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feat(w1r3): new dashboards to compare results #63

feat(w1r3): new dashboards to compare results

feat(w1r3): new dashboards to compare results #63

Workflow file for this run

name: formatting
branches: [ main ]
name: formatting
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v3
- uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: '1.22'
- uses: actions/setup-java@v3
distribution: temurin
java-version: 11
- name: terraform fmt
# Format any Terraform HCL scripts.
run: |
git ls-files -z -- '*.tf' | xargs -P 2 -n 50 -0 terraform fmt
- name: cmake-format
# Format any go code.
run: |
git ls-files -z -- '*.go' |
xargs -P 2 -n 50 -0 go fmt
- name: clang-format
# Format the C++ code, if any.
run: |
git ls-files -z -- '\.(cc|h)$' | xargs -P 2 -n 50 -0 clang-format -i
- name: install
# Install cmake-format to format the C++ build files.
run: |
pip install cmakelang==0.6.13
- name: cmake-format
run: |
git ls-files -z -- CMakeLists.txt '**/CMakeLists.txt' '*.cmake' |
xargs -P 2 -n 1 -0 /home/runner/.local/bin/cmake-format -i
- name: google-java-format
run: |
java -version
git ls-files -z -- '**/pom.xml' |
xargs -0 -I{} dirname {} |
xargs -I{} env -C {} mvn com.coveo:fmt-maven-plugin:format
- name: check-diff
# Show any differences caused by the previous steps. If there are any
# that breaks the build, because it indicates one of our files is not
# formatted properly.
run: git diff --ignore-submodules=all --color --exit-code .