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Nearby doesnt seem to be working again with beacons again? #882

craigahunter opened this issue Jan 18, 2017 · 67 comments

Nearby doesnt seem to be working again with beacons again? #882

craigahunter opened this issue Jan 18, 2017 · 67 comments


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Hi, I am wondering if the Nearby using beacons has been disabled again. I have reset the Android phone (lollipop) back to factory state after it is not picking anything up. It does show during a scan that bluetooth beacons are recognised but no notifications appear. I have even used a new beacon with a new secure URL and still nothing.

I know a few months ago Nearby was disabled and I am thinking this may have been done again. It seems to work so consistently on Apple devices but is very much hit and miss on Android. I think this will be a big point that prevents consumer uptake if its going to be so inconsistent.
Please advise if you can, kind regards Craig

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oninross commented Feb 2, 2017

Experiencing the same thing also. I swipe down and I dont see any notifications of nearby beacons.

I just noticed this. #880

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Sorry, that was an old warning that was supposed to be taken down. Things are working fine and that page has been updated.

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oninross commented Feb 2, 2017

Hi @scottjenson, I am not seeing anything on my notifications drawer. It was working a few weeks back until I wanted to do a check today. I have my locations and bluetooth enabled, the Nearby icon lights up but no notifications. Here is a screen shot. What did I miss now?


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Hi @scottjenson the physical web (used via google) still works although sporadically and I have to reset at times. The nearby however has not worked at all in quite some time. As I stated above I have reset the phone, installed any updates but it simply does'nt show anything. I've never had any problems with IOS but my android phone is very inconsistent. The device is picking up beacon signals when I scan with bluetooth only so the device is fine that way...just no nearby! Thanks

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scottjenson commented Feb 3, 2017 via email

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oninross commented Feb 4, 2017

Hi @scottjenson,

I did your tests, yes I am seeing the list with no problem. I checked Google Play Services and the version is what you said. I have woken up my phone a few times with no avail. 95% of the time the notification does not show up.

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Would you mind sending me the short url you are testing?

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oninross commented Feb 4, 2017


Here you go

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scottjenson commented Feb 4, 2017 via email

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oninross commented Feb 4, 2017

it is showing up in the list view. i go to setting > google > nearbly, i see the list. just not in the notifications drawer

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I just programed my own beacon to and confirmed that it is showing up in the list view but not notifications. I'm exploring why that is. One thing you can do as a potential workaround is to change the URL redirector to (or something similar) to just test out a different URL

One trick I use is to just add a parameter onto the end (like &x) but that seems to break your server.


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oninross commented Feb 4, 2017

@scottjenson thanks for the information. I will try the parameter for now.

Just a clarification, doesnt beacons hold only a number of characters for the URL? That is why it is suggested to use a URL shortener. I may have misunderstood it.

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oninross commented Feb 4, 2017

@scottjenson by the way, I just remembered that the parameter method did pose some issues for me before. Instead of hardcoding the variables in the html, I initially used the query params method (for more flexibility). However, after a while, nearby couldnt detect it anymore.

In addition to the said issue, this might pose a bigger issue if the beacons go live long term. If initially the beacons are working fine then a few weeks or months down the line the beacons are not discoverable.

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It's only the final URL that matters, I was suggesting you add a parm to the final I was just suggestion you change the redirected URL to a new one.

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oninross commented Feb 4, 2017

@scottjenson okies. thank you so much for your help :) Really appreciate it

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I've confirmed that your beacon is being lowered and not notifying. I'm looking into why this is. Can you confirm a few things for me?
Is this beacon live or are you just debugging at this point?
Are there many folks that might be near this beacon?

This will provide valuable feedback to the ratings team, thanks,


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oninross commented Feb 4, 2017

@scottjenson for this project, it is not yet live. We are about to push this for research and data gathering as soon as our material is ready to use.

FYI, I changed my URL shortener and added the parameter for safety. So far so good :) will keep you posted if i see any problems.

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@scottjenson I can confirm the same thing happened to one of my personal pages @

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@scottjenson Same here, yesterday our messages suddenly stopped sending messages. They were working perfectly fine day before that.
When you say 'your beacon was lowered' could you shed some more light on it? Are there some guidelines that we should follow.

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Hi Scott, sorry for the late reply i have been away. I have tried it on my particular device and its not working. I have switched nearby on and off but still nothing. It isn't even populating the list using Google settings like you suggested. The device uses Android 6.0.1 I have checked google play services settings and the device is using version 8.7.03 (no options are active to allow me to disable, update, or force stop). My main concern is the consistency of operation between devices if I am to introduce aspects of the physical web to business's so just ironing out the problems so to speak. Thanks again.

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GPS 8.7.03 is one year old; way before Nearby was introduced, you'll need v10.0.84 or newer.

