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This repository is created for downloading dataset for bincat neural network. It contains scripts that can be used to download code, images and text used for machine learning.

Stage 1

If you want to use any of this scripts listed bellow you need to setup config.json file in script directory according to config.example.json file and run standalone_* file


code folder contains scripts for downloading code from github repositories.

config explained

github_access_key - This key can be obtained from github. It is used for github authorization.

max_repos - How many repos can script use. (If more repos are needed script stops instead).

languages_with_suffix - This object contains language-suffix pairs.

output_dir - Where script should store data.

required_bytes - When this goal is achieved or too many repos is used script stops.

Compiled code

compiled_code folder contains scripts for downloading code from this page.

config explained

architectures - This object contains architecture-compile script pairs. In this script input and output paths must be replaced with INPUT_PATH and OUTPUT_PATH (see example).

output_dir - Where script should store data.


images folder contains scripts for downloading images with google api.

config explained

google_api_key - Put your google api key here. For more info see google documentation.

google_cse_id - Put your cse id here. For more info see google documentation.

queries - Queries used for google search. Script downloads 10 images for every query-format pair.

formats - Script will download images in this formats

output_dir - Where script should store data

required_bytes - When this goal is achieved or all queries are used script stops.


text folder contains scripts for downloading texts from wikipedia.

config explained

langs - Languages used when searching on wikipedia

queries - Queries used for Wikipedia search. Script tries to download 10 page contents for every query-language pair.

formats - Script will store all page contents in this formats

output_dir - Where script should store data

Stage 2

If you want use all script listed above and merge data to *.bin files you can use change_to_binary. Before that setup config.json according to config.example.json.

config explained

stage1_output_dir - Where data from stage one will be stored

stage2_output_dir - where *.bin data will be stored

remove_bytes_start - How much bytes will script remove from start of every file.

remove_bytes_end - How much bytes will script remove from end of every file.

code_config - Object containing config for code script. See code config explained.

compiled_code_config - Object containing config for compiled code script. See compiled code config explained.

images_config - Object containing config for images script. See images config explained.

text_config - Object containing config for text script. See text config explained.


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