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Adds an implementation of a QR-based Dynamically Weighted Halley iter…
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adam-lewis-gcorp authored and hawkinsp committed Jul 20, 2021
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# Copyright 2021 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Functions to compute the polar decomposition of the m x n matrix A, A = U @ H
where U is unitary (an m x n isometry in the m > n case) and H is n x n and
positive semidefinite (or positive definite if A is nonsingular). The method
is described in the docstring to `polarU`. This file covers the serial
import jax
from jax import lax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.scipy as jsp

# TODO: Allow singular value estimates to be manually specified
def _add_to_diagonal(X, val):
new_diagonal = X.diagonal() + val
diag_indices = jnp.diag_indices(X.shape[0])
return jax.ops.index_update(X, diag_indices, new_diagonal)

def _dot(a, b):
return, b, precision=lax.Precision.HIGHEST)

def polar(a, side='right', method='qdwh', eps=None, maxiter=50):
""" Computes the polar decomposition.
Given the (m x n) matrix `a`, returns the factors of the polar decomposition
`u` (m x n) and `p` such that `a = up` (if side is "right"; p is (n x n)) or
`a = pu` (if side is "left"; p is (m x m)), where `p` is positive
semidefinite. If `a` is nonsingular, `p` is positive definite and the
decomposition is unique. `u` has orthonormal columns unless n > m, in which
case it has orthonormal rows.
Writing an SVD of `a` as `a = u_svd @ s_svd @ v^h_svd`, we have
`u = u_svd @ v^h_svd`. Thus the unitary factor `u` can be construed as
the application of the signum function to the singular values of `a`;
or, if `a` is Hermitian, the eigenvalues.
Several methods exist to compute the polar decomposition. Currently two
are supported:
`method`="svd": Computes the SVD of `a` and then forms
`u = u_svd @ v^h_svd`. This fails on the TPU, since
no SVD algorithm independent of the polar decomposition
exists there.
`method`="qdwh": Applies a certain iterative expansion of the matrix
signum function to `a` based on QR and Cholesky
a: The m x n input matrix.
side: Determines whether a right or left polar decomposition is computed.
If side is "right" then `a = up`. If side is "left" then `a = pu`. The
default is "right".
method: Determines the algorithm used, as described above.
precision: Controls the TPU matrix multiplication precision.
The remaining arguments are only meaningful if method is "qdwh".
eps: The final result will satisfy |X_k - X_k-1| < |X_k| * (4*eps)**(1/3) .
maxiter: Iterations will terminate after this many steps even if the
above is unsatisfied.
unitary: The unitary factor (m x n).
posdef: The positive-semidefinite factor. Either (n, n) or (m, m)
depending on whether side is "right" or "left", respectively.
info: Stores convergence information.
if method is "svd": None
if method is "qdwh": j_qr: Number of QR iterations.
j_chol: Number of Cholesky iterations.
errs: Convergence history.
return _polar(a, side, method, eps, maxiter)

@jax.partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(1, 2, 4))
def _polar(a, side, method, eps, maxiter):
if side not in ("left", "right"):
raise ValueError(f"side={side} was invalid.")

unitary, info = _polar_unitary(a, method, eps, maxiter)
if side == "right":
posdef = _dot(unitary.conj().T, a)
posdef = _dot(a, unitary.conj().T)
posdef = 0.5 * (posdef + posdef.conj().T)
return unitary, posdef, info

def polar_unitary(a, method="qdwh", eps=None, maxiter=50):
""" Computes the unitary factor u in the polar decomposition `a = u p`
(or `a = p u`).
return _polar_unitary(a, method, eps, maxiter)

@jax.partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(1, 3))
def _polar_unitary(a, method, eps, maxiter):
if method not in ("svd", "qdwh"):
raise ValueError(f"method={method} is unsupported.")

if method == "svd":
u_svd, _, vh_svd = jnp.linalg.svd(a, full_matrices=False)
unitary = _dot(u_svd, vh_svd)
info = None
elif method == "qdwh":
unitary, j_qr, j_chol, errs = _qdwh(a, eps, maxiter)
info = (j_qr, j_chol, errs)
raise ValueError("How did we get here?")
return unitary, info

