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[dev.regabi] cmd/compile/internal: specify memory layout
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This CL expands to cover Go's memory layout rules and
then uses this to specify the calling convention more precisely.

Change-Id: Ifeef9e49d9ccc8c7333dec81bdd47b511b028469
Trust: Austin Clements <>
Reviewed-by: David Chase <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Knyszek <>
Reviewed-by: Than McIntosh <>
Reviewed-by: Cherry Zhang <>
  • Loading branch information
aclements committed Jan 25, 2021
1 parent cabffc1 commit 6f5e79f
Showing 1 changed file with 156 additions and 67 deletions.
223 changes: 156 additions & 67 deletions src/cmd/compile/
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@

This document describes Go’s internal application binary interface
(ABI), known as ABIInternal.
Go's ABI defines the layout of data in memory and the conventions for
calling between Go functions.
This ABI is *unstable* and will change between Go versions.
If you’re writing assembly code, please instead refer to Go’s
[assembly documentation](/doc/asm.html), which describes Go’s stable
Expand All @@ -20,7 +22,89 @@ specifics.
architectures instead of the platform ABI, see the [register-based Go
calling convention proposal](

## Argument and result passing
## Memory layout

Go's built-in types have the following sizes and alignments.
Many, though not all, of these sizes are guaranteed by the [language
Those that aren't guaranteed may change in future versions of Go (for
example, we've considered changing the alignment of int64 on 32-bit).

| Type | 64-bit | | 32-bit | |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| | Size | Align | Size | Align |
| bool, uint8, int8 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| uint16, int16 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
| uint32, int32 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
| uint64, int64 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 4 |
| int, uint | 8 | 8 | 4 | 4 |
| float32 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
| float64 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 4 |
| complex64 | 8 | 4 | 8 | 4 |
| complex128 | 16 | 8 | 16 | 4 |
| uintptr, *T, unsafe.Pointer | 8 | 8 | 4 | 4 |

The types `byte` and `rune` are aliases for `uint8` and `int32`,
respectively, and hence have the same size and alignment as these

The layout of `map`, `chan`, and `func` types is equivalent to *T.

To describe the layout of the remaining composite types, we first
define the layout of a *sequence* S of N fields with types
t<sub>1</sub>, t<sub>2</sub>, ..., t<sub>N</sub>.
We define the byte offset at which each field begins relative to a
base address of 0, as well as the size and alignment of the sequence
as follows:

offset(S, i) = 0 if i = 1
= align(offset(S, i-1) + sizeof(t_(i-1)), alignof(t_i))
alignof(S) = 1 if N = 0
= max(alignof(t_i) | 1 <= i <= N)
sizeof(S) = 0 if N = 0
= align(offset(S, N) + sizeof(t_N), alignof(S))

Where sizeof(T) and alignof(T) are the size and alignment of type T,
respectively, and align(x, y) rounds x up to a multiple of y.

The `interface{}` type is a sequence of 1. a pointer to the runtime type
description for the interface's dynamic type and 2. an `unsafe.Pointer`
data field.
Any other interface type (besides the empty interface) is a sequence
of 1. a pointer to the runtime "itab" that gives the method pointers and
the type of the data field and 2. an `unsafe.Pointer` data field.
An interface can be "direct" or "indirect" depending on the dynamic
type: a direct interface stores the value directly in the data field,
and an indirect interface stores a pointer to the value in the data
An interface can only be direct if the value consists of a single
pointer word.

An array type `[N]T` is a sequence of N fields of type T.

The slice type `[]T` is a sequence of a `*[cap]T` pointer to the slice
backing store, an `int` giving the `len` of the slice, and an `int`
giving the `cap` of the slice.

The `string` type is a sequence of a `*[len]byte` pointer to the
string backing store, and an `int` giving the `len` of the string.

A struct type `struct { f1 t1; ...; fM tM }` is laid out as the
sequence t1, ..., tM, tP, where tP is either:

- Type `byte` if sizeof(tM) = 0 and any of sizeof(t*i*) ≠ 0.
- Empty (size 0 and align 1) otherwise.

