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Google Analytics for Firebase Wrapper for Adjust

Copyright (c) 2019 Google Inc. All rights reserved.

The Google Analytics for Firebase wrapper for Adjust allows developers to easily send information to both the Adjust and Google Analytics for Firebase backends.

Using the Wrapper

In order to use the Adjust wrapper:

  1. Follow the steps here to set up the Google Analytics for Firebase SDK in your app.
  2. Copy the source files inside the AdjustWrapper directory into your project.
  3. Register your Adjust token to event dictionary mapping using [AdjustWrapper setEventMapping:] after Firebase initialization. This mapping allows the wrapper to log events to the Google Analytics SDK with the real name (not just the token).
  4. Replace supported references to Adjust API with AdjustWrapper;
  5. Replace references to ADJEvent with ADJWrappedEvent.

Some methods are not supported by the wrapper. For these methods, directly call the base implementation on the Adjust object.

Registering the Event Mapping

Instead of using event names within the SDK, Adjust uses tokens that map to event names on the backend. Since the Google Analytics for Firebase SDK is unaware of this mapping, it should be provided to the wrapper to ensure that the event names show up properly in the Firebase console. Register it by passing a dictionary into the [AdjustWrapper setEventMapping:] API. This dictionary should reflect the token to event name mapping provided by Adjust. Make sure that this mapping is established before the first Adjust event is logged, or event name shown in the Firebase console will be incorrect.


[AdjustWrapper setEventMapping: @{
  @"abcde1" : @"sign_up",
  @"abcde2" : @"tutorial_begin",
  @"fghijk" : @"your_custom_event"

Supported Methods

The following API methods and properties are supported in the AppsFlyer wrapper. Use the wrapper by replacing Adjust in these instances with AdjustWrapper:

  • [[Adjust sharedTracker] trackEvent:]
  • [Adjust trackEvent: withValue:]

Replace ADJEvent with ADJWrappedEvent in these instances:

  • [ADJEvent eventWithEventToken:]
  • [ADJEvent alloc] initWithEventToken:]

Using With Swift

In order to use the Adjust wrapper with a Swift project, make sure your project has a bridging header. In the bridging header file, add the line #import "AdjustWrapper.h". This will allow you to use AdjustWrapper like a normal Swift class.


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