@jax.partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(2,))
def _qdwh(matrix, eps, maxiter):
""" Computes the unitary factor in the polar decomposition of A using
the QDWH method. QDWH implements a 3rd order Pade approximation to the
matrix sign function,
X' = X * (aI + b X^H X)(I + c X^H X)^-1, X0 = A / ||A||_2. (1)
The coefficients a, b, and c are chosen dynamically based on an evolving
estimate of the matrix condition number. Specifically,
a = h(l), b = g(a), c = a + b - 1, h(x) = x g(x^2), g(x) = a + bx / (1 + cx)
where l is initially a lower bound on the smallest singular value of X0,
and subsequently evolves according to l' = l (a + bl^2) / (1 + c l^2).
For poorly conditioned matrices
(c > 100) the iteration (1) is rewritten in QR form,
X' = (b / c) X + (1 / c)(a - b/c) Q1 Q2^H, [Q1] R = [sqrt(c) X] (2)
[Q2] [I ].
For well-conditioned matrices it is instead formulated using cheaper
Cholesky iterations,
X' = (b / c) X + (a - b/c) (X W^-1) W^-H, W = chol(I + c X^H X). (3)
The QR iterations rapidly improve the condition number, and typically
only 1 or 2 are required. A maximum of 6 iterations total are required
for backwards stability to double precision.
matrix: The m x n input matrix.
eps: The final result will satisfy |X_k - X_k-1| < |X_k| * (4*eps)**(1/3) .
maxiter: Iterations will terminate after this many steps even if the
above is unsatisfied.
matrix: The unitary factor (m x n).
jq: The number of QR iterations (1).
jc: The number of Cholesky iterations (2).
errs: Convergence history.
n_rows, n_cols = matrix.shape
fat = n_cols > n_rows
if fat:
matrix = matrix.T
matrix, q_factor, l0 = _initialize_qdwh(matrix)

if eps is None:
eps = jnp.finfo(matrix.dtype).eps
tol_lk = 5 * eps # stop when lk differs from 1 by less
tol_delta = jnp.cbrt(tol_lk) # stop when the iterates change by less
coefs = _qdwh_coefs(l0)
errs = jnp.zeros(maxiter, dtype=matrix.real.dtype)
matrix, j_qr, coefs, errs = _qdwh_qr(
matrix, coefs, errs, tol_lk, tol_delta, maxiter)
matrix, j_chol, errs = _qdwh_cholesky(
matrix, coefs, errs, tol_lk, tol_delta, j_qr, maxiter)
matrix = _dot(q_factor, matrix)

if fat:
matrix = matrix.T
return matrix, j_qr, j_chol, errs

def _initialize_qdwh(matrix):
""" Does preparatory computations for QDWH:
1. Computes an initial QR factorization of the input A. The iterations
will be on the triangular factor R, whose condition is more easily
estimated, and which is square even when A is rectangular.
2. Computes R -> R / ||R||_F. Now 1 is used to upper-bound ||R||_2.
3. Computes R^-1 by solving R R^-1 = I.
4. Uses sqrt(N) * ||R^-1||_1 as a lower bound for ||R^-2||.
1 / sqrt(N) * ||R^-1||_1 is then used as the initial l_0. It should be clear
there is room for improvement here.
X = R / ||R||_F;
Q from A -> Q @ R;
l0, the initial estimate for the QDWH coefficients.
q_factor, r_factor = jnp.linalg.qr(matrix, mode="reduced")
alpha = jnp.linalg.norm(r_factor)
r_factor /= alpha
eye = jnp.eye(*r_factor.shape, dtype=r_factor.dtype)
r_inv = jsp.linalg.solve_triangular(r_factor, eye, overwrite_b=True)
one_norm_inv = jnp.linalg.norm(r_inv, ord=1)
l0 = 1 / (jnp.sqrt(matrix.shape[1]) * one_norm_inv)
eps = jnp.finfo(r_factor.dtype).eps
l0 = jnp.array(l0, dtype=r_factor.real.dtype)
l0 = jnp.where(l0 < eps, x=eps, y=l0)
l0 = jnp.where(l0 > 1.0, x=1.0, y=l0)
return r_factor, q_factor, l0

def _qdwh_coefs(lk):
""" Computes a, b, c, l for the QDWH iterations.
The input lk must be in (0, 1]; lk=1 is a fixed point.
Some facts about the coefficients:
-for lk = 1 we have a=3, b=1, c=3, lk_new = 1.
-The float64 vs float32 computation of each coef appears to differ
only by noise on the order of 1E-9 to 1E-7 for all values of lk.
There is no apparent secular change in the (relative) error.
-All coefs change roughly as power laws; over e.g. [1E-14, 1]:
- a decreases from 5.43E9 to 3.
- b decreases from 7.37E18 to 1.
- c decreases from 7.37E18 to 3, only diverging from b near lk=1.
- lk increases from 5.45E-5 to 1.
lk is an estimate of the scaled matrix's smallest singular value
lk = jnp.where(lk > 1.0, x=1.0, y=lk)
d = (4. * (1. - lk**2) / (lk**4))**(1 / 3)
f = 8. * (2. - lk**2) / (lk**2 * (1. + d)**(1 / 2))
a = (1. + d)**(1 / 2) + 0.5 * (8. - 4. * d + f)**0.5
b = (a - 1.)**2 / 4
c = a + b - 1.
lk = lk * (a + b * lk**2) / (1 + c * lk**2)
return a, b, c, lk