The padding byte prevents creating a past-the-end pointer by taking
the address of the final, empty fN field.

Note that user-written assembly code should generally not depend on Go
type layout and should instead use the constants defined in

## Function call argument and result passing

Function calls pass arguments and results using a combination of the
stack and machine registers.
Expand All @@ -45,42 +129,48 @@ reserves spill space on the stack for all register-based arguments
(but does not populate this space).

The receiver, arguments, and results of function or method F are
assigned to registers using the following algorithm:
assigned to registers or the stack using the following algorithm:

1. Start with the full integer and floating-point register sequences
and an empty stack frame.
1. Let NI and NFP be the length of integer and floating-point register
sequences defined by the architecture.
Let I and FP be 0; these are the indexes of the next integer and
floating-pointer register.
Let S, the type sequence defining the stack frame, be empty.
1. If F is a method, assign F’s receiver.
1. For each argument A of F, assign A.
1. Align the stack frame offset to the architecture’s pointer size.
1. Reset to the full integer and floating-point register sequences
(but do not reset the stack frame).
1. Add a pointer-alignment field to S. This has size 0 and the same
alignment as `uintptr`.
1. Reset I and FP to 0.
1. For each result R of F, assign R.
1. Align the stack frame offset to the architecture’s pointer size.
1. Add a pointer-alignment field to S.
1. For each register-assigned receiver and argument of F, let T be its
type and stack-assign an empty value of type T.
This is the argument's (or receiver's) spill space.
1. Align the stack frame offset to the architecture’s pointer size.
type and add T to the stack sequence S.
This is the argument's (or receiver's) spill space and will be
uninitialized at the call.
1. Add a pointer-alignment field to S.

Assigning a receiver, argument, or result V works as follows:
Assigning a receiver, argument, or result V of underlying type T works
as follows:

1. Register-assign V.
1. If step 1 failed, undo all register and stack assignments it
performed and stack-assign V.
1. Remember I and FP.
1. Try to register-assign V.
1. If step 2 failed, reset I and FP to the values from step 1, add T
to the stack sequence S, and assign V to this field in S.

Register-assignment of a value V of underlying type T works as follows:

1. If T is a boolean or integral type that fits in an integer
register, assign V to the next available integer register.
register, assign V to register I and increment I.
1. If T is an integral type that fits in two integer registers, assign
the least significant and most significant halves of V to the next
two available integer registers, respectively.
the least significant and most significant halves of V to registers
I and I+1, respectively, and increment I by 2
1. If T is a floating-point type and can be represented without loss
of precision in a floating-point register, assign V to the next
available floating-point register.
of precision in a floating-point register, assign V to register FP
and increment FP.
1. If T is a complex type, recursively register-assign its real and
imaginary parts.
1. If T is a pointer type, map type, channel type, or function type,
assign V to the next available integer register.
assign V to register I and increment I.
1. If T is a string type, interface type, or slice type, recursively
register-assign V’s components (2 for strings and interfaces, 3 for
Expand All @@ -89,22 +179,17 @@ Register-assignment of a value V of underlying type T works as follows:
1. If T is an array type of length 1, recursively register-assign its
one element.
1. If T is an array type of length > 1, fail.
1. If there is no available integer or floating-point register
available above, fail.
1. If any recursive assignment above fails, this register-assign fails.

Stack-assignment of a value V of underlying type T works as follows:

1. Align the current stack frame offset to T’s alignment.
1. Append V to the stack frame.

(Note that any non-zero-sized struct type that ends in a zero-sized
field is implicitly padded with 1 byte to prevent past-the-end
This applies to all structs, not just those passed as arguments.)

The following diagram shows what the resulting argument frame looks
like on the stack:
1. If I > NI or FP > NFP, fail.
1. If any recursive assignment above fails, fail.

The above algorithm produces an assignment of each receiver, argument,
and result to registers or to a field in the stack sequence.
The final stack sequence looks like: stack-assigned receiver,
stack-assigned arguments, pointer-alignment, stack-assigned results,
pointer-alignment, spill space for each register-assigned argument,
The following diagram shows what this stack frame looks like on the
stack, using the typical convention where address 0 is at the bottom:

| . . . |
Expand All @@ -121,47 +206,50 @@ like on the stack:
| stack-assigned receiver |
+------------------------------+ ↓ lower addresses

(Note that, while stack diagrams conventionally have address 0 at the
bottom, if this were expressed as a Go struct the fields would appear
in the opposite order, starting with the stack-assigned receiver.)

