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Frequently asked questions

Adler Hsieh edited this page Jun 19, 2017 · 3 revisions

What will you do to make Goby performant?

I’m not quite sure yet, it’s just a goal I want to achieve. And my major goal is not make any program written in Goby performant, only web applications (especially api servers). Currently my plan is to build a server library using Go’s net/http package, which should be more efficient than rack based ruby web servers. And then we can see if this is a right direction for Goby or if we can do it better.

Is it just syntactic sugar over Go?

It can’t be syntactic sugar over Go because we are building an abstraction layer upon it, not forking go and modifying its parser. So we certainly need to keep improve our implementation to make it as performant as possible.

Is it an upgraded version of ruby with other improvements?

Goby also won’t be an upgrade version of ruby. Having full support of Ruby’s feature will be a huge effort and that would be a wrong way to go.

What do you mean about Ruby-like? Does it mean full syntax compatibility with ruby?

Only some syntax will be compatible with ruby because of two reasons:

  1. Goby’s parser is hand-crafted (for now) and it will have some limitations
  2. We may not have time to pursuit fully compatibility since this is not our major goal.

I think it will be Ruby-like enough if we can let rubyists feel familiar when they use Goby. (We all think Elixir and Crystal have Ruby-like syntax right 😆?)