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Inherits: :ref:`Reference<class_reference>` < :ref:`Object<class_object>`

Category: Core

Brief Description

Helper tool to create geometry.

Member Functions

void :ref:`add_bones<class_SurfaceTool_add_bones>` ( :ref:`PoolIntArray<class_poolintarray>` bones )
void :ref:`add_color<class_SurfaceTool_add_color>` ( :ref:`Color<class_color>` color )
void :ref:`add_index<class_SurfaceTool_add_index>` ( :ref:`int<class_int>` index )
void :ref:`add_normal<class_SurfaceTool_add_normal>` ( :ref:`Vector3<class_vector3>` normal )
void :ref:`add_smooth_group<class_SurfaceTool_add_smooth_group>` ( :ref:`bool<class_bool>` smooth )
void :ref:`add_tangent<class_SurfaceTool_add_tangent>` ( :ref:`Plane<class_plane>` tangent )
void :ref:`add_to_format<class_SurfaceTool_add_to_format>` ( :ref:`int<class_int>` flags )
void :ref:`add_triangle_fan<class_SurfaceTool_add_triangle_fan>` ( :ref:`PoolVector3Array<class_poolvector3array>` vertexes, :ref:`PoolVector2Array<class_poolvector2array>` uvs=PoolVector2Array( ), :ref:`PoolColorArray<class_poolcolorarray>` colors=PoolColorArray( ), :ref:`PoolVector2Array<class_poolvector2array>` uv2s=PoolVector2Array( ), :ref:`PoolVector3Array<class_poolvector3array>` normals=PoolVector3Array( ), :ref:`Array<class_array>` tangents=[ ] )
void :ref:`add_uv<class_SurfaceTool_add_uv>` ( :ref:`Vector2<class_vector2>` uv )
void :ref:`add_uv2<class_SurfaceTool_add_uv2>` ( :ref:`Vector2<class_vector2>` uv2 )
void :ref:`add_vertex<class_SurfaceTool_add_vertex>` ( :ref:`Vector3<class_vector3>` vertex )
void :ref:`add_weights<class_SurfaceTool_add_weights>` ( :ref:`PoolRealArray<class_poolrealarray>` weights )
void :ref:`append_from<class_SurfaceTool_append_from>` ( :ref:`Mesh<class_mesh>` existing, :ref:`int<class_int>` surface, :ref:`Transform<class_transform>` transform )
void :ref:`begin<class_SurfaceTool_begin>` ( :ref:`int<class_int>` primitive )
void :ref:`clear<class_SurfaceTool_clear>` ( )
:ref:`ArrayMesh<class_arraymesh>` :ref:`commit<class_SurfaceTool_commit>` ( :ref:`ArrayMesh<class_arraymesh>` existing=null, :ref:`int<class_int>` flags=97792 )
void :ref:`create_from<class_SurfaceTool_create_from>` ( :ref:`Mesh<class_mesh>` existing, :ref:`int<class_int>` surface )
void :ref:`deindex<class_SurfaceTool_deindex>` ( )
void :ref:`generate_normals<class_SurfaceTool_generate_normals>` ( )
void :ref:`generate_tangents<class_SurfaceTool_generate_tangents>` ( )
void :ref:`index<class_SurfaceTool_index>` ( )
void :ref:`set_material<class_SurfaceTool_set_material>` ( :ref:`Material<class_material>` material )


The SurfaceTool is used to construct a :ref:`Mesh<class_mesh>` by specifying vertex attributes individually. It can be used to construct a :ref:`Mesh<class_mesh>` from script. All properties except index need to be added before a call to :ref:`add_vertex<class_SurfaceTool_add_vertex>`. For example adding vertex colors and UVs looks like

var st =
st.add_color(Color(1, 0, 0))
st.add_uv(Vector2(0, 0))
st.add_vertex(Vector3(0, 0, 0))

The SurfaceTool now contains one vertex of a triangle which has a UV coordinate and a specified :ref:`Color<class_color>`. If another vertex were added without calls to :ref:`add_uv<class_SurfaceTool_add_uv>` or :ref:`add_color<class_SurfaceTool_add_color>` then the last values would be used.

It is very important that vertex attributes are passed before the call to :ref:`add_vertex<class_SurfaceTool_add_vertex>`, failure to do this will result in an error when committing the vertex information to a mesh.

Member Function Description

Add an array of bones for the next Vertex to use.

Specify a :ref:`Color<class_color>` for the next Vertex to use.

Adds an index to index array if you are using indexed Vertices. Does not need to be called before adding Vertex.

Specify a normal for the next Vertex to use.

Specify whether current Vertex (if using only Vertex arrays) or current index (if also using index arrays) should utilize smooth normals for normal calculation.

Specify a Tangent for the next Vertex to use.

Insert a triangle fan made of array data into :ref:`Mesh<class_mesh>` being constructed.

Specify UV Coordinate for next Vertex to use.

Specify an optional second set of UV coordinates for next Vertex to use.

Specify position of current Vertex. Should be called after specifying other vertex properties (e.g. Color, UV).

Specify weight value for next Vertex to use.

Called before adding any Vertices. Takes the primitive type as an argument (e.g. Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES).

  • void clear ( )

Clear all information passed into the surface tool so far.

Returns a constructed :ref:`ArrayMesh<class_arraymesh>` from current information passed in. If an existing :ref:`ArrayMesh<class_arraymesh>` is passed in as an argument, will add an extra surface to the existing :ref:`ArrayMesh<class_arraymesh>`.

  • void deindex ( )

Removes index array by expanding Vertex array.

  • void generate_normals ( )

Generates normals from Vertices so you do not have to do it manually.

  • void generate_tangents ( )
  • void index ( )

Shrinks Vertex array by creating an index array. Avoids reusing Vertices.

Sets :ref:`Material<class_material>` to be used by the :ref:`Mesh<class_mesh>` you are constructing.