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Thank you Adrian, that is correct. We totally appreciate not all devices have the latest software, but Nearby has been active nearly 6 months now, the number of devices with it is growing quickly.

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mcizol commented Feb 10, 2017

Same issue with Huawei P8 Lite 2017, Android 7
Google Play Services version: 10.2.98

I found a short-term solution, which may not work in some devices because of disabled "force stop" button..

  • force stop google play services
  • then refresh nearby app and you will see again the beacons around you.

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Chri82 commented Feb 18, 2017

Notifications of my beacons do not appear. Only when I go into "Settings" => "Google" => "Nearby" finally found the link and suddenly appears also in the pull-down notifications

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Device: Pixel XL
Google Play Services: 10.2.98
Android 7.1.2 BETA
I've recently stopped receiving beacon notifications in the notification drop down. If i click the "nearby" button it shows up, but not in the notification bar by itself anymore, this possibly might have stopped working after receiving the last android 7.1.2 BETA update but can't verify.
The "notify you when links are available" option is selected along with "nearby links available". I also tried to use "clear data" and have rebooted a few times.
Google play services showing "force close" grayed out, so that test isn't an option.
Would love to know if there is anything else I can try to get this to work again since I'm doing a demonstration of an app utilizing beacons in a couple of days.

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I have the same problem with notification drop down after re-installing and my Samsung S6. Before the re-install it worked fine. I can see the beacons in the nearby app.

Current versions which doesn't work

Google Play Services: 10.2.98
Android: 6.0.1

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I have stopped receiving notifications for beacons since a couple of days ago. This is on three different devices.

Device: Nexus 5X (two phones)
Google Play Services: 10.2.98
Android 7.1.1

Device: Nexus 6P
Google Play Services: 10.2.98
Android 7.1.2 BETA (Didn't get notifications on 7.1.1 either, upgraded yesterday)

Location and Bluetooth is on and nearby is set to show notifications for beacons on all devices.

I can see the the preview in the nearby app on all devices.
For some reason the nearby icon in the quick settings show as disabled, if I go to edit the quick settings nearby shows as enabled if I have just been in the nearby app, otherwise it's shows as disabled here also.

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At this point, things should be working with the latest GPS. keep in mind that Nearby monitors notifications and if no one clicks on them, they will eventually stop creating notifications. So we strongly recommend that you test with a debug URL that you can use until you go live.

If your beacon shows up in the listview you're 99% of the way there. Most of the time, the notification doesn't show up because you haven't power cycled your phone. The scan only happens when you wake up.

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Hi @scottjenson, do you mean that if the notification link isnt clicked for some time, it just doensnt show up anymore? That is my case now. I managed to broadcast a url in a beacon and im picking it up. But i didnt want to click it as i was enjoying just seeing that notification (yeah im weird). But now i have to go to Nearby just to see the link.

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@scottjenson what is the time period for witch a notification stops being shown if no one clicks it? Feels as this can happen quite easy with beacons in remote areas were a interaction isn't expected to happen very often or like now when beacons are a very new thing, people aren't used to it and will less likely click these notifications.

My main use of beacons is for interaction with virtual functions in remote places and these will be clicked extremely seldom. A bit concerned that this de-notification could potentially ruin the whole experience and product since the user will not find it unless they explicitly search for itwith the nearby app.

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limooi commented Aug 17, 2017

Mine's working here as well. Android 6.0.1

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We have given up on the Physical Web. It no longer functions as a meaningful mechanism for notifying users that web content is available nearby.

We now support nearby notification for users using our own iOS and Android background apps (launched by beacons). This provides for a level playing field between iOS and Android, makes for simple user opt-in (everybody knows how to install and app quickly and painlessly) and gives us far better control of notifications. They show up everywhere along with audio and vibration ... even on the Always On Display on some phones including Samsung Galaxy S*.

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HI @scottjenson ive noted you've been a bit quite on the subject of the physical web lately. It's understandable that your a very busy guy so I respect that. As there are a few poeple still putting their time and other resources into this is it safe to say that the physical web is still progressing as their are a few people on here who seem to be giving up over a few issues.....or are you looking into these issues and ways of maybe addressing them. The main issues seems to be:

  1. Inconsistency with it working on devices
  2. Adoption of the physical web and the "dropping off" of undiscovered or unused beacon links (I would expect this to be a large amount at this stage and therefore counter intuitive . Could we please receive an update or some comments on your feelings about these issues at the moment. Thanks again

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Sorry for my silence but I'm no longer working on the Chrome team and no longer working on the Physical Web project. This was obviously a big passion of mine and it's frustrating that i can no longer support you folks. I've always said that the Physical Web could only work if it was an open standard supported by many players. I strongly hope others continue with the Physical Web. The Eddystone standard isn't going anywhere and you can still find beacon URLs through Android Nearby.

