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docs: Update Bitbucket Hosting Tutorial
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Dundonian authored and digitalcraftsman committed Feb 5, 2017
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129 changes: 81 additions & 48 deletions docs/content/tutorials/
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- Jason Gowans
lastmod: 2016-03-11
date: 2016-03-11
lastmod: 2017-02-04
date: 2017-02-04
linktitle: Hosting on Bitbucket
toc: true
Expand All @@ -18,88 +18,121 @@ weight: 10

## Introduction

In this tutorial, we will use [Bitbucket]( and [Aerobatic]( to build, deploy, and host a Hugo site. Aerobatic is a static hosting service that is installed as an add-on to Bitbucket and provides a free hosting tier with custom domain and wildcard SSL certificate.
In this tutorial, we will use [Bitbucket]( and [Aerobatic]( to build, deploy, and host a Hugo site. Aerobatic is a static hosting service that integrates with Bitbucket and provides a free hosting tier.

It is assumed that you know how to use git for version control and have a Bitbucket account. It is also assumed that you have gone through the [quickstart guide]({{< relref "overview/" >}}) and already have a Hugo site on your local machine.
It is assumed that you know how to use git for version control and have a Bitbucket account.

## Create package.json
## Install Aerobatic CLI

If you haven't previously used Aerobatic, you'll first need to install the Command Line Interface (CLI) and create an account. For a list of all commands available, see the [Aerobatic CLI]( docs.

cd your-hugo-site
npm install aerobatic-cli -g
aero register

In the root directory of your Hugo site, create a `package.json` file. The `package.json` informs Aerobatic to build a Hugo site.

To do so, declare the following snippet in your `package.json` manifest. You can, of course, use any [Hugo theme]( of your choosing with the `themeRepo` option. Just tell Aerobatic where the theme’s git repo is.
## Create and Deploy Site

"_aerobatic": {
"build": {
"engine": "hugo",
"themeRepo": ""
hugo new site my-new-hugo-site
cd my-new-hugo-site
cd themes; git clone
hugo -t liquorice
aero create # create the Aerobatic site
hugo --baseURL # build the site overriding baseURL
aero deploy -d public # deploy output to Aerobatic

Version v1 deployment complete.
View now at

In the rendered page response, the `https://__baseurl__` will be replaced with your actual site url (in this example, ``). You can always rename your Aerobatic website with the `aero rename` command.

## Push Hugo site to Bitbucket
We will now create a git repository and then push our code to Bitbucket. Because Aerobatic both builds *and* hosts Hugo sites, there is no need to push the compiled assets in the `/public` folder.

We will now create a git repository and then push our code to Bitbucket. In Bitbucket, create a repository.


[1]: /img/tutorials/hosting-on-bitbucket/bitbucket-create-repo.png

# initialize new git repository
git init

# add /public directory to our .gitignore file
echo "/public" >> .gitignore
# set up our .gitignore file
echo -e "/public \n/themes \naero-deploy.tar.gz" >> .gitignore

# commit and push code to master branch
git commit -a -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin
git add --all
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

## Install Aerobatic
Clicking [this link]( will automatically install the Aerobatic add-on to your Bitbucket account. Alternatively, you can also install Aerobatic from the Bitbucket [add-on directory]( Click **Grant Access** in the install dialog.
## Continuous Deployment With Bitbucket Pipelines
In the example above, we pushed the compiled assets in the `/public` folder to Aerobatic. In the following example, we use Bitbucket Pipelines to continuously create and deploy the compiled assets to Aerobatic.


[1]: /img/tutorials/hosting-on-bitbucket/bitbucket-grant-access.png
### Step 1: Configure Bitbucket Pipelines

## Setup hosting
In your Hugo website's Bitbucket repo;

Select your repository from the dropdown menu and click **Setup hosting**
1. Click the Pipelines link in the left nav menu of your Bitbucket repository.
2. Click the Enable Pipelines button.
3. On the next screen, leave the default template and click Next.
4. In the editor, paste in the yaml contents below and click Commit.


[2]: /img/tutorials/hosting-on-bitbucket/bitbucket-setup-hosting.png
image: beevelop/nodejs-python
- step:
- apt-get update -y && apt-get install wget
- apt-get -y install git
- wget
- dpkg -i hugo*.deb
- git clone themes/liquorice
- hugo --theme=liquorice --baseURL https://__baseurl__ --buildDrafts
- npm install -g aerobatic-cli
- aero deploy

You will then be directed to the **Create Website** screen. This is a one-time step. With each subsequent `git push` to Bitbucket, Aerobatic will automatically build and deploy a new version of your site instantly.
### Step 2: Create `AEROBATIC_API_KEY` environment variable.

- Give your website a name.
- In this example, we won't setup a custom domain, but [you can](
- Leave the deploy branch as master.
This step only needs to be done once per account. From the command line;

Click the **Create website** button:
aero apikey

1. Navigate to the Bitbucket account settings for the account that the website repo belongs to.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the left nav and click the Environment variables link in the PIPELINES section.
3. Create a new environment variable called AEROBATIC_API_KEY with the value you got by running the `aero apikey` command. Be sure to click the Secured checkbox.

[3]: /img/tutorials/hosting-on-bitbucket/bitbucket-create-website.png
## Step 3: Edit and Commit Code

hugo new post/
hugo server --buildDrafts -t liquorice #Check that all looks good

In less than 30 seconds, your Hugo site will be built and live on the Internet at
# commit and push code to master branch
git add --all
git commit -m "New blog post"
git push -u origin master

Your code will be committed to Bitbucket, Bitbucket Pipelines will run your build, and a new version of your site will be deployed to Aerobatic.

[4]: /img/tutorials/hosting-on-bitbucket/bitbucket-site-built.png
At this point, you can now create and edit blog posts directly in the Bitbucket UI.


[2]: /img/tutorials/hosting-on-bitbucket/bitbucket-blog-post.png

[5]: /img/tutorials/hosting-on-bitbucket/bitbucket-site-live.png

## Suggested next steps

The code for this example can be found in this [Bitbucket repository](

Aerobatic provides a number of plugins such as [custom error pages](, [custom redirects](, [basic authentication](, and many other [features]( In the case of authentication, [this blog post]( describes how to password protect all, or part, of your Hugo site.
The code for this example can be found in this Bitbucket [repository]( Aerobatic also provides a number of additional [plugins]( such as auth and redirects that you can use for your Hugo site.
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