To perform a call, the caller reserves space starting at the lowest
address in its stack frame for the call stack frame, stores arguments
in the registers and argument stack slots determined by the above
in the registers and argument stack fields determined by the above
algorithm, and performs the call.
At the time of a call, spill slots, result stack slots, and result
registers are assumed to be uninitialized.
At the time of a call, spill space, result stack fields, and result
registers are left uninitialized.
Upon return, the callee must have stored results to all result
registers and result stack slots determined by the above algorithm.
registers and result stack fields determined by the above algorithm.

There are no callee-save registers, so a call may overwrite any
register that doesn’t have a fixed meaning, including argument

### Example

The function `func f(a1 uint8, a2 [2]uintptr, a3 uint8) (r1 struct { x
uintptr; y [2]uintptr }, r2 string)` has the following argument frame
layout on a 64-bit host with hypothetical integer registers R0–R9:
Consider the function `func f(a1 uint8, a2 [2]uintptr, a3 uint8) (r1
struct { x uintptr; y [2]uintptr }, r2 string)` on a 64-bit
architecture with hypothetical integer registers R0–R9.

On entry, `a1` is assigned to `R0`, `a3` is assigned to `R1` and the
stack frame is laid out in the following sequence:

a2 [2]uintptr
r1.x uintptr
r1.y [2]uintptr
a1Spill uint8
a2Spill uint8
_ [6]uint8 // alignment padding

In the stack frame, only the `a2` field is initialized on entry; the
rest of the frame is left uninitialized.

+-------------------+ 48
| alignment padding | 42
| a3 argument spill | 41
| a1 argument spill | 40
| r1 result | 16
| a2 argument | 0
On entry: R0=a1, R1=a3
On exit: R0=r2.base, R1=r2.len
On exit, `r2.base` is assigned to `R0`, `r2.len` is assigned to `R1`,
and `r1.x` and `r1.y` are initialized in the stack frame.

There are several things to note in this example.
First, a2 and r1 are stack-assigned because they contain arrays.
First, `a2` and `r1` are stack-assigned because they contain arrays.
The other arguments and results are register-assigned.
Result r2 is decomposed into its components, which are individually
Result `r2` is decomposed into its components, which are individually
On the stack, the stack-assigned arguments appear below the
stack-assigned results, which appear below the argument spill area.
Only arguments, not results, are assigned a spill area.
On the stack, the stack-assigned arguments appear at lower addresses
than the stack-assigned results, which appear at lower addresses than
the argument spill area.
Only arguments, not results, are assigned a spill area on the stack.

### Rationale

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,9 +284,9 @@ kubelet (and even these very little).

We make exceptions for 0 and 1-element arrays because these don’t
require computed offsets, and 1-element arrays are already decomposed
in the compiler’s SSA.
in the compiler’s SSA representation.

The stack assignment algorithm above is equivalent to Go’s stack-based
The ABI assignment algorithm above is equivalent to Go’s stack-based
ABI0 calling convention if there are zero architecture registers.
This is intended to ease the transition to the register-based internal
ABI and make it easy for the compiler to generate either calling
Expand All @@ -217,12 +305,13 @@ These slots also act as the home location if these arguments need to
be spilled for any other reason, which simplifies traceback printing.

There are several options for how to lay out the argument spill space.
We chose to lay out each argument in its type's usual memory layout
but to separate the spill space from the regular argument space.
We chose to lay out each argument according to its type's usual memory
layout but to separate the spill space from the regular argument
Using the usual memory layout simplifies the compiler because it
already understands this layout.
Also, if a function takes the address of a register-assigned argument,
the compiler must spill that argument to memory in its usual in-memory
the compiler must spill that argument to memory in its usual memory
layout and it's more convenient to use the argument spill space for
this purpose.

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