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crypto/tls: add a certificate cache implementation
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Adds a BoringSSL CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL style reference counted intern
table for x509.Certificates. This can be used to significantly reduce
the amount of memory used by TLS clients when certificates are reused
across connections.

Updates #46035

Change-Id: I8d7af3bc659a93c5d524990d14e5254212ae70f4
Run-TryBot: Roland Shoemaker <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Knyszek <>
Reviewed-by: Filippo Valsorda <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
  • Loading branch information
rolandshoemaker authored and pull[bot] committed Mar 29, 2023
1 parent 75af4b6 commit 4621101
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Showing 2 changed files with 210 additions and 0 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions src/crypto/tls/cache.go
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package tls

import (

type cacheEntry struct {
refs atomic.Int64
cert *x509.Certificate

// certCache implements an intern table for reference counted x509.Certificates,
// implemented in a similar fashion to BoringSSL's CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL. This
// allows for a single x509.Certificate to be kept in memory and referenced from
// multiple Conns. Returned references should not be mutated by callers. Certificates
// are still safe to use after they are removed from the cache.
// Certificates are returned wrapped in a activeCert struct that should be held by
// the caller. When references to the activeCert are freed, the number of references
// to the certificate in the cache is decremented. Once the number of references
// reaches zero, the entry is evicted from the cache.
// The main difference between this implmentation and CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL is that
// CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL is a more generic structure which supports blobs of data,
// rather than specific structures. Since we only care about x509.Certificates,
// certCache is implemented as a specific cache, rather than a generic one.
// See
// and
// for the BoringSSL reference.
type certCache struct {

// activeCert is a handle to a certificate held in the cache. Once there are
// no alive activeCerts for a given certificate, the certificate is removed
// from the cache by a finalizer.
type activeCert struct {
cert *x509.Certificate

// active increments the number of references to the entry, wraps the
// certificate in the entry in a activeCert, and sets the finalizer.
// Note that there is a race between active and the finalizer set on the
// returned activeCert, triggered if active is called after the ref count is
// decremented such that refs may be > 0 when evict is called. We consider this
// safe, since the caller holding an activeCert for an entry that is no longer
// in the cache is fine, with the only side effect being the memory overhead of
// there being more than one distinct reference to a certificate alive at once.
func (cc *certCache) active(e *cacheEntry) *activeCert {
a := &activeCert{e.cert}
runtime.SetFinalizer(a, func(_ *activeCert) {
if e.refs.Add(-1) == 0 {
return a

// evict removes a cacheEntry from the cache.
func (cc *certCache) evict(e *cacheEntry) {

// newCert returns a x509.Certificate parsed from der. If there is already a copy
// of the certificate in the cache, a reference to the existing certificate will
// be returned. Otherwise, a fresh certificate will be added to the cache, and
// the reference returned. The returned reference should not be mutated.
func (cc *certCache) newCert(der []byte) (*activeCert, error) {
if entry, ok := cc.Load(string(der)); ok {
return*cacheEntry)), nil

cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(der)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

entry := &cacheEntry{cert: cert}
if entry, loaded := cc.LoadOrStore(string(der), entry); loaded {
return*cacheEntry)), nil
return, nil
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions src/crypto/tls/cache_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package tls

import (

func TestCertCache(t *testing.T) {
cc := certCache{}
p, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(rsaCertPEM))
if p == nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to decode certificate")

certA, err := cc.newCert(p.Bytes)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("newCert failed: %s", err)
certB, err := cc.newCert(p.Bytes)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("newCert failed: %s", err)
if certA.cert != certB.cert {
t.Fatal("newCert returned a unique reference for a duplicate certificate")

if entry, ok := cc.Load(string(p.Bytes)); !ok {
t.Fatal("cache does not contain expected entry")
} else {
if refs := entry.(*cacheEntry).refs.Load(); refs != 2 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of references: got %d, want 2", refs)

timeoutRefCheck := func(t *testing.T, key string, count int64) {
c := time.After(4 * time.Second)
for {
select {
case <-c:
t.Fatal("timed out waiting for expected ref count")
e, ok := cc.Load(key)
if !ok && count != 0 {
t.Fatal("cache does not contain expected key")
} else if count == 0 && !ok {

if e.(*cacheEntry).refs.Load() == count {

// Keep certA alive until at least now, so that we can
// purposefully nil it and force the finalizer to be
// called.
certA = nil

timeoutRefCheck(t, string(p.Bytes), 1)

// Keep certB alive until at least now, so that we can
// purposefully nil it and force the finalizer to be
// called.
certB = nil

timeoutRefCheck(t, string(p.Bytes), 0)

func BenchmarkCertCache(b *testing.B) {
p, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(rsaCertPEM))
if p == nil {
b.Fatal("Failed to decode certificate")

cc := certCache{}
// We expect that calling newCert additional times after
// the initial call should not cause additional allocations.
for extra := 0; extra < 4; extra++ {
b.Run(fmt.Sprint(extra), func(b *testing.B) {
actives := make([]*activeCert, extra+1)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var err error
actives[0], err = cc.newCert(p.Bytes)
if err != nil {
for j := 0; j < extra; j++ {
actives[j+1], err = cc.newCert(p.Bytes)
if err != nil {
for j := 0; j < extra+1; j++ {
actives[j] = nil

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