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SharePoint REST API Client

The SharePoint REST API Client allows you to authenticate with SharePoint Online (2013) via OAuth2 and work with a subset of SharePoint's functionality (currently Lists and Users) using PHP.

The library is available to anyone and is licensed under the MIT license.



Using Composer

Add altek/sharepoint-client to your composer.json and run composer install or composer update.

    "require": {
        "altek/sharepoint-client": "*"

Basic usage

Class instantiation


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Altek\SharePoint\SharePointException;
use Altek\SharePoint\RESTClient;

try {
    $config = array(
        'url'  => '', // Application URL
        'path' => '/sites/mySite'                                  // Application URL Path

    $rc = new RESTClient($config);

} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

Attention: In order to use the methods provided by this class, you need an Access Token which can be generated/requested through a logged User or an App only policy.

Get an Access Token as a User

try {
    $config = array(
        'token'  => 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyNTQyNGR...', // Context Token
        'secret' => 'YzcZQ7N4lTeK5COin/nmNRG5kkL35gAW1scrum5mXVgE='


} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

Note: The context token is accessible via the SPAppToken input (POST) when SharePoint redirects to our Application.

Get an Access Token as an Application (App only policy)

try {
    $config = array(
        'acs'       => '', // Access Control Service URL
        'client_id' => '52848cad-bc13-4d69-a371-30deff17bb4d/',
        'secret'    => 'YzcZQ7N4lTeK5COin/nmNRG5kkL35gAW1scrum5mXVgE=',
        'resource'  => '00000000-0000-ffff-0000-000000000000/'


} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

Both methods return an Array with the access token and start/expire dates as Carbon objects. The access token will be stored internally so that all methods that require it, have access to it.

Get the Context Web Information

try {
    $ctx = $rc->getContextInfo();

} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

This method returns an Array with the SharePoint's library version and the Form Digest (needed to update, upload and delete Items).

List methods

Get available Lists

try {
    // Extra properties to add
    $extra = array(
        'is_hidden' => 'Hidden',
        // ...

    $lists = $rc->getLists($extra);

} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

This method returns an Array with all the available Lists.

Note: By default, a List Array will only contain: GUID, Title, Description, Items, Created date as a Carbon object.

If more information about a List is needed, use the $extra Array parameter to add other properties returned by the SharePoint API to the resulting Array.

Get the Item count of a List

try {
    $library = 'MyLibrary';

    $count = $rc->getListItemCount($library);

} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

This method returns an integer with the number of Items that exist in a List.

Get the Items from a specific List

try {
    $library = 'MyLibrary';

    // Extra properties to add
    $extra = array(
        'content_type_id' => 'ContentTypeId',
        // ...

    $items = $rc->getListItems($library, $extra);

} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

This method returns an Array with all the available Items from a List.

Note: By default, an Item Array will only contain: ID, GUID, Title, Entity Type, URI, Author ID, Editor ID, and Created/Modified date as Carbon objects.

If more information about an Item is needed, use the $extra Array parameter to add other properties returned by the SharePoint API to the resulting Array.

Get an Item from a specific List

try {
    $library = 'MyLibrary';

    $id = 1;

    // Extra properties to add
    $extra = array(
        'content_type_id' => 'ContentTypeId',
        // ...

    $item = $rc->getListItem($library, $id, $extra);

} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

This method returns an Array with the Item information.

Note: By default, an Item Array will only contain: ID, GUID, Title, Entity Type, URI, Author ID, Editor ID, and Created/Modified date as Carbon objects.

If more information about an Item is needed, use the $extra Array parameter to add other properties returned by the SharePoint API to the resulting Array.

Upload an Item to a List

try {
    $library = 'MyLibrary';

    $file = '/path/to/a/picture.jpg';

    // Item properties
    $properties = array(
        'Title' => 'A picture in JPEG format',
        // ...

    // Silently overwrite an existing file with the same name
    $overwrite = true;

    $rc->uploadListItem($library, $file, $properties, $overwrite);

} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

This method returns true if the file was successfully uploaded.

Note: If the $overwrite value is false, an exception will be thrown when uploading a file with a name that already exists in the List.

Update a List Item

try {
    $library = 'MyLibrary';

    $id = 1;

    // Item properties
    $properties = array(
        'Title' => 'A different title for the picture in JPEG format',
        // ...

    // Entity Type
    $type = 'SP.Data.ReportsListItem';

    $rc->updateListItem($library, $id, $properties, $type);

} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

This method returns true if the file was successfully updated.

Note: The Entity Type of an Item can be fetched using the getListItem() method.

Delete a List Item

try {
    $library = 'MyLibrary';

    $id = 1;

    $rc->deleteListItem($library, $id);

} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

This method returns true if the file was successfully deleted.

Note: The Entity Type of an Item can be fetched using the getListItem() method.

User methods

Get the current User profile

try {
    $user = $rc->getCurrentUserProfile();

} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

This method returns an Array with the User information.

Note: The User information Array will only contain: Account Name, Email, Name, URL, Picture URL and Title.

Attention: This method will throw an exception if the Access Token was generated/requested by an App only policy.

Get a specific User profile

try {
    $account = 'i:0#.f|membership|';

    $user = $rc->getUserProfile($account);

} catch(SharePointException $e) {
    // handle exceptions

This method returns an Array with the User information.

Note: The User information Array will only contain: Account Name, Email, Name, URL, Picture URL and Title.

Extra List/Item properties

Note that extra properties of date or datetime types, will be returned as Carbon objects.