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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 30, 2022. It is now read-only.


Goldeimer gemeinnützige GmbH's applications monorepo

|:--:| | GitHub tag | | BSD-2-clause license | [ |

Table of Contents

JTL Shop Template

Child template of "EVO", one of two standard templates JTL Shop ships with.
See jtl-template/. In external revision.


React.js application displaying set of merchants Goldeimer's (and Viva con Agua's) products can be purchased at.

WordPress Theme

Child theme of commercially available parent theme "Enfold".
See wordpress-theme/.

Building client-side assets (css, js)

Client-side assets for both the WordPress theme as well as the JTL template (future) as well as stand-alone client applications are being bundled with webpack, while we employ rollup to bundle client-side libraries. Whichever the case, either calls on babel for transpilation.

Development Environment (docker)

See docker/.

Database Dumps

The docker/sql/ directory is expected to contain theDevelopment Environment (docker) following two database dumps, prior to running docker/

  • jtl.sql
  • wordpress.sql

*.sql dumps are to be omitted from version control (see docker/.gitignore).

Static Production Content

Prior to first run, static production content must be copied to the local or staging environment. docker/ mounts the webroot as an sshfs mountpoint and thereafter rsyncs it with a vcs-exempted directory in the project root.