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A simple but powerful search library for Ghost Blogging Platform.


Open your theme directory and navigate to assets subdirectory.
Create a directory called js, if there isn't already one in there, and add the minified version of ghost-search in it.
Open default.hbs that is located at the root of your theme.
At the bottom of this file you should see {{ghost_foot}}.
Add the following code above it and save it:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{asset "js/ghost-search.min.js"}}"></script>

Add the following code, in a .hbs file, where you want to show the search input:

<input id="ghost-search-field">

Add the following code, in a .hbs file, where you want to show the search results:

<div id="ghost-search-results"></div>

You will need to initialize ghost-search to make the search functional.
Add the following js code after you included ghost-search.min.js:

<script type="text/javascript">
    let ghostSearch = new GhostSearch()

Use ghost-search from CDN

<script src=""></script>


npm install ghost-search

Live Examples

Set a basic search
Display a message if there are no posts found
Search only through tags
Search posts from a custom collection
Search posts that are published after 01 Jan 2018
Search through the title and content of posts
Get the results when a button is clicked
Get proper results when your Ghost is on a sub-path
Set multiple instances of ghost-search on the same page
Add a loading icon when you have a lot of posts
Limit the results displayed

Default Options

    input: '#ghost-search-field',
    results: '#ghost-search-results',
    button: '',
    development: false,
    template: function(result) {
        let url = [location.protocol, '//',].join('');
        return '<a href="' + url + '/' + result.slug + '/">' + result.title + '</a>';  
    trigger: 'focus',
    options: {
        keys: [
        limit: 100,
        threshold: -3500,
        allowTypo: false
    api: {
        resource: 'posts',
        parameters: { 
            limit: 'all',
            fields: ['title', 'slug'],
            filter: '',
            include: '',
            order: '',
            formats: '',
    on: {
        beforeDisplay: function(){},
        afterDisplay: function(results){},
        beforeFetch: function(){},
        afterFetch: function(){}



The ID of the input field that will be transformed into search filter.
You can set your own id if you want like this:

<input id="my-custom-input">
<script type="text/javascript">
    let ghostSearch = new GhostSearch({
        input: '#my-custom-input'

Default value: '#ghost-search-field'


The ID of the element that will be transformed into search results.
You can set your own id if you want like this:

<div id="my-custom-results"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    let ghostSearch = new GhostSearch({
        results: '#my-custom-results'

Default value: '#ghost-search-results'


The ID of the element that will trigger the search results after it's clicked.
By default, the button parameter is empty because ghost-search displays the results when you write in the input.
To make this work you need to add the input and the button in a form element:

    <input id="my-custom-input">
    <input type="submit" id="my-custom-button">
<div id="my-custom-results"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    let ghostSearch = new GhostSearch({
        input: '#my-custom-input',
        results: '#my-custom-results',
        button: '#my-custom-button'

Default value: ''


A parameter that will do some validation to your current instance. Might be useful if you use the api parameter.
By default it is set to false but you can set it like this to true:

<script type="text/javascript">
    let ghostSearch = new GhostSearch({
        development: true

Default value: false


The template that will be used to render individual items in the search result.
The method has a parameter result that stores all the data that you can use inside the method.


Make the results a list and wrap each result with <li>:

<div id="my-custom-input"></div>
<ul id="my-custom-results"></ul>
<script type="text/javascript">
    let ghostSearch = new GhostSearch({
        input: '#my-custom-input',
        results: '#my-custom-results',
        template: function(result) {
            let url = [location.protocol, '//',].join('');
            return '<li><a href="' + url + '/' + result.slug + '">' + result.title + '</a></li>';  

Set url with sub-path:

<script type="text/javascript">
    let ghostSearch = new GhostSearch({
        input: '#my-custom-input',
        results: '#my-custom-results',
        template: function(result) {
            let url = [location.protocol, '//',].join('') + '/sub-path/';
            return '<a href="' + url + '/' + result.slug + '">' + result.title + '</a>';  

Default value:

function(result) {
    let url = [location.protocol, '//',].join('');
    return '<a href="' + url + '/' + result.slug + '">' + result.title + '</a>';  


Tells the script when to fetch the collection of data. The default value is focus, that means when a user clicks the input, all the data is fetched.
You can also use load. This will fetch the data when the page loads.

load might create a DDOS effect because it loads all the data every time a page loads. Use carefully.

Default value: 'focus'


ghost-search is using fuzzysort as an algorithm for search. The option parameter supports all the options from fuzzysort. By default, ghost-search is showing the first 10 results and searches only based on title.

Let's try another example that will show the first 3 results and searches both title and the content of a collection:

<script type="text/javascript">
    let ghostSearch = new GhostSearch({
        options: {
            keys: [
            limit: 3,
        api: {
            resource: 'posts',
            parameters: { 
                fields: ['title', 'slug', 'plaintext'],
                formats: 'plaintext',

Default value:

    keys: [
    limit: 10,
    threshold: -3500,
    allowTypo: false


The api parameter is an object that supports most of the resources and parameters by Ghost API.

Resources: posts, tags, users
Parameters: fields, filter, include, order, formats, limit


Search through tags:

<script type="text/javascript">
    let ghostSearch = new GhostSearch({
        options: {
            keys: [
        api: {
            resource: 'tags',
            parameters: { 
                fields: ['name', 'slug'],
        template: function(result) {
            let url = [location.protocol, '//',].join('') + '/tag';
            return '<a href="' + url + '/' + result.slug + '/">' + + '</a>';  

Search through a custom collection:

Let's say we have a routes.yaml like this:


    permalink: /themes/{slug}/
    filter: tag:themes
    data: tag.themes
    permalink: /{slug}/
    filter: tag:-themes
      - index

  tag: /tag/{slug}/
  author: /author/{slug}/

/themes/ is a collection that will show posts with tag themes. A post like this will have the url

Our ghost-search will become:

let ghostSearch = new GhostSearch({
    options: {
        keys: [
    api: {
        resource: 'posts',
        parameters: { 
            fields: ['title', 'slug'],
            filter: 'tags:[themes]',
            include: 'tags'
    template: function(result) {
        let collection = 'themes';
        let url = [location.protocol, '//',].join('') + '/' + collection;
        return '<a href="' + url + '/' + result.slug + '/">' + result.title + '</a>';  


This parameter has 4 methods in it: beforeDisplay, afterDisplay, beforeFetch, afterFetch.
afterDisplay and afterFetch have a parameter results that contains the results fetched.
They are usefull to do things before results are visible to users.


let ghostSearch = new GhostSearch({
    on: {
        beforeFetch: function(){
            // Create a div that has a spinning icon
            console.log('Loading appers');
        afterFetch: function(results){
            // Remove the spinning icon
            console.log('Loading disappears');


All changes should be committed to src/ files only.

Known Issues

  • DDOS effect when trigger is set to load If you have a lot of posts and set trigger to load you might get a DDOS effect because you are loading all the post everything a page loads. It would be better to just set trigger to focus.
  • Avoid using fields if you are filtering on a relationship. If you include tags or authors, the library removes everything you have in fields parameter.


0.1.0 - 17 Sep 2018

  • Initial release

Thank You

ghost-search is using as a search algorithm fuzzysort.
Thank you farzher for creating fuzzysort, a simple and usable search library.

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2018 Haunted Themes - Released under the MIT license.
Ghost is a trademark of The Ghost Foundation


A simple but powerful search library for Ghost Blogging Platform.






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  • JavaScript 100.0%