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Common problems

WarheadsSE edited this page Jul 1, 2017 · 8 revisions


"4097 Error in the pull function"

$ connector
E0914 23:30:21.437047    8860 connector.go:33] Google Cloud Print CUPS Connector version DEV-linux
Google Cloud Print CUPS Connector version DEV-linux
E0914 23:30:24.203739    8860 connector.go:119] Ready to rock as proxy 'my-proxy'
Ready to rock as proxy 'my-proxy'
E0914 23:31:24.221903    8860 printermanager.go:207] Sync failed while calling GetPrinters(): Failed to call cupsDoRequest() [IPP_OP_CUPS_GET_PRINTERS]: Failed to connect to CUPS server /var/run/cups/cups.sock:631 because 4097 Error in the pull function.

Not sure why this happens, something to do with CUPS and TLS. If the connector is running on the same machine as the CUPS server, then a workaround is to simply not use TLS when talking to CUPS.


Encryption can also be turned off in /etc/cups/client.conf.

"Failed to register my-printer locally: Failed to add Avahi group: Not permitted"

This error occurs when the Avahi daemon is configured to disallow publishing. A complete log entry:

W0922 11:44:22.777678   29547 printermanager.go:116] Failed to register my-printer locally: Failed to add Avahi group: Not permitted

You can change the Avahi daemon config in /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf from:




Printers are already in sync; there are 0

When using CUPS on Linux / MacOS, ensure that your server has sharing enabled, and that the printer you wish to share is marked as shared as well. This is a requirement for cloud-print-connector to see and share the printer via Google Cloud Print