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SoundSystem API

gordielachance edited this page Jul 27, 2021 · 14 revisions

Alongside with the WP SoundSystem plugin, an API has been developed in Ruby.

It was originally built to add a tracklist importer feature to the WP SoundSystem plugin, by getting standardized datas from various music services like Spotify,, Musicbrainz, and many more – it even works with your own CSS selectors !

It is also used by the plugin to get playable audio sources automatically for a track (Youtube, Soundcloud, …), etc.

If you have installed the WP SoundSystem plugin, or if you are developing a music app, you definitely want to get an API key !

It took a huge amount of time to develop both the API and the plugin. While the WP SoundSystem plugin is free, this API isn’t: it is a way to try to monetize all the work done, to keep the project alive.

The actual price is 50$/year. Test it first! Get a free demo day by giving the plugin a rating on

By buying an API key, you do understand that some features of this API depend on external services, and might stop or evolve.
We will do our best to offer you the best experience possible.

Just contact me if you have any questions.

Thanks !

PS: The WP SoundSystem plugin WILL work fine without API key. It just adds some nice features, and it is a way to support the work done – hundred of hours – , and to ensure its durability.


  • v2/importers GET (no auth needed) : Get a list of the available importers
  • v2/importer GET (no auth needed) : Get a single importer. Parameters : url. Can be used to test if a tracklist URL is supported for import.
  • v2/auth/token POST Get the token required to make an API request
  • v2/auth/userdata GET Get datas on the current user
  • v2/tracklist/import GET Import an URL and returns a JSPF tracklist. Parameters : url; optionnals parameters: options. The pagination property received in the results can be sent back as an option to the endpoint to get tracks from the next page.
  • v2/track/search POST Returns a JSPF track from another music service. Parameters : track (jspf), service (musicbrainz|spotify)
  • v2/track/links POST Returns some links for this track, including Spotify URL, etc. Parameters : track (jspf)
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