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Cluster-Scoped Kubernetes CI/CD Pipelines in the Cloud with Asylo as a Trusted Execution Environment Abstraction Framework

This work was done in completion of the requirements for JHU EN 605 731 81 SU20 - Survey of Cloud Computing Security (towards fullfilment of a M.S. in Computer Science).

Full Pipeline

Project Goals

The idea behind the project (and associated code repository) is to create a K8s CI/CD pipelines of components that live entirely within the pipeline (hence "cluster-scoped") and that extends a common CI/CD pipeline by wrapping deployment artifacts with Asylo, an abstraction framework for creating enclave binaries.

Getting Started

To start, cd into gcp and then run make all. There's a bit more too it than that though (but that's the goal, to allow the creation of this entire pipeline with make all).

This project currently only runs on Google Cloud, hence the "gcp" directory. If / when its extended, expect directories such as "azure" or "aws", etc.

Why make? - I adopted this structure after seeing a presentation on stage, where the author had combined all of their demo code into a single Makefile and created recipe targets for step1, step2, etc. It seemed incredibly easy and intuitive, allowing separation and ease. Its not perfect and has its pitfalls (compared to just shell scripts), but its a personal preference I stick with.

I Ran make all, Now What?

Let's take you through each and every step. If you check the Makefile, you'll see that all is a target for a dozen or so different recipes, executing in order. We can step through each of them.

make network

Nearly all Cloud based resources at the Infrastructure or Platform layer need to live within a VPC. To do this, we execute a series of gcloud commands to:

  • Create a new VPC
  • Create a subnet in that VPC specific to a region (in this case us-east-4)
  • Create firewall rules to allow certain types of inbound traffic
  • Create a static IP address we can allocate to our clusters Load Balancer later

make cluster

This is a bit of a magic Google SDK command. With a single command, we can create a highly-available distributed Kubernetes cluster, via Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). This will be the foundation for the rest of our commands.

make cluster-kaniko

This one is misleading. Kaniko doesn't actually "install" into our cluster. However it is going to need permissions to reference and use when it executes, which we create here and expose in the form of Kubernetes secrets.

make cluster-tekton-pipelines

This command will kubectl apply -f the yaml targets for installing Tekton Pipelines into our cluster. Tekton will expose new Task, TaskRun, Pipeline, and PipelineRun custom resources definitions (CRD) into our cluster. It will also create a persistent volume necessary for storing some items.

make cluster-tekton-triggers

This is pretty simple, we simply kubectl apply -f to install Tekton Triggers, which exposes some new EventListener and TriggerTemplate related CRDs.

make cluster-nginx-ingress

If we want to expose the services in our cluster to the outside world, we generally will do this via an ingress. K8s comes with default ones, and on Google Cloud it will utilize a default Google Compute Engine Ingress Controller. This can be somewhat limiting, so we want to install and use a community version of the Nginx Ingress Controller.

We'll have to create a clusterrolebinding to allow the Nginx controller to perform internal cluster actions when we want it too.

Critically often forgotten, we're then going to patch the new resource to include the IP address of the static IP address we allocated when we ran make network. This will associate the ingress of our cluster with a static IP. We can update our DNS records (out of scope for this project) to point to this IP address. We don't de-allocate this IP when we make clean and destroy the cluster, which allows us to create and destroy the cluster at will with minimal configuration (in many cases, none at all).

make cluster-cert-manager

This stage will install the cert-manager project. It will bind itself to the ingress controller and be able to automatically issue trusted, real TLS certificates to our endpoints dynamically.

make redis

This command will use Helm to create a highly-available installation of Redis in our cluster. Redis is an in-memory key/value store that is needed by Harbor.

make postgresql-db

This command will again use Helm to create a highly-available installation of PostgreSQL in our cluster. This DB is also needed for persistent actions, logging, account and identity pieces by Harbor. Harbor requires certain tables to be created when it installs, so we will sleep (to wait for our pods to come up) and then additionally use psql to automatically create those objects.

make harbor

Again using Helm, we will now install Harbor into the cluster. A lot of the options here are critical, so we'll go over them:

  • Our externalURL is set for Harbors configuration purposes. This needs to be set in our DNS Zone / Registrar to point to our static IP allocated earlier, so traffic to Harbor can enter the cluster.
  • We're going to use ingress (as opposed to clusterip or nodeport) to route our traffic to Harbor.
  • We apply a specific annotation that effectively allows larger containers to be pushed or pulled from the registry
  • We define both Redis and PostgreSQL as being "external". Despite this definition, they are not "external" as the DNS endpoints of the resources are targeted to our internal constructs. Traffic will never leave the mesh of the cluster. When set to "internal", Harbor will use its own temporary, non-production ready Redis and PostgreSQL capabilities (which we don't want).

Finally, we annotate the ingress created by Harbor with a cert-manager annotation, which will provision an ACME cert for it. TLS is required here, especially so we don't have to add "insecure-registry" command flags in half-a-dozen different places (and because security is the whole point of this architecture).

make pipeline-objects

Buckle up cause this one is pretty much the meat of the entire project!

Tekton Resources

First we create the Tekton pipelineresource objects that Tekton will need. There are two main ones, a git resources for where to fetch code from and a registry resource for where to push finished objects to.

Role / Bindings

Many components of this pipeline will need advanced permissions. We create a role with the necessary (and only the necessary) permissions and then grant access on that role to a service account via a rolebinding.


When pipeline components clone from GitHub and docker push to Harbor, they'll need appropriate non-cluster credentials to do so. These secrets create the accompanying serviceaccounts with the proper permissions to do so.

When recreating this pipeline, you are required to change these objects. Currently the secrets/ directory has incomplete object checked-in to it, to avoid exposing credentials.


We set up staging and prod certificate issuers with ACME / LetsEncrypt.

Nginx Pipeline Objects

This will create the build-and-push and deploy tasks for a basic deployment of an Nginx pod into the cluster, as well as a pipeline object that will execute those two actions.

Asylo Pipeline Objects

These files are largely replicated from the Nginx pipeline, just specific to our Asylo deployment files within the respository.

Tekton Triggers

Both the Nginx and Asylo pipelines will be triggered off of similar event pipelines.

Cleaning Up

Run make clean. That's it! This will delete everything, with the notable exception of leaving the allocated static IP address intact. This allows us to recreate the entire pipeline with make all and maintain our DNS structure. If we delete the static IP (which you can absolutely do), then the next time make all is run the pipeline will allocate a new static IP, which will need to be updated with any DNS zone targets you have.