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Grails Selection Plugin

The selection plugin provides a unified method to query information. It uses a URI based syntax to query any information from any resource.

Two requirements motivated this plugin:

  1. Make it easy to query domain instances without the need to import the domain class being queried
  2. Make it possible to save a query for later use. No matter if the query was a simple findBy query or a complex Criteria query, or any other type of query.

A URI based standard for query expressions makes both requirements possible. A query is expressed as a URI and contains all necessary information to perform the query at any time anywhere in the application.

In most use-cases you implement the actual query logic in a grails service method. Then you create a query URI that includes the service, method and parameters. Then you call to perform the query and get the result.

def query = new URI("bean:personService/list?name=A*")
def people =, [offset:0, max: 10])

This means that to perform a query anywhere in the application you only need an injected SelectionService and a query URI.

Other grails plugins can add custom selection providers. The basic selection plugin contains three selection providers: bean, gorm and proxy that will be described below.

The GR8 CRM ecosystem makes extensive use of the selection plugin. Each GR8 CRM plugin focus on one specific domain, for example contact, project or document. Each plugin defines a Bounded Context and has minimal dependencies on other GR8 CRM plugins. Each plugin implements the query logic for it's domain model in a service. Anywhere, from the application or from a plugin a query can be executed without the need to import the domain class being queried. The only objects needed are a SelectionService instance and a URI that contains the query expression. This avoids tight coupling between plugins but still makes it possible to query almost any information.

URI examples

The result of invoking selectionService.selection(...) is implementation dependent, but typically the result is an instance of PagedResult or ArrayList. The 'gorm' selection always returns a List of domain instances.

Default Selection Providers

GORM Selection

The gorm selection handler provides standard GORM list() and get() queries.


  • gorm://
  • gorm://crmContact/list?firstName=Sven&lastName=Anderson
  • gorm://demo.Book/get?id=42

This it very powerful and flexible but it also introduces a security risk if you put this tool in the hands of your users (like accepting query URI:s as request parameters). So to enable gorm selections you must configure (in Config.groovy) a white list of domain classes that you want to use with gorm: selections.

selection.gorm = true // No restrictions, all domain classes are selectable (use with care). = true // Allow gorm selection on Person domain class only = true // Allow gorm selections on all domain classes in package com.mycompany

####Fixed criteria

You can also restrict gorm: selections with a fixed criteria that will always be added to the query.

Example: With this code in BootStrap.groovy every gorm: selection will be filtered on current user (Apache Shiro).

class BootStrap {
    def gormSelection
    def init = { servletContext ->
        gormSelection.fixedCriteria = { query, params ->
            eq('username', SecurityUtils.subject.principal)

Bean Selection

The bean selection handler makes it possible to call a method on a Spring bean. For security reasons the method to call must be annotated with @grails.plugins.selection.Selectable.

class CustomerService {
  def list(Map query, Map params) {
    Customer.createCriteria().list(params) {
      if(query.customerNo) {
        eq('customerNo', query.customerNo)
      if( {
        ilike('name','*', '%'))


  • bean:customerService/list?name=Acme+Inc.&offset=0&max=25
  • bean:crmContactService/list?name=Fred*&state=CA&offset=50&max=25
  • bean://logService/getEvents?status=new
  • bean://anotherBean/getSomething/arg1/arg2/arg3
  • bean://erpIntegrationBean/getInvoices?date=%3E2014-06-15

Proxy Selection

The proxy selection uses a normal URL with http:, https:, ftp: or file: scheme to retrieve a URI string. The returned URI will then be used to perform the actual query via SelectionService.


LDAP Selection Plugin

LDAP support is provided by the selection-ldap plugin.


  • ldap:dc=example,dc=com&filter=(objectClass=people)

Persistent Selections Plugin

Queries can be saved for later use with the selection-repository plugin.

Example 1 - save a query and use the returned URI in another part of the application to execute the query:

def query = new URI("gorm://person/list?name=A*")
def uri = selectionRepositoryService.put(query, "person", null, "People who's name begins with A")

def result =, [offset:0, max: 25])

Example 2 - save a query and retrieve it later to execute the query:

def query = new URI("gorm://person/list?name=David+Johnson")
selectionRepositoryService.put(query, "person", null, "David Johnson")

def savedQueries = selectionRepositoryService.list("person")
def davidQuery = savedQueries.first().uri
def result =, [offset:0, max: 25])
assert result.size() == 1
assert result[0].name == "David Johnson"

Develop your own custom selection provider

The selection plugin uses standard Grails artifacts as selection providers. So if you want to add a custom provider, just create a a Groovy class in grails-app/selection. The class name must end with "Selection" and have two methods:

boolean supports(URI uri)

This method must return true if the selection provider supports the given URI.

def select(URI uri, Map params)

This method is responsible for returning the query result. It could perform the query itself, or delegate to another service. The URI parameter contains the query expression and the Map can contain parameters for pagination and sorting.


Unified information search for Grails applications






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