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craigahunter commented Aug 28, 2017 via email

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Chrome should have specified many months ago their intended direction on the Physical Web. While I can't speak for them any more, everyone in this community has pretty much figured out that it's clearly not a high priority item for them.

I've always said that the Physical Web project was 'free like the air' type of project. It was setup so that it could continue even if Google dropped support. So I do hope people understand that any Eddystone beacon can broadcast any URL and any scanner can find it. There is nothing stopping anyone from building experiments/research/products on top of this.

Of course, the value of using URLs (instead of fixed IDs tied to only your database) is that it encourages an inter-operable space. Most single projects won't likely get this value if they are just a 'one off' type of approach. What will really help is if a group of projects feel like having a common shared way to describe objects.

I still feel strongly in this approach, especially in AR and IoT use cases and will personally continue to explore this space.

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Hi @scottjenson, I tried finding any news or update about this. Couldn't find it :(

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Hi @scottjenson ,

We are developing a proximity marketing webpanel using Eddystone UID which is interacting with the google dashboard. We registered the Eddystone UID beacons from our panel to google dashboard with message and URL. So far it was working fine and we are able to get the near by notification in all our smart phone's near by app as well as in notification bar.

But suddenly we are now facing an issue like we are able to discover the URL and message for all the registered Eddystone UID beacons in near by app. but somehow the notification is not generated in the notification bar for all the Eddystone UID. We checked in different forum but we are not getting any help from that.

Can you please suggested what could be the issue.


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Hi @Himen007,

Were you able to make these work? I am facing the exact same behavior as you described for the last few days. I had around 100 beacons in 1 project and they stopped showing up in the notification bar since a week.

I created a new project and added a beacon. It shows up both in the nearby app and in the notification bar. The ones in the older project show up only in the nearby app but not in the notification bar.

Like others in the group here, my use case is to show them in the notification bar.

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@dipbiswas Do you use URL shortener?

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@ferencbrachmann, Yes. We use EddystoneUID and some of these beacons use URL shorteners.

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Do you have your own shortener or use some existing service?

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dipbiswas commented Sep 26, 2017 via email

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dipbiswas commented Sep 26, 2017 via email

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  • still NOT showing up.

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Hi @dipbiswas,

No we are still not getting any solution. we follow the same steps as you done like creating a new project and added all the beacon into that project. and delete the old beacon from old project and also delete the project from google console.

Hope we can get some more info from @scottjenson.


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craigahunter commented Sep 27, 2017 via email

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I have verified your link in:
and it seems to be a validate link.

But as far as I know Google Nearby only works with HTTPS links.
Could you please use the shortener? This one uses the HTTPS protocol.
I have had some sort of the same issue with my URL.

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This problem comes and goes for us. Currently trying to setup 20 beacons. For two days we have setup the beacons the same way we have been, Beacon Tools see them on my Pixel and my Nexus 5, but Nearby on my Pixel will not see it, nor is it seen by Nexus 5. Sometimes it comes down to needing to send the URLs through the Physical Web Validator a few times and somehow that magically can start to make them work. (Some sort of caching issue on Google's backend?)

We use, all urls are HTTPS.
Tried updates to the phones
Turning tons of settings on and off
Different devices, about 10 of them

It all points to an issue on the backend as far as we can tell. It is hard to use something that only works sometimes.

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craigahunter commented Oct 12, 2017 via email

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MarkCasiano commented Oct 12, 2017 via email

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mmocny commented Oct 12, 2017

Interesting observations. To me this hints at scanning issues? Are you able to detect the beacon using a bluetooth scanning tool, or even just the Nearby list?

Even that test isn't a fair test, since using a high powered foreground scan can change the test results of the low power background scan, but it may give some clues.

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I am able to detect the beacons with other scanning tools no problem.

I tried MarkCasiano's and craigahunter's observations to see if that would make a difference for us, but it did not.

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MarkCasiano commented Oct 13, 2017 via email

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craigahunter commented Oct 13, 2017 via email

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Moreiq commented Nov 4, 2017

It seems that nearby notification are sporadic and do not follow any logic if not used via an APP.

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santoshbadabade commented Dec 1, 2017

Hello everyone,
I am working with Eddystone url notification working fine.
but after 2min that notification will be not show in notifiaction bar. I am using the SAMB11 controller.
and another is when show notification that time no sound come or no vibration. user dont undestand the that eddystone url is come.


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hulkco commented Apr 6, 2018

Hello everyone, I am working with EddyStone URL, and I have found that notices for URLs with the "HTTP" protocol are simply not shown, only those that have "HTTPS", even if they are masked under a URL shortener.

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@hulkco Please read this:

The end URL (and all resources on it as well!) requires HTTPS exclusively.

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hulkco commented Apr 6, 2018

Thanks @ferencbrachmann, with this article it is more clear to me how to configure the beacons !!

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