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Shawn Willden edited this page Mar 7, 2015 · 1 revision


This page details the different cryptographic algorithms supported by Keyczar and some details about their support across different implementations.

Keys are stored as JSON strings with a meta JSON file and then seperate files for each key in that keyset. Numeric components (eg. int, long) use big-endian byte order. All byte strings are encoded using web-safe base64.

Key Hash

Key hashes are used to distinguish keys in a keyset. It is assumed that no two keys will have the same hash within a keyset.

Key hashes are the first 4 bytes of a SHA1 digest of components that are dependent on algorithm.

Key Data

Most fields in key data are implementation specific. "Size" is a common field among all implementation and declares the key size in bits.


Each keyset is associated with one algorithm specified in the KeyMetadata. The format of this metadata is shown below.

    "encrypted": (true|false), 
    "name": "Name of Keyset", 
    "type": (algorithm_type), 
    "versions": [
            "exportable": (true|false), 
            "status": ("PRIMARY"|"ACTIVE"|"INACTIVE"), 
            "versionNumber": (key_version_number)

HMAC using SHA1

The digest size is 160 bits.

Key Hash

The key hash components are: key_bytes


    "purpose": "SIGN_AND_VERIFY", 
    "type": "HMAC_SHA1", 

Key Data

    "hmacKeyString": (key_bytes), 
    "size": 256


AES provides authenticated encryption through use of HMAC_SHA1 and AES. The block size is 128 bits.

Key Hash

The key hash components are: [aes_key_bytes.length] + [aes_key_bytes] + [hmac_key_bytes]


    "purpose": "DECRYPT_AND_ENCRYPT", 
    "type": "AES", 

Key Data

    "aesKeyString": (aes_key_bytes), 
    "hmacKey": {
        "hmacKeyString": (hmac_key_bytes), 
        "size": 256
    "mode": "CBC", 
    "size": (128|192|256)

DSA Public Key

The digest size is 384 bits. SHA1 is used for the digest.

Key Hash

The key hash components are: [leftTrimZero(p).length] + [leftTrimZero(p)] + [leftTrimZero(q).length] + [leftTrimZero(q)] + [leftTrimZero(g).length] + [leftTrimZero(g)] + [leftTrimZero(y).length] + [leftTrimZero(y)]


    "purpose": "VERIFY", 
    "type": "DSA_PUB",  

Key Data

    "g": (g_bytes), 
    "p": (p_bytes), 
    "q": (q_bytes), 
    "size": 1024, 
    "y": (y_bytes)

DSA Private Key

The digest size is 384 bits. SHA1 is used for the digest.

Key Hash

The key hash components are: [leftTrimZero(p).length] + [leftTrimZero(p)] + [leftTrimZero(q).length] + [leftTrimZero(q)] + [leftTrimZero(g).length] + [leftTrimZero(g)] + [leftTrimZero(y).length] + [leftTrimZero(y)]


    "purpose": "SIGN_AND_VERIFY", 
    "type": "DSA_PUB",  

Key Data

    "publicKey": {
        "g": (g_bytes), 
        "p": (p_bytes), 
        "q": (q_bytes), 
        "size": 1024, 
        "y": (y_bytes)
    "size": 1024, 
    "x": (x_bytes)

RSA Public Key

Possible digest sizes are 128, 256, 512 or 256 depending on key size and implementation. SHA1 is used for digests

Key Hash

The key hash components are: [leftTrimZero(modulus).length] + [leftTrimZero(modulus)] + [leftTrimZero(public_exponent).length] + [leftTrimZero(public_exponent)]

If padding is PKCS don't left trim zero bytes.


    "purpose": ("VERIFY"|"ENCRYPT"), 
    "type": "RSA_PUB", 

Key Data

    "modulus": (modulus_bytes), 
    "publicExponent": (exp_bytes), 
    "size": (1024|2048|4096),
    "padding": ("OEAP"|"PKCS")

Padding is an optional parameter that defaults to "OEAP"

RSA Private Key

Possible digest sizes are 128, 256, 512 or 256 depending on key size and implementation. SHA1 is used for digests

Key Hash

The key hash components are: [leftTrimZero(modulus).length] + [leftTrimZero(modulus)] + [leftTrimZero(public_exponent).length] + [leftTrimZero(public_exponent)]

If padding is PKCS don't left trim zero bytes.


    "type": "RSA_PRIV", 

Key Data

    "crtCoefficient": (crt_bytes), 
    "primeExponentP": (exp_p_bytes), 
    "primeExponentQ": (exp_q_bytes), 
    "primeP": (p_bytes), 
    "primeQ": (q_bytes), 
    "privateExponent": (exp_bytes)
    "publicKey": {
        "modulus": (modulus_bytes), 
        "publicExponent": (exp_bytes), 
        "size": (1024|2048|4096),
        "padding": ("OEAP"|"PKCS")
    "size": (1024|2048|4096)

Padding is an optional parameter that defaults to "OEAP"