_system.cpp :
      • func collides
  • Map collision placement
    • world_init.cpp :
      • function createBlock
    • world_system.cpp :
      • func restart_game - lines 410-440
    • render_system.cpp :
      • func drawTexturedMesh - lines 78-88
  • Player movement
    • world_system.cpp :
      • func on_key - lines 552-589
      • func motion_helper
  • Player gravity
    • physics_system.cpp :
      • func step - lines 86-89
  • Double Jump + Wall Jump
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func on_key - lines 581-589
      • func handle_collisions - lines 490-498
  • Random Movement enemy
    • world_init.cpp :
      • func createEnemy
    • world_system.cpp :
      • func step - lines 283-333
  • Random sword spawn
    • world_system.cpp :
      • func step - lines 335-345
      • func handle_collisions - lines 500-517
  • Sword and collision with enemy
    • world_system.cpp :
      • func on_key - lines 591-602
      • func handle_collisions - lines 518-528
      • func on_mouse_move
      • func step - lines 200-263
  • Sprite Animation
    • render_system.cpp :
      • func drawTexturedMesh - line 59-66
    • world_init.cpp :
      • func createHero - lines 21-24
    • world_system.cpp:
      • func step - lines 265-281
    • animated.fs.glsl
    • animated.vs.glsl


An endless 2D platformer where you escape the underworld - CPSC 427 Final Project






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