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💚 ci: math - fix run ci tests error on go1.19 #690

💚 ci: math - fix run ci tests error on go1.19

💚 ci: math - fix run ci tests error on go1.19 #690

GitHub Actions / staticcheck failed Dec 11, 2023 in 0s

reviewdog [staticcheck] report

reported by reviewdog 🐶

Findings (4)

envutil/envutil_test.go|102 col 11| variadic argument "kvPairs" is expected to have even number of elements, but has 3 elements
reflects/reflects.go|15 col 2| var fmtStringerType is unused
reflects/util.go|13 col 6| func loopIndirect is unused
strutil/strutil.go|93 col 5| var builtInFuncs is unused

Filtered Findings (0)


Check failure on line 102 in envutil/envutil_test.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / staticcheck

[staticcheck] envutil/envutil_test.go#L102 <SA5012>(

variadic argument "kvPairs" is expected to have even number of elements, but has 3 elements
Raw output
{"source":{"name":"staticcheck","url":""},"message":"variadic argument \"kvPairs\" is expected to have even number of elements, but has 3 elements","code":{"value":"SA5012","url":""},"location":{"path":"/home/runner/work/goutil/goutil/envutil/envutil_test.go","range":{"start":{"line":102,"column":11}}},"severity":"ERROR"}

Check failure on line 15 in reflects/reflects.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / staticcheck

[staticcheck] reflects/reflects.go#L15 <U1000>(

var fmtStringerType is unused
Raw output
{"source":{"name":"staticcheck","url":""},"message":"var fmtStringerType is unused","code":{"value":"U1000","url":""},"location":{"path":"/home/runner/work/goutil/goutil/reflects/reflects.go","range":{"start":{"line":15,"column":2}}},"severity":"ERROR"}

Check failure on line 13 in reflects/util.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / staticcheck

[staticcheck] reflects/util.go#L13 <U1000>(

func loopIndirect is unused
Raw output
{"source":{"name":"staticcheck","url":""},"message":"func loopIndirect is unused","code":{"value":"U1000","url":""},"location":{"path":"/home/runner/work/goutil/goutil/reflects/util.go","range":{"start":{"line":13,"column":6}}},"severity":"ERROR"}

Check failure on line 93 in strutil/strutil.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / staticcheck

[staticcheck] strutil/strutil.go#L93 <U1000>(

var builtInFuncs is unused
Raw output
{"source":{"name":"staticcheck","url":""},"message":"var builtInFuncs is unused","code":{"value":"U1000","url":""},"location":{"path":"/home/runner/work/goutil/goutil/strutil/strutil.go","range":{"start":{"line":93,"column":5}}},"severity":"ERROR"}