def _unconverged(lk, j, maxiter, err, tol_delta, tol_lk):
changing = err > tol_delta
far_from_end = jnp.abs(1 - lk) > tol_lk
unconverged = jnp.logical_or(changing, far_from_end)
iterating = j < maxiter
return jnp.logical_and(iterating, unconverged)[0]

def _qdwh_qr(matrix, coefs, errs, tol_lk, tol_delta, maxiter):
""" Applies the QDWH iteration formulated as
X' = (b / c) X + (1 / c)(a - b/c) Q1 Q2^H, [Q1] R = [sqrt(c) X]
[Q2] [I ]
to X until either c < 100, ||X' - X|| < eps||X'||,
or the iteration count exceeds maxiter.
n_rows, n_cols = matrix.shape
eye = jnp.eye(n_cols, dtype=matrix.dtype)

def _do_qr(args):
_, j, coefs, _, err = args
c = coefs[2]
lk = coefs[-1]
unconverged = _unconverged(lk, j, maxiter, err, tol_delta, tol_lk)
ill_conditioned = c > 100.
return jnp.logical_and(ill_conditioned, unconverged)

def _qr_work(args):
matrix, j, coefs, errs, _ = args
a, b, c, lk = coefs
csqrt = jnp.sqrt(c)
matrixI = jnp.vstack((csqrt * matrix, eye))
# Note: it should be possible to compute the QR of csqrt * matrix
# and build the concatenation with I at O(N).
Q, _ = jnp.linalg.qr(matrixI, mode="reduced")
Q1 = Q[:n_rows, :]
Q2 = Q[n_rows:, :]
coef = (1 / csqrt) * (a - (b / c))
new_matrix = (b / c) * matrix + coef * _dot(Q1, Q2.T.conj())
err = jnp.linalg.norm(matrix - new_matrix)
err = jnp.full(1, err).astype(errs[0].dtype)
errs =[j].set(err)
coefs = _qdwh_coefs(lk)
return new_matrix, j + 1, coefs, errs, err

j = jnp.zeros(1, dtype=jnp.int32)
err = jnp.full(1, 2 * tol_delta).astype(matrix.real.dtype)
matrix, j, coefs, errs, _ = jax.lax.while_loop(
_do_qr, _qr_work, (matrix, j, coefs, errs, err))
return matrix, j, coefs, errs

def _qdwh_cholesky(matrix, coefs, errs, tol_delta, tol_lk, j0, maxiter):
""" Applies the QDWH iteration formulated as
matrix' = (b / c) matrix + (a - b/c) B,
B = (matrix W^-1) W^-H, W = chol(I + c matrix^H matrix).
to matrix until either ||matrix' - matrix|| < eps * ||matrix'||,
or the iteration count exceeds maxiter.

def _do_cholesky(args):
_, j, coefs, errs = args
lk = coefs[-1]
return _unconverged(lk, j, maxiter, errs[j - 1], tol_delta, tol_lk)

def _cholesky_work(args):
matrix, j, coefs, errs = args
a, b, c, lk = coefs
Z = c * _dot(matrix.T.conj(), matrix)
Z = _add_to_diagonal(Z, 1.)
W = jsp.linalg.cholesky(Z)
B = jsp.linalg.solve_triangular(W.T, matrix.T, lower=True).conj()
B = jsp.linalg.solve_triangular(W, B).conj().T
new_matrix = (b / c) * matrix + (a - b / c) * B
# possible instability if a ~ b / c
err = jnp.linalg.norm(new_matrix - matrix).astype(errs[0].dtype)
errs =[j].set(err)
coefs = _qdwh_coefs(lk)
return new_matrix, j + 1, coefs, errs

carry = (matrix, j0, coefs, errs)
matrix, j_total, coefs, errs = jax.lax.while_loop(
_do_cholesky, _cholesky_work, carry)
return matrix, j_total - j0, errs

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