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About the OpenAPI3.1.0 usage of http


go get


import (

func main() {
	api := goapi.GoAPI(&app.Gin{}, true, "/docs")
	api.HTTPExceptionHandler(func(httpCode int, detail string) goapi.Response {
		return &goapi.HTTPResponse[Error]{
			HttpCode: httpCode, 
			Body: Error{
				Code:  httpCode, 
				Error: detail,
	api.IncludeRouter(&IndexController{}, "/v1", true, func(ctx *goapi.Context) {
	_ = api.Run("")


type UserController struct {

type UserListRouter struct {

func (u *UserListRouter) Index(input struct {
	router  goapi.Router `path:"/index/{id}" method:"put" summary:"test api" desc:"test api" tags:"admin"`
	Auth    *AdminAuth
	ID      string `path:"id"` // path 
	Req     Req `body:"json"`
}) Resp {
	return Resp{}

// Implement HTTPBearer interface
type AdminAuth struct {
	Admin  string          // Define a value and retrieve it from the controller

func (h *AdminAuth) HTTPBearer(token string) {
	if token != "123456" {
		goapi.HTTPException(401, "token is error")   
	h.Admin = "admin"

// Implement HTTPBasic interface
type AdminAuth struct {
	Admin  string          // Define a value and retrieve it from the controller

func (h *AdminAuth) HTTPBasic(username,password string) {
	if username != "admin" || password != "123456" {
		goapi.HTTPException(401, "token is error")
	h.Admin = "admin"

// Auth verification
type UserListHeader struct { 
	Token     string
	param.Header     // inherit

// Implement ApiKey interface
type AdminAuth struct {
	Header *UserListHeader
	Admin  string          // Define a value and retrieve it from the controller

func (h *AdminAuth) ApiKey() {
	if h.Header.token != "123456" {
		goapi.HTTPException(401, "token is error")
	h.Admin = "admin"

Structure tag field annotation

  • header
    • Can use commonly used types(ptr, slice), in slice type use ',' split
    • Value is an alias for a field, 'omitempty' is nullable
  • cookie
    • Can use commonly used types(ptr, slice) or *http.Cookie, in slice type use ',' split
    • Value is an alias for a field, 'omitempty' is nullable
  • query
    • Can use commonly used types(ptr, slice)
    • Value is an alias for a field, 'omitempty' is nullable
  • path
    • Can use commonly used types(ptr, slice), in slice type use ',' split
    • Value is an alias for a field, 'omitempty' is nullable
  • form
    • Can use commonly used types(ptr, slice), in slice type use ',' split
    • default media type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', if file exists 'multipart/form-data'
    • Value is an alias for a field, 'omitempty' is nullable
  • file
    • Can use commonly used *multipart.FileHeader or []*multipart.FileHeader
    • default media type 'multipart/form-data'
    • Value is an alias for a field, 'omitempty' is nullable
  • body
    • The values are xml and json, Multiple uses ',' segmentation
    • Value of json is media type 'application/json', xml is media type 'application/xml'
    • Body of tag use value, 'omitempty' is nullable

Structure tag annotation

  • regexp
    • Regular expression of value
    • Equivalent to OpenAPI pattern
  • enum
    • Enumeration of values
    • Limit integer number boolean string type
    • Comma division (,)
  • default
    • Default value
  • example
    • Example value
  • desc
    • Field description
    • Equivalent to OpenAPI description
  • lt
    • Less than value
    • Limit integer number type
    • Equivalent to OpenAPI exclusiveMaximum
  • lte
    • Less than or equal to value
    • Limit integer number type
    • Equivalent to OpenAPI maximum
  • gt
    • Greater than value
    • Limit integer number type
    • Equivalent to OpenAPI exclusiveMinimum
  • gte
    • Greater than or equal to value
    • Limit integer number type
    • Equivalent to OpenAPI minimum
  • multiple
    • Multipliers of values
    • Limit integer number type
  • max
    • The maximum length of the value
    • Limit string array object type
  • min
    • The minimum length of the value
    • Limit string array object type
  • unique
    • The value of the array is unique
    • Limit array type

Response annotation

  • if response is an implementation of the goapi.Response interface, you can set the http Code and header
  • else do not set the header, and set the HTTP code to 200

Error corresponding comment

goapi.HTTPException(404, "error message")
  • Specific return information can be configured using the 'HTTPExceptionHandler' method
  • The first parameter is the HTTP status code, the second is the error message, and the third is the header setting returned


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